Ami grabbed a handful of her own clothes, her mouth was dumb, she didn't know how to organize her language?

"Sell it, I won't deduct your wages, nor blame you."

Since Shen Qingci gave this to her, he believed her. If something really happened, she wouldn’t blame Ami for everything. After all, what kind of temperament Ami is and what abilities she has Also knows well.

May stepped on her left foot with her right foot, still not knowing how to answer?

Although Shen Qingci said so, she still felt a little bit ashamed to see her.

"Something happened."


Shen Qingci waited. Finally, she was about to talk. She thought she had to wait until her hair grew.

"Ali and Ayue..."

Amei's hand tugged at her clothes from time to time.

"Ali and Ayue?"

Shen Qingci just remembered it. It seemed that she hadn't seen those two people this time she came back. Amei brought a total of four little sisters. Among them, Ali was the tallest and most conspicuous.

As for Ayue, she looks the best among the few people, and of course the one with the highest spirits. In fact, she didn't really like Ayue at the beginning. People with too high spirits usually have extreme meanings in doing things. Know whether this person is also such an extreme person?

However, in view of Ami's face, she did not raise any objections. Of course, there was nothing wrong with the two of them doing things here. No matter how high-spirited, they did things with justification.

Therefore, she didn't care about this matter, mostly, what happened, but what happened to them?

"They can't tell."

Ami lowered her head, trying to pull her clothes into pickles.

"not coming?"

Shen Qingci frowned slightly, this is impossible.

The wages she pays here are based on the two, not the text.

She gave silver, not copper.

As long as the mind is not bad, it is definitely impossible to leave this place? In the village, in this world, no one is higher than what she gave.

And why did they say they couldn't do it? The thing behind it? I'm afraid it's not that simple.

"What did they say?"

Shen Qingci asked Ami.

Did she ask Ami to find someone? She also never thought about restraining them.

She gave them money and taught them to do things. What she wants is their conscience? Even if the conscience is worse? She does things stupidly, she also pays for them, and now she just wants to know? Is the trust she gave too much? More? Let those people take advantage of it?

"They didn't say."

Amei grabbed her hair? It was because she didn't say it. So she didn't know how to confess to Shen Qing? That's not a good sentence? I won't come if I can't say it. Even if she went to look for it several times, people kept behind No, then she heard that Ali's family had moved to town? As for Ali? She has not seen herself so far.

"Aduo? What should I do now?"

Amei is almost pulling her hair out, but still hasn't thought of a good way?

"Does it take so much trouble?"

Shen Qingci really doesn't know, what does Ami think about this head? Is there only one Ali and Ayue in the village?

"You just need to find a few people. If you don't work in this village, you can go to the neighboring village." She believes that there are many people who want to come in, but after the two people, she is afraid that she will have to pick a good person. , Of course, some things must be stated on the open.

It is not easy to raise a skilled worker. Although it is not too difficult, it will really affect efficiency if you start from scratch, but it is also fine. I used to find four people, and now I find ten people. People who are stupid can also be supplemented from the number.

"I'll find it now."

Ami stood up quickly, and she was going out to find someone.

"Don't hurry."

Shen Qing resigned and stopped Ami, "After I find out some things, then talk about it. Recently, you can think about it first, who can you look for?"

"I will."

Ami patted her chest to make sure.

This time, she must brighten her eyes, and of course the ugliness must also be said in front.

Shen Qingci asked Amei to go out first, and she hugged Huali who was lying at her feet.

Two months ago, the little milk cat from the past has finally grown up, and of course it has some weight, but Shen Qingci is more pleased that Huali should be a relatively small cat breed, so it can’t grow much. , Of course, can't grow more.

There is not much weight, and there are a lot of cartilage on the body, and it feels quite good.

She gently squeezed Huali's small ears and let Aru in.

"Go check what happened to Ali and A Yue?"

"Got it."

Aru responded, and prepared to check people. The good things in this village, outside, where the city lord’s mansion is present, are of course not too difficult to check.

Shen Qingci also had some immobility about this matter, and of course it seemed like nothing had happened.

In fact, she had some thoughts in her heart. As for right or wrong, she would know if Aru came back.

By the time it got dark, Aru finally returned.

"The shopkeeper said, someone from the Hua family is here."

"Hua's house?"

Shen Qingci had heard of this flower family, a century-old spice family from Daliang. The incense of the Lou family has the same status in Dazhou. The things they made are really hard to describe, even the vulgar fragrance of the Huang family. They are all incomparable, let alone Lou Jiaxiang.

If the Hua family can only make such things, this great cool spice world is indeed too depressed.

"The two of them were poached by the Hua family?"

Shen Qingci lowered his eyelashes and played with Huali's little paws. Of course, he knew a little bit about this in his heart, so there were not too many surprises.

This is the favorite thing of those centuries-old families, and if it is to dig a corner, the Huang family back then really did their part, and the fortune of the Huang family can be said to start from digging a corner.

Those shops opened in the capital were also dug corners by them and collapsed. In fact, it proved that as long as the **** turns shamelessly, there is really no corner that they can't understand.

And this flower family is like the Huang family. They are actually doing these shameless deeds. That's why they have achieved the title of the first incense. If this is the case, how can this great cool person be the most authentic Spices.

Good spices will make people happy, and good and elegant gouache will make women beautiful like flowers.

However, those vulgar objects were originally flowers, but in the end they became pickles. It is a pity that the unnamed ones are.

A Ru flattened the corners of her lips, "It was the Hua family who dug it away at a high price."


Shen Qingci knew that this might be the case, and it really made her guess right.

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