I just hope that he doesn't let him down.

"No hurries?"

King Lu picked up the tea cup on the table and placed it in front of him.

"I came here wearing a star and a moon, can't you let me drink your sip of water first?"

"Well, you drink."

Branding raised the pot on the table and placed it in front of King Lu.

Lu Wang was not welcome, and poured himself a glass, and he was really thirsty.

It wasn't until after the three cups that he let out a sigh of relief. He was really thirst to death.

Branding did not speak, he was waiting.

In the end, Wang Lu couldn't bear such an atmosphere, and he took the initiative to speak.

"I said, you're a little begging anyway, okay?"

Others ask everyone to do things, not always asking grandpa or telling grandma, but they are also submissive.

"What do you want me to do?"

Brandon asked him back.

King Lu "..."

It seems that he really can't think of it?

Branding also poured himself a cup. The charm of this body is the same as before. Of course, it is now more free and easy to see through the world. It seems that there is a simple back to the basics.

Not everyone is called branding, not everyone is the same, and not everyone can be honored and disgraceful, and fall into love.

And Lu Wang just likes to drink tea with Brando Hengsi. With this kind of person, his age and looks will make you forget your own years and think of your youth. The ambition of the time.

It's a pity that they are in the two countries, otherwise, he would really pack himself up and follow him.

He sighed...

Branding raised his eyelashes and glanced at him too.

Lu Wang opened his mouth and smiled.

"Okay," he knows what Bronze is waiting for. The other party is also a matter of life and death. In this short day, it may be that a few more people will die. Then how big his sin will be?

"I transported the things you wanted for you. It was on the road you pointed out, but you must seal the road later to avoid trouble in the future."

And he didn't think that they might use that road again in the future, and he didn't think that Da Zhou had not made a good plan.

"Thank you."

The word of thanks for branding and worrying is really sincere.

Convenient for others, and convenient for yourself.

King Lu held up the cup again and placed it between his lips, "Besides, I still owe you a favor. If my son hadn't been you, he would be dead."

"That's my only child. Without him, I wouldn't have much meaning in this world."

"How is the little garden?"

Brando Hengsi clenched the corners of his lips slightly.

"Well, it's good."

When Lu Wang thought of his son, he also laughed, “Recently, he has grown taller again. Even the emperor is also thinking about it. Has your princess given him any panacea?”

If it is in the future, it will be as long as your mansion. The people in King Shuo's mansion are all very old and light, like a brand of worry, like Shen Qingci, and like the one who is already old but still Shen Dingshan who can go to battle to kill the enemy.

"Silver, I will give it to you later."

Brandon didn't carry too much silver on his body, so he couldn't give it to him now.

Wang Lu lightly shook his hand, "Don't worry, I know you won't owe me money."

"Right," Wang Lu asked again, "You didn't go to other places, but you bought food?"

Lao Hengsi lowered his eyelashes, "In Beiqi, my eldest son bought some. As for Cang Tao, he probably knew about the food shortage in the Great Zhou Dynasty, so Zaoyi closed the city and heard that he was secretly training soldiers and horses. "

"Their ambitions have been unbroken."

The king of Lu was not pleasing to the eye, the people on Cang Tao were ambitious, and generations of monarchs were also obsessed with war.

Who made them stay at the top of the Four Kingdoms for a long time, so every war that arises is also because of them, and the brunt of it is Da Zhou.

In the past few years, they have deliberately avoided Da Zhou’s Ba Niu crossbows and firearms, so they have always made unimportant moves. If one day they find a way to deal with firearms, they will surely make a comeback.

And if something happens to Da Zhou, the next step will be their Baichu.

This is the reason why he spared no effort to help Branding, weighing, and helping Da Zhou. In fact, he was only helping them to prevent the Cang Tao from making big moves, and then it would affect all of them. Chu.

And now the father's body is better again, their royal family is more stable, and they have gone through a **** storm, now they just want to have a good rest.

Wars have always suffered the most. They are the people. They don’t have firearms or magical soldiers, so how can they be the best soldiers and strong generals of Cang Tao, so they can only let Da Zhou Shou bear the brunt first, so he must, First help Da Zhou.

Therefore, he sent the food from his own private storage, as well as those raised privately from the people, to Branding. Although it could not save all the people of Da Zhou, the food was enough to solve the danger of the imperial city of Da Zhou.

As for the food shortage in various places, after the beginning of spring, it will be better. Spring is warm and flowers bloom, and everything grows.

You can always find something to eat, so you can wait until June, which is another season of grain harvest.

In fact, the people of any country have not experienced a food shortage, they will all encounter it. A good year is not easy. The things they planted in these countries are all the same. As for the harvest, it depends on the harvest. God.

Maybe the soil quality of their Baichus is better, so long crops can be good, but in the disaster year, there will be no crops.

The king of Lu put on his cape again, just as it was when he came.

"you are leaving?"

Bro Heng thought it was an accident, so he didn't sit down and didn't say anything?

"What will this king do without leaving?"

King Lu is not a person who doesn't know anything, "Send these food back as soon as possible. I am going back, remember, seal the road."

Lu Wang said it again.

Because of the large amount of food, they couldn’t take the official way. They were worried about being born in a mountain on the border between the two countries and blasted out a tunnel. This allowed the food to be transported back safely, but that one. The tunnel has become a hidden danger between the two countries, and of course it is more beneficial to Da Zhou.

Dazhou’s gunpowder is really well-known in the world. He also wants it. When it is not pleasing to the eye, it will be blown up. It is a pity that this kind of thing is related to the foundation of the country. , So it is impossible for Da Zhou to give them this kind of thing.

Therefore, he never thought about it.

He grasped his clothes tightly, and he was preparing to return to Cang Tao even overnight, that is, it would take many months to walk this way.

"Let's go," King Lu lowered the curtain, also instructing the coachman outside.

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