Shen Qingci's gaze shifted back, as if he was also behind this man. What did he find?

The man suddenly stiffened his body, and then moved his body to block what was behind him.

"The nobleman looks at you, what are you hiding?"

The horse dealer drew a long whip, and immediately left a blood mark on the man, but the man didn't seem to feel the pain, and he didn't even hum.

Only from the trembling muscles on his face can he know that he is not ignorant of the pain, he is a human being, and he is a flesh and blood body. For what, for the one hiding behind you?

But now Shen Qingci still doesn't know, what is hiding behind him, can make him almost desperate to protect.

Everyone has something they want to protect, even if they have tried their lives, they must protect them to the end.

She naturally did.

"Get out of the way!"

The horse vendor flicked his whip again and drew another blood stain on the man's arm.

The horse vendor passed directly and stretched out his hand.

A child was pulled out from behind the man,

Small, skinny, the size of a dumpling, his clothes are also in tatters, only one pair of beautiful eyes.

The man turned his head and stared at the horse dealer.

The horse dealer put his hand on the boy's neck. The man's muscles were all stiff. He was angry, but he dared not move.

"This girl, what do you think of this?"

The horse dealer dragged the kid over. This one was eight years old. Although it was a little bit younger, this one was very cheap and grew up after a few years.

After the man heard the horse vendor's voice, he gritted his teeth even more tightly.

The child stretched out his little hand, also grabbed the man's finger, and shook his head at him.

"Girl, what do you think?" The horse dealer pushed the boy again, "It's not expensive at all for just a couple of silver."

Shen Qingci lowered his head and looked at the little boy in front of him. He didn't say to buy or not to buy.

How to sell that, she stretched out her finger and pointed at the man.

"Girl, this is a bit expensive." The horse dealer rubbed his fingers. "This is long and strong, and it has great strength, and there is nothing to say about work."

"This costs five taels of silver."

Shen Qingci retracted his finger and seemed to be thinking about it.

The horse dealer waited a little anxiously.

"Girl, these five taels of silver are not much. It looks like this kind of goods. It is only available in my house. You can turn around. The horses sold here, but none of them are higher than this, stronger than this, or one. The martial artist."

Hearing that the horse dealer compares people to horses, Shen Qingci felt a little uncomfortable. He also felt a sense of sadness.

The peace and prosperity she wanted was not like this.

But in the era of peace, there will always be such unfairness.

Or many people will starve to death by planting some food, so there will be fewer places like this?

Shen Qingci took out five taels of silver from his body and placed it in front of the horse dealer.

When the horse dealer saw the silver, his eyes lit up involuntarily.

This hard-to-sell item was finally going to be sold, and he didn't eat his food for months.

When the horse dealer stretched out his hand for the silver, Shen Qingci withdrew his hand.

It also made the horse dealer's hand in the air, inexplicably second.

What's wrong, is this not bought anymore?

"Buy him for five taels of silver," Shen Qingci pointed at the tall man, and then at the little one in front of him, "give this little one."

Horse dealer "..."

"You can't settle accounts like that."

But Shen Qingci is just like you don't give it, I won't buy it.

The horse dealer thought for a while, then gritted his teeth and gave it away. Anti-Tian, ​​a small one, is not worth a lot of money. It is too small to do much work, so there are few people who want it. If you don’t raise it well, you won’t be gone, so you’ll give it away.

"Here you are." Shen Qingci threw the silver to the horse dealer. The horse dealer took the silver and took a bite in his mouth to make sure it was real money.

The horse dealer collected the money, and then walked over, pulled the chain, and drew the person to Shen Qingci.

"You open the chain."

Shen Qingci couldn't accept a person, and was put an iron chain around his neck. This is a person, not a dog.

"Girl, this has a bad temper, it's better to keep it locked."

The horse dealer pulled a chain again. With so many people here, there is only this one that is the most difficult to deal with. It is as difficult to teach as it is to teach.

"Untie it."

Shen Qingci didn't have the habit of being locked in. The people around her had always followed her willingly. They were casual and bad-tempered, just because he had something he wanted to protect.

Shen Qingci doesn't have a good temper. If someone hurts the person she wants to protect, don't tell her a bad temper. She will kill.

Seeing that the horse dealer couldn't move Shen Qing's resignation, he could only open the iron chain, and it was okay to save him an iron chain.

Shen Qingci stretched out his hand and placed it on the tiny body, and the man clenched his fist again.

"Don't worry, I didn't mean to hurt her." Shen Qingci touched this little head.

"How old is this kid?"

In fact, Shen Qingci absolutely doesn't believe that this young child is eight years old. It's not that she has never seen an eight-year-old child. This is too young.

"Four years old."

The man made a dumb voice, and his hands clenched into fists slowly loosened.

"You take her," Shen Qingci touched the child's frizzy hair again, "I have to buy more people."

The man walked over and picked up the child.

"Is she your daughter?"

Shen Qingci found out that this was a little girl at a glance, and she still distinguished between men and women, which could be seen from the skeleton.

"It's Amei." The man touched the child's little head, and the child also leaned his little head on his brother's shoulder.

It's really a little bit, really pitiful.

"what's your name?"

Shen Qingci asked as he walked, also looking for someone he liked.

"Qiu Fan."

When a man speaks his name, he has not spoken for a long time, and when he mentions this name, he is unfamiliar.

"She's A Qing."

The man pressed his little sister's head on his shoulders, and also used his hands to tightly protect his sister.

"My family lives in a small village. Only me and my mother-in-law are doing a small business with people. Sometimes we go to and from the town. You can drive a horse-drawn carriage. If you don't, just go to school."


The man has been following Shen Qingci, and Shen Qingci did not care about him.

And when she asked, the man just answered.

In Daliang, fleeing slaves is a very serious crime, which is equivalent to suicide.


Shen Qingci only had such a sentence and then stopped saying anything.

She walked around and continued to buy people, and what she likes most is to buy Qiufan, buy a big one, and then give a small one.

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