Fortunately, Shen Qingci didn't blame her, otherwise, how would she explain it?

"Let me ask."

Amei is doing these things a lot now, and she is much more courageous than in the past. Of course, she is not as shy as that, and she doesn't dare to talk too much.

She went out with the contract. Although most people in the village are illiterate, even she is the same, but there are always literate ones, so you can just read it from someone who can read.

People who really want to do things for them are the same whether they have this contract or not.

This contract is bound by people like Ali and Ayue who cross the river and tear down the bridge. Of course, this contract is not to blame Shen Qingci, nor to her. If you want to blame, you can blame Li and his friends. , It was them who was guilty of longing for a long time, and it was him who first threw down such a material to others.

In the future, she will break off relations with them both for a while, and will not say a word to them in her life.

When she took out the contract, it also explained the matter. Although everyone hesitated, they all agreed in the end.

A Mei took these little sisters to Lizheng's place again, and also asked Lizheng to come forward and testify. After several people pressed their fingerprints, Amei took them back to the Lin family.

There are a total of six people this time, which is enough for Amei.

Shen Qingci let Amei take charge of the four people, Aning took charge of the two, let them be responsible for the daily lives of these little sisters, and gave them one or two dollars a month.

Aning was relieved now.

It turned out that Shen Qingci didn't mean to let her go, and even increased her wages.

After arranging these things, Shen Qing was fine when she resigned. She was standing at the door, playing with Huali's tail. Huali is a very good-tempered cat. The tail is free to play, the paws can be pinched, and the hair is Ren Lu.

"By the way, Aru, can you grow sweet potatoes, right?"

Shen Qingci asked Aru on one side? She knows that sweet potatoes can be planted two seasons a year, one spring and one autumn? But should it be time to plant now?

"It's time to grow sweet potatoes."

Aru nodded? "Now we need seedlings."

"Nurturing seedlings?"

Shen Qingci has never heard of seedling cultivation? Of course, she has never seen it. She has planted fields, but she has only planted snow tea? There are other things? It is the first time she has seen sweet potatoes.

Of course, I don’t know what the method is?

Shen Qingci was always ready to go out, but he picked up the cat and went back again.

Aru can only keep up? Shen Qingci's temperament has always been weird? She turned her head and turned back? She must have her own meaning? She doesn't need to ask more? Just keep up.

Soon after? Ah Sheng also came over and brought a bamboo basket of sweet potatoes.

"Don't you tell me, I forgot about growing sweet potatoes?"

Ah Sheng really forgot.

I have always been busy with the spice matters, and I can't go out once in a few days. If it weren't for Shen Qingci to let him bring some sweet potatoes over? He would even forget what the sweet potatoes look like.

Shen Qingci squatted on the ground? Watching Ah Sheng carefully cut the sweet potatoes into small pieces.

"I'll try it."

Shen Qingci watched for a long time? It seems that he also saw some ways out.

She took the knife from Ah Sheng? Started to cut the sweet potatoes.

Ah Sheng didn't speak, and she wanted to do it well.

After a few cuts, she sat on the ground? She didn't care about the clothes on her body. For her, the clothes could be washed if they were dirty, but could be changed if they were not.

She wants to grow sweet potatoes by herself, but also wants to see how this kind of huge yield is grown?

She cut one by one, making Ah Sheng stand there stupidly.

Is this a delusion? What's wrong? What's wrong with Adu?

"Shhh..." Aru put his finger to his mouth.

"If she is doing something seriously, it has always been the case."

Ah Sheng nodded his head clearly, which meant that he should not be disturbed, so that he should not talk too much, otherwise Shen Qingci would be careful to throw things at people later.

Shen Qingci cut one after another, but tirelessly, until she finished cutting off a basket of sweet potatoes, it was already late.

Ah Sheng also sat here for a day.

And when he saw Shen Qingci finally stopped, he was also relieved, finally it was over, and whether he can go back to eat, he has not had a good meal for one day.

Now the hungry chest is pressed to the back, and from time to time, you can hear the grunting from her stomach.

Shen Qingci looked at him for a long time, then lowered his head and took out a piece of sweet potato he had cut.

"What are you going to do now?"

Asheng "..."

Ah Sheng could only be patient and endure his hunger, and then planted sweet potatoes into the soil.

Shen Qingci was also told about how to water and keep it.

Shen Qingci also carefully remembered what he said, and every word was also remembered. If she didn't understand, she could ask someone else to ask, but she remembered it all.

So as long as the memory is not upside down, it shouldn't be a big problem.

"Ado, don't you know how to plant before?"

Ah Sheng is strange.

Everyone in the village can grow sweet potatoes, even three-year-old children. The Lin family has also planted sweet potatoes. He has also seen the mothers and daughters of the Lin family grow sweet potatoes. If he forgets anything, he cannot grow sweet potatoes Did you forget it?

"Your family grows well."

Shen Qingci checked the sweet potato pieces she planted, and she was a little bit fond of it. After waiting a few months, she could eat the sweet potato she grew. When it was planted, she would definitely bring these sweet potatoes. Going home, also let the people of Dazhou have sweet potatoes to eat.

At that time, there should be no more food shortage in Great Zhou Dynasty.

And when Ah Sheng heard Shen Qingci's words of praise, he couldn't help but scratched his head. It seemed to be the same. My sweet potatoes are big and nice.

And Aru, who had been standing on the side, owed a blow, and she was going to be sleepy.

"Aru, you ask Amei to send Asheng back," Shen Qingci said to Aru. "That's right," she thought about it, and then said, "By the way, other people will also go back a few days. It's about to be broadcast in spring."

After Amei and Asheng both left, Shen Qingci still squatted on the ground, staring at the soil on the ground all the time, and she endured the urge to rip the soil away.

She just wants to know, can this cut sweet potato really grow seedlings?

"Looking at it, it is impossible to sprout now."

Qiu Fan stood aside and reminded Shen Qingci aloud. Of course, Shen Qingci couldn't bear it anymore, and digging up sweet potatoes for a while.

"Am I?"

Shen Qingci stood up and patted the dirt on his clothes.

Qiu Fan can only haha.

She must have never looked in the mirror well, so she must have not known that she was red eyes just now, as if she was about to eat dirt.

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