"You just left?"

Aso asked Shen Qingci.

Is Shen Qingci such a good talker? If this is the case, then she would not be called Shen Qingci. Shen Qingci is a must-see for Javier, except for one Lin Yunniang.

Has she been polite to whom?

What's more, that was the second prince born to Concubine Chen, and Concubine Chen injured his third son.

"What do you think the palace is?"

Shen Qingci asked Aso.

The child is still too young.

"This is the palace. Those who can live here, who don't grow more hearts, don't be more careful."

"In this palace, you never know, where there will be someone else's eyeliner?"

At this moment, she smelled several auras, among which the absolute and indispensable queen, and of course their Emperor Wen Yuan.

Everything in this palace is under his control.

The emperor has not been in vain for so many years.

So there is no need for her to act, Emperor Wen Yuan will certainly deal with it well to calm her unhappiness, and of course he will send a lot of things to express his apologies to her.

And most of them are rare treasures in the palace.

However, what does she want to do, how long will she want to **** her off?

Don’t know that those things are originally hers? She is such a people who regard wealth as fate and loves money, but in the end she still lays down her heart and handed over all those things to the national treasury. Only then can she have a hundred-year treasury, and such a hundred-year treasury , Enough to allow the next three generations of Emperor Wen Yuan to not be at least poor emperor.

But Emperor Wen Yuan was very good. With those things, he finally discerned such a morally corrupt thing with a beast, and let this kind of person be the emperor.

Do you want to laugh off the big teeth of the civil and military officials?

After getting in the carriage, Lao Bai had already fallen asleep, Shen Qingci touched Lao Bai's belly, this belly is not like a bulge, how much did he eat?

"Let's go," she instructed the coachman outside. This palace was really smoky. After Ro Hengsi came back, she was still going to leave the capital, looking for some places where the scenery was not bad. The shop is used to make money on the one hand, and to collect food on the other.

It would be great if there were good seeds.

She couldn't help but muttered to herself.

Dazhou's territory is two-fold wide. It can be said that among the four countries, they all ranked second, plus those lost grounds recovered by Shen Dingshan.

So Dazhou can be said to be a big country. If it’s a pity, sixty-seven of the land is barren. This is why this heavy rain damaged the grain in Jiangning and caused almost no harvest there. Most rice grains are produced in several places in Jiangning.

It is only there that is suitable for food production. If it is changed to other places, it will be much less.

She couldn't help but leaned back.

Then he put his sleeves on his body, and in the other hand, holding Nian Nian's paw, and Nian Nian's 80% of them are also full.

If you want to have good seeds.

Sometimes Shen Qingci really thinks that if they have good seeds, they will plant food in the barren land. Even if it is such a bad year, at least there is no need for such a food shortage.

It's a pity, no.

She lifted the curtain of the carriage again, and the warm sun in the air also fell on her face, making her involuntarily stretched her hand to block her eyes.

She looked into the air again, but her eyes were stinged again.

In this kind of weather, it rains before and after drought.

"Asu, have there been more refugees outside these days?"

Shen Qingci lowered the curtain and asked, Asu sometimes comes out to help her with some things, so she probably spends more time out of the house than Baimei and the others.

So this matter, you have to ask Aso.

"It's too much."

Aso actually found out early in the morning, and there were many more people begging for food.

There will be more in the future. 〉

Shen Qing knew that this would happen. She was considered to have gone through a lot of years, but because of her previous life experience, most of them escaped.

What will happen this time?

She will do everything she can do, and as for what she can't do, she can only resign to her fate.

And she has a lot of money, in fact, that is how it is.

At this time, in the palace.

Indeed, as Shen Qingci thought, this palace has never had any secrets, and there are also spies and eyeliners from various palaces everywhere.

There are many people who know what the second prince did.

Emperor Wen Yuan was sitting on his dragon chair, holding a cup of tea in his hand, but he hadn't taken a sip of this cup of tea since he got it.

From the initial warmth to the present, the tea is always slightly cooler. Even his fingertips can easily feel the coldness of the teacup from the inside out.

And no matter how cold, it's still colder than his heart.

The second prince stood aside, his stomach couldn't help, but also grumbled, and after a while he felt a little dizzy, he was hungry.

But now he didn't dare to shout hungry, and he didn't even dare to move again.

Ha ha……

Emperor Wen Yuan suddenly sneered.

"Your mother and concubine are seriously ill. You don't fulfill your filial piety in front of you, but you ran to molested your aunt, you can be patient."

There was a lot of cold sweat on the second prince's forehead. I don't know if it was because of fright or because he was hungry.

He sweats when he is scared, and sweats even more when he is hungry.

"Where did you read all your books?"

"What about your manners and integrity?"

Emperor Wen Yuan seemed to ask in a soft voice, and the softer the voice was, for the current second prince, it was the most terrifying. It's like a storm.

And what he was facing, he didn't know what kind of storm it was.

Or is this another thunder and lightning?

"How did you teach him?"

Emperor Wen Yuan was once again the Taifu who took the trouble.

"It's not that you said that he has the ability to govern the country and must be cultivated by him, so that he can calm the world for the ruler, be a minister, and become a generation of virtuous ministers."

It also made him feel the thought of changing the prince.

He finally knows now.

This Taifu not only said hello, but also had a lot of strength, and he was able to fly a lot of horns.

Tai Fu lowered his head and shamed an old face.

"Just him?"

Emperor Wen Yuan raised his finger and pointed at the second prince.

The second prince couldn't help but shrank again. The lazy body of this body was also heavy with bags under the eyes, just as if he hadn't slept well in a few lifetimes, he was also standing and sitting.

He is like this, how can he look like a prince? Where is this silly? Is it possible that the longer he can eat, the more he can eat, the more stupid he is?

What about the former aura, the former outstanding?

The second prince raised his face, originally he wanted to admit his mistake, but he didn't say this yet, but he yawned.

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