Her gaze shifted to one side again, and there stood a young woman. Although the woman was wearing no new clothes, she hadn't been patched. Her face was ruddy, and she didn't have the muddy smell of these villagers. , And there is not the smell of oily smoke on the body of the ordinary peasant girl. She should be a good person. Shen Qingci's sight shifted, and it also moved to her hair. Seeing this girl’s hair, there was a pin attached to her hair. Hairpin, although this hairpin is simple, you can see the material is excellent, and there is a slightly blue pearl on it.

Let’s not mention the material of the hairpin, just the blue pearl, I’m afraid it can sell a lot of silver.

Obviously, this woman is somewhat unworthy of such a hairpin.

"Who is she?"

Shen Qingci asked Niu Xiaoling on one side. Niu Xiaoling is the great-granddaughter of Niu's wife. She is only thirteen years old. She has a cute and pleasing face. She is also hardworking, so Shen Qingci always takes her by her side.

Niu Xiaoling glanced at the well-dressed woman.

"That's the old lady of a wealthy aunt."

Old ladies and old ladies are also the most painful and favorite of old ladies.

It turned out that she was really old, otherwise, it would be impossible to give her such an expensive hairpin.

"Asu," Shen Qingci called out Aso's name.

Asu clearly put down the sword in her hand, she stepped forward and was also shocked by the young woman. When Asu raised her hand, the young woman's face changed drastically, and her instinct was to hug her. Her head, but she suddenly felt her hair light, and when she reacted, the hairpin on her head had reached Aso's hands.


The young woman hurriedly tried to reach out her hand to take back her own things, but when she saw Asu's almost murderous eyes, she could only take her hand back without knowing it.

Asu gave the hairpin in her hand to Shen Qingci, and Shen Qingci took it over, and she took the hairpin in front of her eyes.

This is something from her mother. She remembered that she had remembered it for two lifetimes. When the mother reached the end, she only had such a hairpin on her body. It was carried with her for many years, but later, mother Even such a hairpin with a bundle of hair is gone.

In fact, my mother said that this hairpin will be given to her in the future, because there will be a little secret in it, but unfortunately, my mother has not come to say, what is this secret, she has replaced the hairpin with rice, just thinking Let her little Ah Ning live.

The mother didn't use hairpins to change her medicine or her life. Instead, she replaced her daughter with three meals a day. She spent her life loving her daughter, and also in exchange for her daughter's life at her own death.

It's just that in the last life, Shen Qing was disappointed and let down his mother.

Fortunately, she still has a chance to make up, and if she hadn't been here, she would really forget about it.

She took the hairpin and walked to the chair on one side, and sat down too.

"Is this Lady Shen's back then?"

Old lady Niu recognized it at a glance. This is what Lou Xuefei belongs to. In their village, there was only Lou Xuefei who could carry this kind of hairpin. But then Lou Xuefei gave the hairpin to his wealthy wife in exchange for himself. My daughter has three meals a day.

"You robbers!"

The woman who lost the hairpin was so angry that she cried. This must not be her beloved thing. It is because of this that she can raise her head in her in-law’s house and in front of her brother-in-law. It’s a superior one. In her husband’s house, it’s all because of such a hairpin. That’s why people in her husband’s family are jealous, and she doesn’t dare to point fingers at her. She always carries this hairpin wherever she goes. This is hers. These people Why take her things?

Shen Qingci played with the hairpin in his hand. This hairpin is indeed good. Even after such a long time, it is frequently used by people, but it hasn't lost the color at all. I don't know what kind of material it is made of?

At that time, the Lou family was wealthy and could not be an enemy of the country. There was nothing rare in the Lou family. Although the Lou family declined a little later, even the people were scarce, but her maternal ancestors gave her mother a lot of compensation.

This hairpin may have belonged to the Lou family.

She turned the hairpin in her hand again, and when the old lady from the rich family wanted to scold someone, she was directly angry with Niu.

"shut up!"

Old lady Niu really wanted to slap and slap her. They were all good daughters taught by Wang Guixiang. She was not able to do anything by herself, and she also let her daughter get such a temper.

"Wang Guixiang, tell her, where did the hairpin come from? Where did you anoint it? Can you buy such a good hairpin with a net worth like your Wang family?"

Niu Pozi said one sentence after another, and they all talked about the rich daughter-in-law’s noodles. How did this thing come from? Others don’t know, but is it possible that Niu does not know?

From beginning to end, Old Lady Niu knew everything, but the knife just kept saying nothing.

Niu's words are also correct.

Just like their family, they have been poor for generations. When they were the poorest, the family wore a pair of trousers. Whoever went out would wear these trousers. Whether they were big or small, they were all naked. How could it be possible to buy such a good hairpin?

These ox ladies knew, and the wealthy wife Wang Guixiang knew too, but Wang Guixiang's daughter didn't.

"This is my mother's heirloom. Where else can it come from? Of course it belongs to my mother."

The Niu lady who said this sentence really wanted to spit on Wang Guixiang's face, she really dare to say it?

"Wang Guixiang, can you ask for some face? That lady Shen didn't make it at first, so she used this hairpin in exchange for your three meals a day, but you, one meal gave a black-faced bun, just you The black-faced bun at home is worth a few dollars, even if it’s for dogs, dogs don’t know how to eat those things."

"You are ignorant of your conscience, you have blackened your heart, and you took the hairpin, but you have no good children to face the child. Now you still want to find work in the hands of others. You dare to mention this, but they did not drive your family away. Just leave the village."

Wang Guixiang’s complexion became more ugly, and her hands were tugging at her clothes from time to time. She was afraid that she would be seen by others. Even if she was old, she would be cheeky, but now her face , Where did her face go?

And she secretly glanced at Shen Qingci again, and quickly lowered her head, she didn't even dare to look at it the next time. It seems that she also remembered who this person was, how could this be a ghost, That woman died a long time ago, but this one was really exactly the same as the long one, and she didn't know what was happening. She was so frightened that she was shaking like a wind.

Shen Qingci gently turned the hairpin in his hand.

"Baimei, give them some steamed buns."

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