This is the property of the Lou family and the private property of the Lou family. It naturally belongs to the princess of his family, and if the princess of his family really dug out the Jinshan Yinshan, it is naturally impossible to treat them wrongly.

Thinking of this, Changqing pushed the door again, which also gave him the strength to suckle.

"I'll try it."

Fu Yan took a step back, and also took out his Dongbai sword, thinking that like the stones outside, the sword was rushing, and he could shake the stone gate open.

As a result, when he swung a sword, Shimen didn't move.

What he didn't believe was that he swung a few more swords, but with such a powerful sword aura, this Shimen was only scratched with a few light marks.

What a hard stone gate.

Fu Yan stretched out his hand and placed it on the top of the stone gate, and patted it again. This stone gate was indeed very hard.

"This seems to be a black iron stone."

Fu Yan didn’t believe it and touched it for a long time. The more I look at it, the more I feel. This is a stone gate made of profound iron, and profound iron is a good material for swords. It is said that Dongbai is derived from a piece of profound iron or a piece of stone. The profound iron that was frozen in the thousand-year-old snow mountain, so Dongbai has a kind of coldness, and it is also made of ice-cold profound iron.

Although such a large piece of black iron stone is not as good as the thousand-year-old black iron, it can be met and cannot be sought. Of course, it is impossible to cast a peerless sword, but if it is really used to make a sword, then it will certainly be cut. Iron as a soldier.

"Xuan Tie?"

The long watch hurriedly stepped forward, stroking the lines of the stone gate.

"It seems that it is really Xuan Tie," he hugged the door and pressed his face to it.

Such a big piece can be played with a few swords. He happened to have no good swords to send his son. Dongbai kind of, he would not think about it. Famous swords have their own fate and cannot be forced.

But this piece of profound iron is so big, he can beat dozens of them.

"You don't want to hit this stone."

Changqing warned Fuyan, "Don't use your sword to scratch it. If it is scratched, how can you compensate me?"

"You have Dongbai, my son still uses broken copper and broken iron."

Chang Yi rolled his eyes at him, and said with a face, how could that kid be of broken copper and iron, that is also a good sword, and also that it is a profound iron, how could it be easy? Damaged, this is not made of tofu.

Evergreen loves this stone for so much, and he can't put it down. Now that there is something in Liyang, he is not jealous. As long as there is this thing, he has not dug the pit for a few days, and the soil has not been eaten for nothing.

Her few crystals are always in vain.

"Finally, something good has been dug up."

"None of you can rob me."

Changqing really loves this door. He wants to make a few more weapons for his son, holding one in each hand, putting one on his waist belt, and one hanging on his neck.

The corners of his mouth were twitched.

He is not as knowledgeable as the old fool.

And this door is now obvious. They can’t open it. If they can’t open the door, it will explode in the end. Even if the door is blown to pieces, it doesn’t matter. Anyway, it’s melted and then rebuilt, even this door. It is intact, and finally it has to be divided into many pieces, and then sent out.

As for how to open this door, they have to ask about the branding.

Soon after, Por Hengsi came over with Shen Qing's resignation.

"This is made by Xuan Tie."

Lao Hengsi recognized it at a glance. This stone gate was not an ordinary stone gate. Judging from the texture and the weight, it was indeed a mistake of the profound iron.

"What is Xuan Tie?"

Shen Qing didn't understand this, he was watching her here is a stone, just a stone gate.

"Madam, Xuan Tie can make an excellent weapon."

Changqing wiped her face and explained hurriedly.

"Weapon?" Shen Qingci suddenly looked at Dong Bai who was held by Fu Yan.

"Is this weapon?"

Branding weighed over her face, "Dongbai is an ancient sword. It is made of thousands of years of cold iron. It is also a kind of profound iron. Dark iron is not easy to obtain, and thousands of years of cold iron are not easy to obtain. Come, there are so few, so I just won Dongbai a famous sword."

And the quality of the mysterious iron stone gate in front of them is not low. He stretched out his hand on the big stone gate in front of him. Such a big stone gate, indeed, the original settlement was an enemy country, and he could find this thing, this thing. , It's not that you can buy it with money.

"The son..."

Changqing rubbed his hands.

"My children still don't have the same good weapons."

"Are you willing to take it out?"

Branding did not agree, but instead asked Shen Qingci, "Let them make weapons."

"Okay." Although Shen Qingci still doesn't understand, what can this stone gate do? But if it can be made into a weapon, let's do it, "It's a small dagger for Daddy, and for me."

"Okay." Bold Hengsi agreed, "This can do a lot of good things, to the point of giving one person to the guardian around you, the rest will be useful in the future."

This is not a vulgar thing, it is their luck to get a piece, and now such a heavy door is already their luck in this life.

Isn't this heavy?

Shen Qingci pushed the door, and then raised his face. He was in front of this door like a small dust, "How heavy is this? How can I open it, and how can I carry it out?"

"It can only be sent separately to the Iron Camp, and it must be manufactured there."

As soon as he saw this piece of profound iron, he knew where this thing was going to be sent?

"My mother told me to leave it to me, won't it be this?"

Shen Qingci absolutely didn't believe that Lou Xuefei left this thing for her?


a rock.

A large stone.

A very big stone.

Then let her make countless good weapons. Is she going to fight to kill the enemy, or let her sell knives and swords instead?

"Silver is valuable, but this one is not."

Brando Hengsi rubbed the top of her hair, patiently and explained, "Such a **** iron stone can be used to make a few good weapons, and it can be used to send his father-in-law to kill the enemy. At that time, it is even more handy."

"It is not good?"

Shen Qingci thinks about it. Forget it, the stone is better than nothing, although she still likes Jinshan Yinshan.

Moreover, Luo Hengli took the sword in Changqing's hand, and also used the hilt to knock on this stone door.

There should also be something behind this, otherwise, it would be impossible to block it with such a heavy stone gate, and perhaps it would be your golden mountain and silver mountain.

Maybe the things that were missing from the Lou's family that were so rich and the enemy weren't there, right behind this stone gate.

Shen Qingci listened carefully to the voices that were knocked out by the brand.

She had dug a lot of holes before, and she would listen to some sounds. In addition, she learned some of them on a special trip. She felt that she had a talent for digging. In the same way, she also had the life of digging. It's better to be prepared than to meet in the future, and then helpless.

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