Soldiers need to be trained and the enemy needs to fight.

It is also to beware that those who are not honest will start the war at that time, but he has no one to dispatch.

Therefore, Shen Dingshan also used those barbarians as training soldiers.

But when it comes to training soldiers, they are all stationed here, especially recently, those people seem to have new moves, and after a long period of recuperation, they seem to have a lot of people.

Sooner or later, there may be a battle, and Shen Dingshan is not afraid of them on weekdays, even if they have thousands of troops, they are not afraid, but the trouble is recently.

They don’t have much food and grass, and according to the past, the military rations from the court should have been shipped early, but this is how long it has passed, there is no news or no food.

Shen Dingshan also sent someone to urge, and the people who urged the grain had not yet come back, so Shen Dingshan thought that he should raise some first. In such a tense situation, he must not miss the grain of the soldiers.

It was only when they were raising grain that they knew that a rain in the Great Week had wiped out the grain of several large-producing counties, and it can be said that almost all grains have been harvested now.

And if you think about it this way, the army rations from the court can't be delivered, and it can be said that it has passed. The grain in the court granary is afraid to release more. Once the grain is short, it is not the death of one person or two. I am afraid that there is not enough food.

So now Shen Dingshan is worried.

Lao Yuyi patted Tao Tao's head, and then pointed to one of the mountains, "Tao Tao went there to find food."

Taotao licked the back of her master's hand, and ran towards the mountain. As it passed, it shocked the many soldiers. Before he could react, the huge white lion, Just disappeared in a hurry.

Outside, Yu Wenyu asked people to move the grains in bags to the warehouse.

Shen Dingshan took off his armor and put it aside. It is indeed not like an ordinary 80-year-old man. If he is about 40, I am afraid that some people will believe it. Compared with him, the Jingkong Mage is even more. It is young, so Luo Yuyi is no longer willing to follow the strange things in their mansion, just treat them as blessed.

Shen Dingshan sat on the chair and put his hands on the table. This was asking his grandson.

"You didn't bring anything else to the grandfather?" These little ones have no conscience. Fortunately, he thinks about them and reads them every day. The big one has no conscience, and the little one has no conscience. Is it because of him? No, so they have forgotten his. Can't they?

Just when Shen Dingshan's heart was very resentful, Xiao An came in with a big jar.

"My son, you forgot about this, it's so small to remember."

Before Xiao An finished speaking, he stretched out a big hand and took the jar away.

Xiao An looked at her empty hand with a dazed face.

What the **** happened, is this the hell?

He scratched his head and saw that Shen Dingshan was sitting on his armchair again and a large jar was placed on the table.

Isn't this the one he was holding just now?

He turned his head, also deflated, really want to say, son, he seems to be hell.

"You go out and look at some of those grains," Luo Yuyi stretched out his hand and patted the soil on Xiaoan's shoulder. "Let them separate the new grain from the old grain. Don't confuse it."

"Yes," Xiao An knew.

And after that, he went out quickly. He always followed the son, and he also knew how to distinguish between the new grains and the old grains? If he doesn't go, these people will surely get worse.

Besides, Shen Dingshan had already opened the wine jar and smelled a kind of strong liquor.

He took out a bowl and poured himself a large bowl, took it directly, and drank it.

The best tiger bone wine is the very strong one. It’s always cold here all year round. After this bowl of wine, almost all the blood in his whole body has been warmed up, especially the warmth in his throat. It was also from his throat, to his lungs, to his stomach, as well as his internal organs and six abdomen, the whole was also warm and comfortable.

He couldn't help but poured himself another bowl.

"How many altars are there?" Shen Dingshan knocked on the wine altar on the table.

"There are about six altars in total, and dozens of altars in the family are reserved for my grandparents."

Lao Yuyi only brought these six altars of tiger bones for soaking wine this time. They were brought back by his mother last time. They were all extremely old tiger bones. They are good for medicinal purposes. He brewed it with his own hands, using top-quality shochu, plus tiger bones, and dozens of valuable herbs, so this wine is not only delicious, but also a kind of medicinal wine. This daily drink The above ones can cure stubborn physical illnesses, especially for people like his maternal grandfather who spent many years leading soldiers outside. It is an excellent tonic.

"Okay!" Shen Dingshan slapped the table vigorously, "This is a good grandson, knowing what my grandparents need most? It's like those who have no conscience, they are all born for nothing."

One by one, they didn't know how to send him something, and it would take a bite.

"Forget it, I don't want them anymore," Shen Dingshan pointed to a chair again, "Come and sit down. Grandpa asked you a few words."


Luo Yuyi bowed to Shen Dingshan. The gentleman of Qianqian, the outstanding bright moon, also has a kind of free and easy to himself. Fortunately, he did not show his true face, otherwise the charm of this body would make a woman faint.

Such a face did not grow on a woman, and it was indeed a pity.

Luo Yuyi walked over and sat down with his clothes.

Shen Dingshan poured himself a glass of wine again. This time it was a little slower to drink. He also knew that this wine can’t be greedy. There are more than one bowl a day, but he has not drunk such good wine in a long time. Slanderous tight.

"Where did the grain and grass come from?" The court didn't dare to open the warehouse to release the grain. Even his army ration had not been sent, and where did so much grain come from?

His family, A Ning, is a wealthy country, but now it is not possible to buy food with money.

"My grandparents don't know."

This is Luo Yuyi's explanation of food to Shen Dingshan.

"Every time my mother opened a shop, she bought thousands of acres of land here at the same time, and used it to grow grain. The grain harvested every year was collected by herself. When the new grain was replaced with the old grain, the old grain was replaced. Sell ​​it to ensure that there are always new grains in the grain depot. This year’s situation is a little special. Some shops have received new grains but the old grains have not been sold. Some shops and new grains have also been severely affected, and some have only received new grains. Half of it, but it’s good, but the old grain is there."

The food he sent this time was from the three shops of Yipin, and the ones with the most food. Some of them were found by the grandson's horse thief, and they were all sent to the grandfather.

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