Rebirth Of A Noble Daughter: The Marquis Manor’s Abandoned Wife

Chapter 2020: Is he going to divide me Ye Mingzhu?

Those eyes include people from Beijing, even spies from several countries, and even people from palaces. That’s why he said that the things left by the Lou family are better than those of Jinshan Yinshan, and if they were Jinshan Yinshan, he must also do the equivalent response, and how to transport these things back safely, there must be a legitimate reason.

And now it’s a lot of things to save them, as long as it is not a golden mountain and a silver mountain.

They got those night pearls that are good things, and some of the calligraphy and paintings are also rare treasures.

These are the things that he can keep and can keep. If it is replaced with other things, it may not be necessary.

And this play of his was made for others and also for Emperor Wen Yuan.

What he dug out is a stone, and it is really a stone. The real can't be fake, and the fake can't be real.

Being a royal is really tiring.

Shen Qingci thought of the red tape, intrigue, and the like in the palace, and he became annoyed. The original Emperor Wen Yuan was such a simple boy, but now his mind is filled with a lot of imperial power.

He also said that he is not a talent for ruling the country. From Shen Qingci's view, this man is not like an emperor, he is like an emperor everywhere, and he is a qualified emperor everywhere.

Especially when calculating the people around him, even the first emperor would be ashamed.

I said that I believed them, but how could I really believe that they had a lot of money in their hands, a reputation, the love of the people of the world, and the military power in the hands of Shen Dingshan.

Are these actually what they want?

Shen Dingshan is already very old, why should he lead his troops on the expedition? It’s just that besides him, there are no good generals in the court. There is no war for a long time. Wherever there are good generals, they are growing up in battles. When I get up, I become stronger in the blood.

Da Zhou now tends to emphasize literature over martial arts, so there are few generals, and it is difficult for Shen Dingshan to be old enough to bring soldiers.

By doing this, Brandon considered that it was really a hundred, and it also saved a lot of trouble.

They want to see and see, anyway, what they dug out is really a pile of rocks.

Shen Qingci felt that she was still a little too naive. What she had been thinking before was nothing but Jinshan Yinshan, and she also thought that if it is Jinshan Yinshan, it is her own and has nothing to do with others.

"I want to enter the palace once."

Lao Hengsi stroked Shen Qingci's hair lightly, as if she were to run her hair down, if Shen Qingci had long hair.

"You want to tell Emperor Wen Yuan?"

Shen Qingci guessed it.

"Instead of letting him think about it, I would tell him personally."

"Could he still divide my Ye Mingzhu?"

Shen Qingci didn't want to give it to Emperor Wen Yuan at all, nor did he want to give it a piece of hair.

He wants to squeeze the oil and water from her body to almost the same level. She is already dry to death. Where can the oil and water be squeezed down for him?

In the palace, Emperor Wen Yuan was feeding Miaomiao the dried fish. Miaomiao held it with his two paws, and the food was delicious.

This is Miaomiao's snack, which was specially made by the Imperial Kitchen.

The people at Yushufang naturally knew what the cat ancestors, who lived for nearly 20 years, liked and hated.

It is also a loss. This is the imperial palace, and Emperor Wen Yuan is not a poor emperor, so he raised a cat, which really made people treat this cat as a cat ancestor.

Miao Miao took another bite of the dried fish. It was stunned. Then it meowed, jumped off the table and walked outside, slowly and lazily, but it was a nobleman among cats. The most expensive cat in the cat family.

Emperor Wen Yuan put down the chopsticks in his hand. Needless to say, he knew who came here.

In this world, Miao Miao can greet him in person, but the only ones who can personally greet the brand are the couple. He knows that Shen Qingci dislikes the imperial palace very much. , Who else?

Sure enough, after a while, I saw Lao Hengsi walking in in blue clothes, with a small white fox squatting on his shoulders, and a bigger one behind him, holding a white cat in his arms. It was Miao Miao. .

This cat's ancestor is the most unpleasant to hug, even Emperor Wen Yuan sometimes can’t get started, but for the couples, he absolutely loves it. You can squeeze its white paws or even squeeze it at will. Its cat hair is all right.

Even his favorite small dried fish can be shared among couples to eat.

Lao Hengsi walked over and sat down too. He patted Miaomiao's head lightly.


Miaomiao gave a cry. Although this is an old cat, the voice is still the same as before. It is soft and waxy. I don't know. I thought it was a little milk cat. But where is the milk cat?

This is an old cat that has been nearly twenty years old.

Of course it can also be known from its cry.

Its current physical fitness is certainly not bad, and it is exactly the same as a young cat, without any difference.

Branding worry about the old age of the couple, even their anchors are the same.

And I have to mention that Miao Miao is really a long and very beautiful cat. Of course, it is also the only cat in the palace. It has a domineering temperament and cannot tolerate other cats. It may also be because cats have territorial disputes. Miao Miao has always been better than other cats for territory, and he regards the entire palace as his territory.

Naturally, other cats cannot be tolerated.

As long as anyone dares to raise another cat, it will either go up with one paw or go up with two paws, smashing the face and losing the hair of other cats. In the end, the concubines who raise cats can only lose the cat. If you still want holy grace, anyone around the emperor must be easy to understand. Naturally, the cats around the emperor must also be easy to understand.

Miao Miao jumped on the ground, and then shouted to Nian Nian and Lao Bai. Nian's Lao Bai also followed behind it, while Miao Miao swaggered and walked to a little eunuch.

Then I meowed at him.

With a bitter face, the little **** knew what the cat ancestor wanted to do.

Today it is going to be a treat.

"Take it down."

Emperor Wen Yuan shook his hand lightly, and also let people take these three out. He had serious business to discuss with the brand and said that having these three is really distracting.

After Xiaotai was listening, she picked up Miaomiao quickly and walked outside, and Nian Nian and Laobai also followed him.

Soon, only Emperor Wen Yuan and Lao Heng were left here.

"Cousin Huang, when did you come back?"

Emperor Wen Yuan picked up the tea on the table and asked with a smile, but the light in his eyes was blocked by the cup, and only he knew what was in it.

"Just arrived today."

Bron Hengsi took out something from his body and played with it in his hand.

"What is this?"

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