Shen Qingci is arranging his son’s clothes again. “You don’t want to go out these days, and help your mother make more spices. We will sell some silver next month, and then this day may change too. ."

It has become cold, and it has also become troublesome.

Another month passed. This month, it seems that the capital city is still the old capital city. Except for the increasing price of food, nothing seems to have changed. Those restaurants, large and small, are still full of seats. man of.

These prosperous places are often the slowest, or do I not know what this food shortage means?

Yipinxiang has a lot of new fragrances this month, and all the people who are attracted to come to grab the fragrance, of course, it also made Shen Qingci a lot of money.

"I asked someone to collect some food again."

Shen Qingrong came to look for her sister, and she was also discussing about the food, which was only bought at a high price. It can be said that Shen Qingrong grew up with the people’s livelihood. Most of the income in a year is through her hands. Otherwise, how will she manage her family?

In the past few years, the price of food has been high and low, but it has not been as high as it is now. It is too high. It is not good that she had listened to her sister at the beginning and also collected a batch of food. After those, it has not been very easy to buy, and Food prices have also soared all the way, especially in order to stabilize people's livelihood, the court issued a law, and when buying food, household registration is also required.

Therefore, the current food, in addition to expensive, is not easy to buy.

And even for the food, Shen Qingrong tried every means to buy it.

"Big sister, haven't you bought enough?"

Shen Qingci remembered that a few months ago, Shen Qingrong had already accumulated a lot of grain and grass. It was also because she made the shot early, so naturally the grain that she has in her hands now is also a lot.

It's enough for the people of his house, and he can even look after the three princesses. Why, isn't it enough?

"We are there enough."

Shen Qingrong has enough food, "But seeing that there are more and more refugees in this capital city, it is already the case before winter. I want to buy more, even if the price is high. According to the report, you can serve the porridge a few more times to the poor people."

"The big sister is so nice."

Shen Qingci knew that her eldest sister was a softhearted person. Even if her identity is different now, she is still very fair in dealing with people, but she does not lose her kindness. It is rare that she still has the original heart. .

"Just allow you to do good deeds?"

Shen Qingrong gave his sister a glance.

"Your eldest sister is not a merciless person, she can watch the people die, and those who hold grain in their hands are still making money."

"As for the nature, there is still some silver in the mansion, if it is expensive, it will be expensive, and it can save one or two lives."

"Although the eldest sister can't do what you do, she did her best. She didn't have the surname of our Shen family in vain, as well as the righteousness of her mother. "Mother can donate all the dowry. The mother is also inferior to her sister, but she has tried her best and is not ashamed of her heart. She called her sons back to let them stay in the mansion well, and then ordered them to take a house in the capital. Build it and block the yard with tarpaulin, so that you can shelter some people from the wind.

They have also gone through this famine year several times, and after all they have some experience, so when they do it now, they all have certain regulations in their hearts.

"You don't know how many people have been saved. Who has thought that her sister has used food for several years, but she really used it."

"so what?"

Shen Qingci was not a grievance, "I have so much food, he just used three boxes of pearls and jade to send me, why doesn't he give two more boxes?"


Shen Qingrong poked his sister's forehead, "You are the most profitable, but you are the most willing. You are greedy for money. You said, how can your mother give birth to a daughter like you?"

"It's the same with my eldest sister," Shen Qingci took Shen Qingrong's hand. "Although the eldest sister is not born to my mother, she is as good to me as my mother."

"It's not."

Since she was a child, Shen Qingrong raised her younger sister as a daughter. Although they were only five years apart, her sister grew up so slowly, and now she is even more like her mother at her age.

"Can there be any movement over there?" Shen Qingci asked the eldest sister, and over there, I believe that without going into details, they should all know who is right?

And there is only one person who can be called there by their sisters, that is Lin Yunniang

I don’t know when, they even didn’t want to mention Lin Yunniang’s name again.

Shen Qingci’s recent Jingzi are all in the incense room. Even Baimei and her two sons came back to make spices for her, just to make more incense and sell more silver. Then, if If it doesn't work, we can only go to other countries to buy food.

Otherwise, such a famine year, after all, still has to find a way to pass, the past six months, as long as these six months have passed, everything may be fine.

It is also possible that next year will be a harvest year, even if it fails, it will be better than this year.

And because of her busyness, it was about one month, and it was only now that she was free, but her two children were still busy with things in the shop, which also saved her a lot of heart. , Otherwise she wouldn't be able to sit here with her eldest sister now, have a sip of tea, and then say something.

"she was?"

Shen Qingrong curled his mouth, "I haven't seen any movement, I'm afraid she didn't listen to our words, or she might be thinking, anyway, there is still money to buy in the future."

At that time, I'm afraid that I won't be able to buy it if I have money.

Shen Qingci and the eldest sister also glanced at each other. Both of their sisters now have difficulty buying food, regardless of the future.

Lin Yunniang's scar was really healed, and she forgot to hurt.

"Such idiots, how are they called talented women before? Are those people blind?"

"I feel my eyes are blind."

Shen Qingci stretched out his finger and pointed to his eyes.

Shen Qingrong touched her sister's hair comfortingly, "You can't be blamed for this matter, but Lin Shangshu is to blame, and he didn't teach his daughter well."

But how did Shen Qingci feel that Lin Shangshu was wronged? This person has done something ancient, and now he has to blame him for these things. It’s just that if he doesn’t have children. It’s inconvenient to shame himself. The same is true. people.

Shen Qingrong couldn't help but sighed again. When I went back, I tried to find some ways to see if I could find some grain in other places. Now the money is worthless, and even if there is money in the future, It may not be available, so if you can buy it now, her sister can't do much movement here, she can.

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