With this, her daughter no longer has to go hungry, and with this, her daughter can laugh.

At this time, the Adolescence in front of her was also overlapped with Lou Xuefei's face, the same beauty, and the same kindness, Shen Qingci suddenly felt her nose sore, and those long-lost tears rolled again. Come down.


A Ning finally saw you.

And it's nice to have a mother.

The scent of the rice in the pot reached Shen Qingci’s nose from time to time. Shen Qingci even smelled the meat, and she knew now, where did the **** smell she smelled just now come from?

It turned out that Adonang bought the meat.

As for the reason why it can't be distinguished, it is most likely that A'duo's body is too weak, so it affects her sense of smell.

If it weren't for this, she wouldn't have been able to get her to buy medicine from a doctor just now because of the blood and gore.

And she closed her eyes and began to slowly adjust her breathing. This is the health regimen that Biao Hengxi taught her. If she is uncomfortable, she can try it. It will have unexpected results.

She didn't care much before, because she was in the house with a lot of people waiting, and she rarely got sick, so she has never tried.

And if it is really useful, she will definitely not be lazy in the future, she will definitely practice well, even if her body is good, but should pay attention to, she is not young anymore.

After these few sets of breaths, she found that the dizziness just now seemed to have disappeared. Even the strength of the whole body has increased a little.

She sat up cautiously, although her hands and feet were still a little vain, but now she felt much better, at least she didn't have any cold sweats anymore.

As soon as Adonian heard the sound, she saw her daughter sitting up.

And now the appearance of the daughter really made her let her heart go, her face was a little bit lighter, although it was still a little pale, it wasn't like that, but it was not so white as a ghost. There was also some blue in the white, and her eyes were blank. Yes, people are a little worse.

And she was relieved.

Really, it's fine.

If A'duo has something to do, she really doesn't want to live anymore.

"Aniang, the vegetables are messy."

Shen Qingci reminded A Duo Niang, in fact, it doesn't matter what she eats now, and it does not matter what she eats, but she is afraid that A Duo Niang's heart will be uncomfortable, so she also reminded her.

A Duoniang reacted, she also opened the pot quickly, and sank in the pot with iron skills, and when he saw the vegetables in the pot, he let out a sigh of relief. Okay, the rice is not burnt, only the vegetables, the meat is still good.

This is the meat that she finally borrowed money to buy back. If it is really messed up, she may have the heart to die.

She added some firewood to the pot and waited for the food to cook for a while, then she took two coarse porcelain bowls, one for her and one for Shen Qingci

"Aduo, we have dinner."

A Duoniang came over and put the bowl she was holding in front of Shen Qingci.

"Xie Aniang."

Shen Qingci stretched out his hand to take the bowl, these hands are indeed some strength.

She brought the bowl in front of her. It was a bowl of wild vegetables. It seemed that this kind of wild vegetables would be the same no matter where they were. All that could be cooked was boiled together with a little salt.

"Come to eat."

A Duo Niang put the chopsticks in her daughter's hand again, and she was really relieved to see her daughter's better spirits. Of course, she didn't feel how hard she used to be. As long as her A Duo was there, those things were given away. Give it up, if it's gone, it's gone. As long as the people are there, it will come back.

Shen Qingci clenched the chopsticks tightly, smelled the scent of the rice, and swallowed uncontrollably. There was also a sound of hungry in her stomach, she was very hungry.

She picked up the rice in the bowl with chopsticks, but found several pieces of meat inside.

At that time, when Niang Adolphe was cutting the meat, she probably still counted them. Given their current situation, the possibility of eating meat is very rare.

In fact, don't talk about A Duo's family background, even ordinary people can not eat meat if they want to eat meat.

Meat has been a rare thing since ancient times. Sometimes a catty of meat can buy several catties of grain, and some people may not know the taste of meat for a year.

The thin slices of meat in the bowl have an attractive fragrance. Even if Shen Qingci, who is not too fond of meat, is still slandering these slices of meat and wants to deliver the meat to his mouth. Here, I just want to know, what is this meaty taste?

She swallowed, but in the end she did not move the flesh.

At this moment, May's voice rang outside.

"Aduo, you should eat first, A-niang go out and have a look."

A Duoniang put down the bowl in her hand, stood up, and smoothed the folds on her clothes slightly, and then walked out.

And when A Duo Niang went out, Shen Qingci picked up the bowl that A Duo Niang had placed on the ground, and she took the chopsticks to dial the rice in her bowl like a ghost.

It really is.

A Duoniang’s bowl is filled with ordinary wild vegetables, with more water and less wild vegetables. The silk is given to her daughter. How could there be meat in her bowl?

Shen Qingci sighed, these mothers are all the same, she is also a mother, how could she not understand.

She picked up the chopsticks, picked out all the pieces of meat from her bowl, and put them in Aduoni’s bowl. There were only five or six pieces of meat in total. She gave herself no one, even if she did She wanted to eat, and then slandered, but she really couldn't eat the meat.

After the last piece of meat was picked out, she turned over the wild vegetables and covered them on top of the meat. This was nothing but the wild vegetables in the bowl.

In fact, she really wanted to eat the kind of sweet food that she ate yesterday, but she didn’t know what it was, and she could also ask Ado Niang. Maybe it’s a rare thing. Even A Do Niang is also difficult. I got it in my hands.

Now, what Aduona does, she can eat whatever she wants, even if she just boils water for her to drink.

And outside, Aduoniang has red eyes, and she is holding a bag of grain in her hand. This is either or not.

"May, how can Auntie ask for your food anymore?"

Although Aduoniang wanted food too, she didn't want it like that. She had already taken Amei too much, so how could she reach out for it anymore.

"Auntie, take it."

Amei stuffed the food back into Adonang's hands again.

"A'duo is not in good health now, so he has to eat more food. When A'duo is well and there is a harvest in the field, I don't care about paying it back.

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