However, there are still many people with great sense of smell in this world, and she has met several, and they have been nurturing since she was a child, so now she can be alone.

"Really strict."

When Hong Su heard this, he knew that he had no hope at all.

No wonder it can be sold so expensive, this is not like other things, just a handful.

Shen Qingci always believes that rare things are precious.

If there are too many, it is the shellfish.

Moreover, she alone, with such an identity, could not be like Shen Qingci, allowing herself to be so arbitrary and confident.


Hong Su stretched out his finger and wanted to poke someone.

As a result, Shen Qingci seemed to have known her movements a long time ago, and turned her face away, also letting her hands fall.

She is so old that she can be an aunt, and she has to move her face because she doesn't respect the old and love the young.

Seeing that he couldn't poke anyone, Hong Su could only retract his claws. Anyway, there was nothing to be embarrassed about. This was a little monster and could not be treated as a normal person at all.

What a weird person.

"When will my balm get better?"

Hong Su came here this time, besides giving her silver, it was for those balm. This thing was very useful.

"It will be there in a few days."

What Shen Qingci has said is of course counted, and she is given as well, and it is impossible to miss her business.

"So you can come over in a few days."

Don't quarrel with her every day, the harder the noise, the later you get it.

Hong Su blushed, really not cute.

Forget it, although she is really not equal now, but that is a good thing, a good thing, always worth the wait, a good thing, and it's worth looking forward to.

By the way, she just remembered it, it had always been weird just now.

She sniffed her sleeve again, "I went to the toilet just now, haven't you smelled anything else?"

"These spices can hide these flavors."

Shen Qingci stretched out his finger and pointed at the purse hanging around Hongsu's waist. This is what Yipinxiang sells. The most special thing is that. That's why everyone likes it. It can be said that these fragrance beads have been changed. The habit of few people, especially those high-class young women, does not need to wear several clothes, but also frequently changes, which not only saves time, but also saves trouble.

Hong Su was stunned for a long time, and then suddenly started, pinching Shen Qingci's face with both hands.

"Amei, you are such a wonderful person!"

And Shen Qingci was also stupefied by her.

When Hong Su saw her sinking face and the fire in her eyes, before she even burned herself, he quickly withdrew her hand, and put her back behind her, fearing that Shen Qingci would really take it for a while. A kitchen knife, chopped off her hand.

In fact, she didn't want to make such a heavy hand, but she just couldn't help it.

"I did not do it on purpose."

She quickly explained for herself.

Shen Qingci twitched the corner of his mouth.

Believe you a ghost.

"Sister A will come back in a few days."

Knowing what he wanted to know, he was also promised. Hong Su felt that he had relieved a lot of burden at once, and the whole person was also a lot easier.

It turns out that people really have to say more.

Hong Su swaggered away. When he left, he played with Xiao Aqing for a while. By the way, he also gave Xiao Aqing a long life lock made of gold.

"Children should wear them well, so they grow so fast."

She squeezed Ah Qing's little face, and it was only a few days before the little girl was raised white and fat, so cute and tight.

"This is too expensive."

A Duoniang also thought about putting a silver lock on Ah Qing. They have such a tradition here, and they want to put a long life lock on their children to keep their lives and wealth.

In the past, her Adol also had them, but later they were all cut into pieces and sold out.

"Aniang, your Adu's hands are made of gold. That's expensive."

Although Hong Su said so, A Duo Niang's heart was still not solid enough.

But thinking about the bank notes that Shen Qingci gave her every few days, this is also gradually letting go.

Moreover, this is for Xiao Aqing. Xiao Aqing is still so young. It is fate to meet him. This child is also a little poor. Now someone can treat her better, why should she stop.

Hong Su pinched A Qing's little face again.

There is no way, she can't pinch that woman, she can't pinch A Qing's yet.

And the little girl is so cute, she can grow even more cute by pinching.

When she has had enough fun, she is out of this house, ready to go to her embroidery shop.

A Qing's face was reddened, and she ran to Ado Niang, and immediately hugged A Ji Niang's leg, as if she was also frightened.

"It's okay," Adonis picked her up and rubbed her little face carefully.

"Sister Hong likes Ah Qing."

Xiao Aqing buried her little face in Adonian’s arms, but her little hand was protecting the long-life lock she hung on her neck. Although it was still quiet, her eyes were much more flexible than before. Up.

And Shen Qingci, who was sitting in the room, drank the pot of tea on the table, and then called Aping. The two of them were also going to be busy. Although they went to bed late, they also got up late. So on this day, there is no such exhaustion.

And after getting used to it, it seems to be able to grasp some tricks.

It was Shen Qingci's actions that dazzled Aping.

"Learn hard."

Shen Qingci touched Aping's head.

She knew that she had not misunderstood the wrong person. Aping is a child with a soft personality and a shy personality. He has a good nature. Of course, he is more able to endure hardships. After learning, he has a good craft. No matter where he is, he can do it in the future If you live, you don’t need to be sold as a horse.

"Sister Ado, Aping will work hard."

Ah Xiao was silly, and then lowered his head, earnestly doing what Shen Qingci taught, and trying not to make mistakes.

If these are wrong, many steps will be taken.

It took Shen Qingci ten days to make a hundred bottles of balm. This is already a very fast speed. The balm is slightly different from the rouge. It takes a long time to get the final product.

When he came over again, he couldn't help but opened a bottle and wiped it on his face.

"Have you noticed that my face is getting better and better?"

Hong Su pointed to her face. This is what A Miao said. Her face is much whiter than before, and of course it is also much more delicate. Is this the function of the balm?

"You use a few more boxes, it will be better."

Shen Qingci asked Aping to take out all the balsam. The reason for this effect is actually because Shen Qingci tried to add some Yurong ointment to it. In this case, it can not only be used as a powder, but also It can be used for nourishing skin and skin care for a long time.

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