"Okay, you guys..."

Amei rolled up her sleeves. You actually did this kind of eating inside and out. Do you still have a conscience?

On the one hand, Aning and the others also have a bad face. The people in their village are from the real city and never do ungrateful things. Not only do Ali and Ayue do, they even dare to come again. Is it dead?

Ali jumped up immediately, her voice was a few degrees higher.

"We don't care, we only have one sentence. If you don't let us come back, we will tell you what happened."

The corners of Shen Qingci's lips curled up again, and there was some coldness in his eyes.

"Then go ahead and talk about it. Even if you talk for a lifetime, it is impossible to make those things. If you can make them, you will not stand here now, but be the guests of the Hua family, but you Have it?"

What a clown, dare to be a demon in front of her?

The blood on Ali's face faded a little bit, because Shen Qingci was right this time, and it hurt their hearts. They thought they had learned everything in their hands.

But even rouge gouache is nothing more than a few steps. They do it every day, and they rarely do it badly, so they must have learned it.

They can be on their own. As long as they are given the raw materials, they can make beautiful and fragrant rouge gouache, so when the Hua family paid a high price and wanted to take them away, they didn't even think about it.

But who knows, when they sat there confidently and asked for a bunch of spices, they made some very strange things.

Not only was the color weird, but the taste was also weird. It was obviously made of red? But in the end, how could it become gray, which was obviously a spice, but after their hands? It was very smelly.

They tried many times in a row? But none of them were able to make it.

When they were in the Lin Family? It seemed that as long as they did it, there was nothing wrong, and there was nothing bad.

But why once I got outside? I couldn't do anything.

And then? They knew that they hadn't learned it, because they still owed the most important thing.

And those who can’t do things? Naturally, it’s impossible to get the appreciation of the Hua family? The Hua family also drove them out? Not only did those people scoop up the money they gave, they even earned it by themselves? They also took it together. Up.

Ayue was okay, she was alone, and when she was kicked out, she was still carrying her own baggage, and most of her frailties were in the village? You can even mention it when you return to the village.

But what about Ali? She brought the whole family to the town.

As a result, this roll is a nest? The family stumbled? Almost never came back.

And the more they think about it, the more wrong they are, and the more they don't want to go back to the previous poor life, and they don't want to be sold? That's why they said yes. They came to the Lin family together and threatened the Lin family with this.

But I didn’t expect that the Lin family knew everything. They were still in front of so many people and told everything. The skins of the two of them were also being torn apart, and the two people’s respectful words were completely stamped on the soles of their feet. They still couldn't even refute.

Who let this be delivered by themselves.

If they didn't come to the door by themselves, they would find a smoker.

With Shen Qingci's temperament, even if they return to the village and see without looking up, Shen Qingci will not be able to take action against them.

She didn't have so much idleness, and wasted her time on others.

Since this happened by yourself, don't blame others.

Two people were thrown out by Aru, of course the matter was not over.

They were ungrateful and sold what the Lin family had learned to others. As a result, their craftsmanship was not good and they were kicked out of the village.

The village has always been sincere. Although some people like to take advantage of others, there are all things and not ideas in their hearts.

Especially things like this, which are stolen from others, are sold. Although the stolen is not the real thing, it is no different from stealing.

The two families were originally in the village, and they were not bad people, especially after the Lin family started working, their life became better. Even the younger brother of Ali's family can study in the school.

When those things happened, Shen Qingci said that she was a little unhappy, but she did not take action against the family, especially her children, she has always had a lot of tolerance.

But now that I think about it, I really can't read it anymore.

Shen Qingci didn't have any dislike for the child. She could also tolerate the child to continue studying, but Master Qin couldn't do it. He would definitely not want a child from such an unscrupulous family.

Avoid teaching other children.

So Ali’s younger brother was dropped out of school, and after he returned, the villagers would not complain to them, and would make themselves suffer. What does it have to do with others?

Besides, if this one is returned, it means that one more place will be given out. Master Qin will still find one among the other children in the village. He has not chosen one, or that he has another chance.

Sure enough, as they had hoped, Master Qin chose one, who was also a child who was left behind because of insufficient age.

The parents of this child are quite proud, but Ali's family has turned the sky upside down. Not only did they not have some of the money they earned, but even the future of the child was lost along with it.

As for Ali herself, she was finally married secretly, and she didn't know who she was married to?

Anyway, it won't be a good family. The reputation is bad, and no one dared to talk to her. There are still many people from all over the world who want their children to enter Master Qin's school.

So no one wants to offend the Lin family.

As for Ayue's family, the family is much lower-key than Ali's, and they are still planting the fields. Ayue also follows the ground every day, working hard in front of the little donkey.

Few people scolded her. Of course, some people think that she was instigated by Ali, and that she did something wrong. As for whether it is true, Ali is not there anyway, so it can only be said by others.

Maybe she was really instigated.

Ami nodded, the more she thought about it, the more she felt this way, if it was so.

Then, she decided to forgive Ayue. Although she couldn't be the good sister before, she wouldn't scold her anymore.

"Do you really think so?"

Shen Qing suddenly asked Ami.

Ami blinked, "Isn't it difficult?"

Shen Qingci smiled and let Huali lie on his shoulders, ready to see his own potato sprouts.

As for whether or not, only oneself knows. Compared to the one who likes to pounce on everything, the one named A Yue is even less credible. Under such circumstances, the one who can retreat all over is also using It took a long time to face everyone with the status of being aggrieved, and she became the innocent and harmless good girl who was also sympathetic to.

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