"They are looking for death by themselves."

He did not feel that he was doing something wrong, nor did he feel that he was really bloodthirsty.

If he doesn't kill them, they will kill others.

Therefore, these wicked people are more than guilty.

As long as they don't hit their minds on their bodies, then, he walked his sunny way, and they went to their single-plank bridge.

If it wasn't for hitting him, then wash his neck and wait for him to come and chop.

"carry on."

Luo Yuxi closed his eyes and ordered the guards outside. He must also send back the same amount of food to Jingzhong and send it to his uncle.

The carriage moved forward again, and based on the current distance, they should be able to reach the capital in about ten days.

What he has seen and heard along the way has already let him know that this year’s food shortage may be more troublesome than he imagined. First, the heavy rain and the drought after the rain. It is really possible that there will be no harvest. How many people will be saved in the end?

"It's faster."

Lao Yuxi opened his eyes again, and the light in his eyes flashed again. We worked harder again. We will send the food back to Beijing as soon as possible, and then we will be safe, otherwise the more we will go. , The more troublesome it is, I don’t know how many things will be encountered along the way.

Although he was indifferent, he could not wait for someone to kill him along the way, and the more he killed, the happier he was.

However, he was unwilling to take too many lives.

The guard outside understood, and hurriedly made a gesture, and then the speed of the carriage was faster.

Even at night, they didn't stop, and they had to drive day and night without stopping, so that they could get to the capital in the shortest time.

When it comes to night, they are divided into two teams. One team will rest on the carriage, while the other part will continue to move forward. The first half of the night and the second half of the night will each be a group. After dawn, rest and continue to set off.

Lao Yuxi took out some dry food and started eating with the water in the kettle.

The people in their house have always been particular about it, especially him. This money is like running water. Whenever he has been so wronged by himself, even a small servant is not there.

I slept in a carriage and ate dry food. I stayed in the carriage all day and night. The food and lodging were also in the carriage. The clothes were not changed for a few days, not to mention that I could find an inn and take a bath. A piece of clothing.

He has never been so dirty in his life.

But he endured all these things. Only when he returned to the capital could he be a little prince. The longer he was on the road, the more he suffered.

So it is better to go back earlier and send the food back. Then he can sleep on his good bed in the mansion, eat fine delicacies from the mansion, and then wear his fine brocade clothes and play with the brand white. .

Thinking of the good days in the future, he really felt that these dry foods became harder to swallow. He felt that his throat burned after a bite, but in the end he endured it and ate all these things into his stomach. If he doesn't eat these, what else can he eat? Is it possible to be hungry?

The hungry person has no strength, and no matter what kind of eyes do not appear, how can he protect the food, and the guards in the house.

Each of the guards in their mansion was carefully selected and cultivated with great effort. He didn't want to drop any of them here.

He took another bite of the dry food, chewed it hard, then swallowed hard, and poured himself a mouthful of cold water, following the bumps of the carriage, it was another night and a day.

On this day, Luo Yuxi was still sitting in the carriage with his eyes closed and rested. His sword was still put aside. This sword was found in his treasures of the Shang Dynasty. It was an unknown little sword. Bai is famous for such famous swords, but he really likes it.

So it was used today, and this sword was also with him. I don't know how many killed, but the sword body is still clean and sharp, and the hilt is inlaid with a gem, which is as red as blood.

After all nights, they have been chasing and slowing down, shortening the original ten-day journey by about five days, and after such a fast-tracking and slowing down, they can reach the capital in about two or three days. Beijing, then there is no need to rush like this, as long as you get to the capital, you will be much safer.

Thanks to the fact that they were able to rush so fast, they were considered safe during the past few days, and they did not encounter anyone who was robbed halfway. This was the smoothest part of their journey. .

Luo Yuxi felt satisfied with the security of the place, and when he was back, he had to mention it with the emperor and praise the local officials here.

On his way, if there is nothing to do, there will be some people who grab food, but only when he gets here, no one dares to stop. It really saved him a lot of time and a lot of money. trouble.

Otherwise, this is really going to be a few more fights. How can he still have such thoughts now, maybe he's already violent and wants to kill someone.

Coming soon, he sighed.

When he returns, he must eat the roast chicken made by the chef in the mansion, and he must also pinch his white ears. Of course, he must also pinch his face.

He just missed his mother, and what suffering did he suffer and what sin he suffered along the way?

He picked up the jug on one side, and just opened it and wanted to take a sip, but the carriage stopped again.

Luo Yuyi squeezed the water bottle in his hand tightly, and the blue veins on the back of his hand seemed to jump up with it.

"The son..." the guard outside said again.

Lao Yuxi opened his eyes, and put the kettle next to his mouth and drank several mouthfuls of water.

The eyes that had been calm for a long time flashed a few red lights. He took the sword he put aside and the bright red gem on the hilt. At this time, it was like his eyes.

"My son, someone outside has stopped our carriage."

"Who is it?"

Luo Yu asked quietly, which one does not have eyes, just kill it. He said that he doesn't want to kill in this life. Although his nature is the same, he is not murderous.

If not, why does he have to suppress the killing intent on his body so hard.

The guards outside remained silent for a long time, and seemed to have some unspeakable addiction.

"What's wrong, can't you say?"

Lao Yuxi put the kettle down, the more annoying he became, he hurriedly took out a bottle of medicine, then poured one out of it and threw it into his mouth.

There was a bitter taste, and a ray of cold air came in from the top of his head, which made him less irritable and unbearable.

"My son," the guard said again, "a member of the government."


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