Shen Qingci actually agreed.

It is so simple, it is agreed.

"Prince, we have to report this matter to the sage." Although the grain shortage cannot be considered a solution, the deficit in the granary can be replaced by those of Shen Qingci, which can protect the court and Emperor Wenyuan. The good reputation of loving the people like children is also to avoid someone who is restless from doing things that will rise up.

And this kind of hidden danger, for today's Da Zhou, it can indeed save a lot of things, and it can save a lot of people.

The prince originally wanted to say a few more words with Lao Yuyi, but because Bai Xiang was so eager, in the end he had no choice but to know.

When they told the matter to Emperor Wen Yuan, Emperor Wen Yuan felt that he was quite useless. Why can a woman in Shen Qingci think of farming food, but he did not, if this happened to him In famine years, at least the lives of many people can be saved.

"Holy Lord, you need to collect grain to make it."

Bai Xiang said to Emperor Wen Yuan again.

"How do you recruit?"

Emperor Wen Yuan still has no clue. This food shortage has been in the minds of the people for several months, but now, he still has nothing to think of.

This is all food-free, so how do you want to levy, unless there are hundreds of people like Shen Qingci, who have been collecting food every year.

"Opened the treasury and raised food from various places."

"It's just that the saint may lose some silver taels."

This is what Bai Xiang can think of, and the best way is to buy grain with silver.

Rich people donate food for nothing more than money, while poor people have no money or food, so they can only wait to die. Not everyone in this world is Shen Qingci.

You can take out so much food without feeling distressed, and even this can hand over the food for nothing. What is the difference between this and free delivery?

She has nothing here, gold or silver, fame, or the gratitude of the people.

But other people are different. Most of them are for money. It is difficult to take food from these people.

Therefore, Emperor Wen Yuan must spend some money. This is talking about levying grain, but in fact, it is using silver to buy grain. This will prevent those rich people from complaining, and will be able to collect more. Food saves more people's lives.

In Bai Xiang's view, the selfishness of human nature can be known at this time.

"Prince, you can do this."

Emperor Wen Yuan also felt that this matter was feasible. It was just a matter of losing some money. He is not poor now. A treasure of the upper dynasty is in his treasury. It has been available for a hundred years, and he has also collected a lot of taxes and money in the past few years. , Even if there were no such things from the previous dynasty, the tax and silver were enough, and coupled with the lack of war for a long time, the weather was smooth everywhere, so no matter how much money he put out now, he would not feel distressed.

What is taken for the people is also used for the people.

This is a matter of course.

The crown prince quickly responded, that is, taking his entourage to do the levy.

Sure enough, Bai Xiang’s method is indeed much easier than forcibly recruiting. Those wealthy businessmen, as long as they have grain in their hands, will pay more. Of course, it is impossible for them to have too much money. After all, they will do business in the future. It is also necessary to have a good relationship with the court.

Besides, these grains are not used for nothing. They are not only used for earning money, but also for the court to remember themselves, and they can also get a good name. Even black-hearted merchants will also take out some of their grains. .

Therefore, in less than one month, the prince had already collected a lot of grain, and no matter how much grain, the prince would not have much grain left.

These harvested grains have not been in the hands for long before they will be distributed to all continents and counties. As the weather gets colder, the number of victims will increase, and the food shortage in the Great Zhou will become more and more serious.

Especially for the victims who flooded into the capital every day, there are a lot of them. They are dressed in rags, nursery with mouth, but also have yellow and thin faces. I don't know how long they have been. They have not had a good meal.

At this time, the house Shen Qingrong sorted out had already accommodated many refugees. The few princes of King Jun’s Mansion were all in Beijing except Prince Xiaoshitong who was collecting food. They also helped to take care of the victims here. , Not only to settle them well, but also to solve their various problems. If someone is sick, they have to go to Luo Yuyi. Luo Yuyi made a lot of medicines in advance, most of them are pills and powders. As long as it turns into water, it can be drunk. Generally, wind and cold can be cured.

And these are the victims who flooded into the capital first. They were also arranged here. The elderly and infirm. In the house, there are also beddings and the like. These beddings and clothing are Shen Qingrong. The old things raised with my friends in the boudoir, and the old things that I don't want in the mansion, plus the extra ones, are all taken here.

With the quilt and some charcoal braziers, it’s not too sad to get inside this house. Those who are old and weak can also feel better.

There are still a few large pots outside, and rice is cooked inside, and the vegetables are only snow vegetables. It is also because of these snow vegetables. Although there is not much rice, it can be half full.

And the number of people in this house is crowding thousands of people now, even if it is a meal a day, it is terrible.

The grain that Shen Qingrong received, apart from leaving enough for the mansion, and sending some to a few princesses, is now all taken out, and now he still cares about what money is not. First, he saves people. It's important, and even if you have money, you can't buy food, and the price of food has been repeatedly raised to a high price.

In the past, one tael of silver could be used to buy ten jin of fine grain, but now ten taels of silver may not buy one jin, and it is not refined food.

And this time, Shen Qingrong had accumulated a lot of food, and I have to say that not only did he have food available, but also the sisters of the princesses, no less food.

The three princesses returned to Prince Jun's Mansion several times, and they also sent the extra clothes and beddings from their mansion, and they also took the food saved in their mansion together.

Seeing that Old Jun Wang looked healthy and hungry was really happy.

The big princess also sighed involuntarily.

"Fortunately, we didn't care too much about our identity at the beginning, and we married Qingrong into the door."

"Yes," the second princess now thinks about it, and they are all thankful. The three of them all liked Shen Qingrong at the time. In front of the old concubine, they all said Shen Qingci all kinds of good, and did not hinder the original. The younger brother married Shen Qingrong, a concubine, otherwise there would be such a good family scene now.

Look at how many people she has saved now, and how much fortune she has saved for her children and grandchildren.

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