The rain was so boring and real, it made his heart feel like being pressed by something, and some irritability also caused him.

This rain is partly growing, and it is also at this time, when the wheat is about to be harvested.


There was a whistling sound from outside.

Then he ran into a small snow dumpling and jumped over. Just before Shen Qingci could react, there was already a little white fox in his arms.


Lao Bai licked his master's finger, but he missed the master, and of course he wanted to eat meat more.

Shen Qingci touched its small ears.

"Why are you back? Didn't your master come back?"


Lao Bai called out again, not knowing what it was calling?

But Shen Qingci didn't have to think about it at all, he knew what this little boy was calling, he was hungry, and he was also asking for food.

"You go to your tiger skin to play for a while, and I will have someone prepare some food for you."

Lao Bai called again, and he jumped off Shen Qingci’s legs and ran towards the room. After he got in through the door, he went to his tiger skin and happily went there. Rolled inside several times.

This is the life a fox should live, with warm tiger skins sleeping and delicious meat to eat.

Shen Qingci ordered Xiaoli who was standing on the side.

"Go to the kitchen and say something, let the little fox cook some meat, they know what to do."


Xiao Lifu shook his body, and this was already going down, and not long after, Xiao An and Niu Xin came over, but they couldn't get past Laobai. Laobai entered the mansion and ran out, not afraid of rain or fear. It warmed the claws, and it went to find the princess, and their two-legged ones were no better than the four-legged ones, and it was only now.

"The young man asked the younger Jiang Laobai to send back. The days in the temple were hard, and it was raining. It was so big that it was not suitable for it to live in."

Niu Xin was busy.

"I see." Shen Qingci shook the tuan fan in his hand. The wind that came out of this fan still couldn't get rid of it. At this time, such a rainy day brought her that kind of depression.

And when she heard the news brought back by Xiaoan and Niu Xin, the dullness and depression in her heart remained for a long time. ,

She lived to thirty in her last life, and everything she knew about the outside was in the past. She is now like others, so she doesn't know what will happen or what will happen.

The rain didn't seem to be going well. Although she didn't know what was going on outside, she was born with a sensitivity to danger.

But now that this feeling is coming, it may be bad outside.

The reason is that it is very likely that the Lord is raining outside, but it is not, so she can only wait for the news to come.

She asked Xiao'an and Niu Xin to go down first, and she also took the things they wanted, let people help them tidy up, and took them away together. She was not afraid of the cold weather there, so she asked them to bring the above quilts. .

The temperature in the mountains is much colder than outside, so I usually bring some for emergencies, and I don’t know how long it will rain, and how long will they stay in the mountains?

Therefore, she helped them bring clothes, books, pen, ink, paper and inkstone, as well as some food, some dried fruits, and snacks.

If it weren't for the land of Qingxiu, Shen Qingci still wanted to bring some meat to them.

So now they can't eat this meat, they can only eat it, there is only a small white.

Niu Xin and Xiao An also didn't stop in the mansion any more, and quickly took their own things, and also took what Shen Qingci had prepared for them, and then went to Xiangjue Temple again.

And as soon as they left with their front feet, another carriage stopped outside.

"Are they here?"

Shen Qingci was feeding Laobai eating meat, still preparing, she would sit here mostly in a daze, thinking about something, but they came.

"Let people come in."

She said faintly, and then she poured herself a cup of tea, and she sat there to drink for herself. If it hadn't been raining, she might be in a better mood today.

After all, there are a lot of new fragrances on Yipin Incense today. The silver earned on this day may be the sum of the usual January. She loves silver the most, and of course he loves making silver.

But now even the talents can't make her smile much, so she knows how bad her mood is now.

Outside, Brother Hui frequently tidied up his clothes. Even Brother Jing was a little nervous. He wasn't nervous at first, but Brother Hui was burdened.

Inexplicably, he was also nervous and afraid.

"Brother, don't you need to be like this?"

Brother Jing really couldn't stand it anymore. It was their aunt and not someone else. Doesn't it need to be so nervous?

And the younger brother who Hui'er glared at, of course also asked Brother Jing to shut his mouth directly, and now he didn't dare to say anything.

Brother Hui now wants to squeeze his heart.

"I didn't let you go back, why do you want to go back?"

"But I miss my mother."

Brother Jing really felt that he was wronged. It was only natural for this son to miss his mother.

"Okay, you think, you think, but now how do you go back?"

Brother Hui asked Brother Jing, "Where are you as my little aunt? Did you come and leave when you wanted? Look at the injuries on your body, they are all not good, go back. , Who will treat you, and your mother?"

"How old you are, why can't you leave your mother, do you think you are still a suckling child?"

This sentence after sentence also used Jing Ge'er to scold him as a dog-blood sprinkler, and also made Jing Ge'er cover his face involuntarily, all of which were splashed by his elder brother's saliva.

But even so, he didn't dare to talk too much, he was afraid that he would be beaten for a while.

"Stand up."

Brother Hui kicked Brother Jing again, "Do you remember where you came from?"

"Sit without sitting, standing without standing, this is the absence of grandfather, if grandfather is there, seeing you like this, don't break your legs."

And now he doesn’t just hate iron but not steel. He really doesn’t want to recognize this younger brother. He grew up with his grandfather’s hands, and he has been with his grandfather for the longest time. In the ages, Dazhou’s national situation has been better year after year. Although they are military commanders, they have no battles to fight. The mansion is not bad at silver. Grandfather automatically asked Ying to go to the border to train soldiers. So Jing brother can say that they are all Raised by a mother.

In the end, they have developed this way, standing without standing, sitting without sitting, writing is not a martial art, and is also partial, and it is not a brain.

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