Thanks to Guoer, I can help.

Otherwise, at her speed, she earns more and spends more money. Maybe she hasn't saved enough money. The children in her family will really be bachelors for a lifetime.

She lowered her head and started to make spices, and these spices, in the eyes of others, may have a lot of knowledge, but here in Shen Qingci, it is just easy to come by.

Grab a hand here, pinch some there, and seal it with a honey pill. Some will become incense in an instant, while some will take some time.

They are worthy of being a couple who have lived for a long time, and they work very well in harmony. Anything that requires physical effort is also brought about by branding.

Soon after, there were already a lot of incense, all from Shen Qingci’s hands, and these were all a million taels of silver. If you count by the silver, Shen Qingci’s incense room, eight Chengdu is full of money.

But she still felt that she was very poor, even if she was given a golden mountain and silver mountain, but in the end she would still be given to Huo Huoguang.

Therefore, Shen Qingci knew that he was a toil in his entire life, and he owed Da Zhou in his previous life, and the emperor who harmed Da Zhou also harmed the people of Da Zhou. Therefore, in this life, she must do this. Are you still there?

She squashed her mouth.

Continue to make spices.

I don’t know how long it took. A white fox ran in, with a smaller one in his mouth. The smaller one, with a pair of round eyes, was just hanging there. Even the tail is motionless.

The white fox jumped up and reached the table in no time. It also put the little fox in his mouth on the table.

"What's the matter?" Shen Qingci put down the spices in his hands and also hugged the little fox.

This big one is okay. It’s strong since it was a child. Last time it wasn’t cut in half. It was good at it, but within a few days, it’s already the same as before. It’s the little one who jumped and ran. Yes, it is really difficult to raise.

According to Luo Yuyi, this is just a congenital deficiency. If it weren't for this, Xiao Hu would not be able to send it to them again.

But when she lowered her head, she saw the little fox stunned, her eyes half-squinted, and she was not very energetic.

Suddenly, with a sneeze, the little fox sneezed, his body shook a few times, and then it became a fox cake again.

It's cold, isn't the quilt covered?

Shen Qingci was puzzled. She obviously covered it with a quilt. Is it possible that this was kicked? It is harder to raise this fox than to raise a small garden. And when he thinks of the small garden, Shen Qingci's heart again It's uncomfortable.

I don’t know how the child is, whether it’s a good life? Being in the royal family is his luck, but it is his misfortune. If possible, she really hopes that he is just an ordinary child, with parents who love him, a good birth, and a respectable elder. enough.

"See..." The little fox sneezed again, which clearly meant that he had a cold.

But it is long-haired.

Shen Qingci is really helpless for this fox. How did he live in the snow-capped mountains before and how did he survive?

"I'll take a look."

Lao Hengsu stretched out his hand, and also hugged Xiao Lao Bai in his arms, and then put his hand on its small body, and lost some of his own internal energy to it. Xiao Lao Bai is quiet now. Shrinking himself into a group of foxes, this is asleep.

"How's it going?"

Shen Qingci asked Brandon, "But okay?"

This one is much harder to feed every year. She has headaches. During these three days, both of them have been sick.

"It should be a wind chill," Biao Hengsi held the little one to his eyes, "Let me ask if there is a doctor here, preferably some veterinarian."

Asu knew the art of medicine, but he could only cure people, not foxes, so he had to find someone else to try it.

But Daxiang stood up immediately after hearing this, and went out to ask Mrs. Niu to see if he could find such a doctor. In such a small village, there are indeed such doctors, and some doctors not only know how Cure people, in fact, can cure diseases such as horses and cattle.

After the old lady Niu knew, this was also serious thinking.

"You go find Mr. Bai."

Lady Niu quickly ordered another grandson of her own

And that Mr. Bai, who was from their neighboring village, was a doctor from a travel party. They all called him a sir. On weekdays, the villagers had a headache and would always look for this doctor, if it was a livestock raised in the family. When there is a problem, he can also appreciate it.

Although I still don’t know why Shen Qingci is looking for a doctor, but Niu is so eager to see that Baimei is so eager, and there is not much delay, so she asks her grandson to help invite people. Baimei probably asked about the way, and she was also driven by a carriage. This can also be faster.

By the time the carriage brought people back, it was already half an hour later. The mountain road ahead was not very easy to walk. Fortunately, it was all in the carriage. If it was changed to walking, it would be 80%. Two or three hours are not in time to come back, when the day lily is also cold along with it.

When the old doctor would see his patient, he stared for a long time, thinking that he was dim-eyed.

Is this a mouse or a squirrel?

In the end, when he took a closer look, he knew that this was not a mouse, and certainly not a squirrel, but a white fox.

This wealthy family is particular about it. Even the little things they raise are not ordinary cats and dogs, but a little white fox.

The old doctor glanced over, and he knew that this little fox had some lack of knowledge, maybe something happened to the mother fox when he was born, so this one was born very weak.

In the animal kingdom, the weak and the strong have always eaten. Such a weak fox can live now, and it must be said that it is a miracle.

Shen Qingci also quite agrees with this sentence. The reason why this fox survived is probably because it is the only snow fox among Xiaohu's so many fox grandchildren, so Xiao Hu prefers it a bit, too. After taking care of meticulously, I met Luo Yuxi and Luo Yuyi again. Luo Yuxi always carried this fox away. Luo Yuyi also used it on his body. I don’t know how many panacea he has used. Yes, he saved his life as a fox.

It is extremely difficult for the eccentric Snow Fox to grow up. It has been this size for more than ten years, and Shen Qingci feels a little headache thinking about it.

And also a very dumb fox.

"Nothing," the old doctor touched the little fox's head again, "It's just that I've caught the cold. I just have a plan. I used to treat a little chicken, a duck, and a rabbit. It was all good. Yes, although I haven't cured a fox, it should be the same. It can be cured."

"Thanks to the doctor."

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