Luo Yuxiao switched the pear from his right hand to his left hand, and also divided it into two, giving him the uneaten half.

Lao Bai loves to eat pears, everyone in the mansion knows.


Lao Bai screamed happily, then lay on top of half a pear, and ate it with a click, which was more delicious than anyone else.

Luo Yuxiao quickly finished eating half of a pear, then took a kerchief and wiped his hands clean.

"Is there something to say?"

Shen Qingci asked his son after he finished eating pears.

If nothing happens, he would not be able to come back at this time. He should be with Xi'er and the others. After the congee shed is collected, he will return to the mansion, and wait until tomorrow morning before leaving the mansion.

And they rarely return home at this time.

"Mother, there is something."

"what's up?"

Shen Qingci listened.

"My aunt asked me for food."

"Need food?"

Shen Qingci frowned.

"Lin Yunniang?"

"Yes," Luo Yuxiao nodded.

"Mother, why didn't my aunt buy grain in advance?" According to his aunt's two cousins, his mother felt that there would be a shortage of grain at the beginning, so it was for them to save more grain.

It was also thanks to them that they had this heart at that time. Several cousins ​​went everywhere looking for food, and they had collected so much food. Otherwise, how could they have saved so many victims, even they themselves were afraid. They all ran out of food early.

There are many people in the capital who lack food.

Even those wealthy and wealthy people have many people who buy black food at high prices.

What's the matter, the aunt has a lot of food, which can be used to help the poor, but the aunt has not taken out a bag of food, and now he can still ask for food.

They didn't keep food, they didn't buy food, or did my mother not inform them?

"80% didn't buy it."

Bai Mei came over from outside, holding a bowl of medicine in her hand, which was for Shen Qingci to drink.

Shen Qingci rolled her eyes at the medicine, but even if she turned it over again, she couldn't really take it down, so she still had to drink it again.

Luo Yuxiao was not in the capital at the time, so he didn't know about it.

Logically speaking, it is impossible for the aunt to lack food.

My aunt is also raised by people from a large house. The three princesses and aunts have to deliver some more. It can be seen how much food was bought at the time. On the aunt's side, only the aunt is present. She is not a pig. How much can she eat?

Therefore, in the entire capital, if there is a lot of food, it is not from Prince Jun’s Mansion, nor from their mansion. His mother’s food is a lot, but in the end it is all donated.

Therefore, the most food in the mansion should be the government of Weiguo. They didn't hand in a grain of rice or even a bowl of porridge. How could they have no food.

Baimei placed the medicine bowl in front of Shen Qingci, and Shen Qingci had no chance to fall even if she wanted to.

"Auntie Bai, what is going on?"

Luo Yuxiao asked Bai Mei, this is not very strange, how could there be no food in Weiguo Palace, and where did their food go?

There is no food donation. Where can there be no food?

Bai Mei curled her lips, and she still complained about the matter at this time.

"The big young man doesn't know something," and when she saw Luo Yuxiao still unclear, she told the matter. At the beginning, the lady felt that the harvest this year was not good, so she asked her to go out in person and notify them separately. Jun Wufu and Weiguo Gongfu.

She went to King Jun’s Mansion, people like to eat and drink, and even the prince in the mansion called her, and Aunt Bai’s personally sent it out of the mansion.

I also gave a lot of silver rewards, and said that it was troublesome for her to run again.

But when she arrived at the Palace of Weiguo, Lin Yunniang's subordinates were just like Lin Yunniang. They didn't have eyes for her, and their noses were not noses.

She couldn't sit without water or tea. She waited there for more than an hour before she finally saw that one.

She told her the matter to that person as she urged.

But it seems that the one didn't care about it.

No, I didn't take it to my heart. Otherwise, how could I have no food and I would have to ask Luo Yuxiao for it.

Why doesn't she ask her for it? Isn't this deceiving them that the eldest son is young?

Bai Mei's hitting the nail on the head really meant Lin Yunniang's thoughts.

And branding worry is also a little speechless about Lin Yunniang. Fortunately, the two cousins ​​have not been with her, and I don't know what they are going to destroy?

"Mother, do you want to give it?"

Luo Yuxiao asked Shen Qingci.

And Shen Qingci was staring at the bowl of medicine, still thinking about how to drink the medicine. Did she drink it or pour it, and found that Luo Yuxiao had been staring at her.

She drank the medicine quickly.

She doesn't want to drink it anymore, and she can't lose face in front of her children. Of course, she has to give her children a good example.


Luo Yuxiao said again.

"You decide for yourself."

Since Shen Qingci gave all these things to the eldest son, then she would no longer be involved in it. They believed his father was the same. They believed that he would make the most correct choice.

"Mother, I think..."

Luo Yuxiao said his thoughts, and also discussed with Shen Qingci.

"The boy is going to send some food from the mansion to the government of Weiguo, but the ones in Kunei belong to the people and cannot be moved at will.

Their mansion has some surplus food, which can be allocated to the Weiguo government. There are few people in their mansion, and it can last until about June, and even if it is not enough, it doesn’t matter. Just think of a way when you are.

And he would rather give Lin Yunniang the grain from the mansion than he would go to the grain depot. It can be said that since they handed in the grain, it is no longer theirs. Naturally, it is impossible to say. Take is take.

There is no rule without rules, and the rules are still set by him, and he should be strict with the rules and set the rules by himself.

"You decide."

Shen Qingci hugged the white of the pears after gnawing, she was going to make spices, do more, and make the half of the loss.

"Xie Niangqin."

Luo Yuxiao saluted Shen Qing farewell.

Lao Bai climbed onto Shen Qingci's shoulder again, and yelled at Lao Yuxiao.

"He wants pears for you."

Bai Mei couldn't help covering her mouth and laughed, "If you can't do anything, it's not as good as it's for ten years."

Luo Yuxiao's lips curled up involuntarily.

"Okay, I don't want to eat anymore, can I give it to you?"


Lao Bai jumped off Shen Qingci's shoulder and jumped into Lao Yuxiao's arms. He was really pleased with him. For a bite, he really didn't even need his fox self-esteem.

This is all turned into a dog, and the tail is really wagging, and I don’t care about it every year now. I don’t know if Xiao Hu knew that he would have given birth to such a hopeless fox, would he have a paw? Just fan it over and just kill it.

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