Wei Jiang replied, but he was thinking about how to send it.

Until this night, there was no star and no moon, and the moon was black and the wind was high. The Hua family was in the main residence of Fengyuan City, and suddenly there was a weird scream.

The people in the entire mansion were shocked behind him, when everyone followed the sound.

Mrs. Hua was not alive on the spot, and Mrs. Hua also had a bruise face, and even forgot to wear her clothes. Most of her naked body stared at a pair of big eyes, and stared at the roof. Man coming down.

This is really a pot that fell from the sky, and it was smashed down inexplicably, but unfortunately, it smashed on the collapse of the lady in charge.

They all didn't react, there was another scream, and the faces of everyone changed inexplicably. This was the voice of the third lady of the Hua family. And this third lady is the famous pearl of the Hua family's three rooms, and it is said that she can also marry the city lord, or the wife of the city lord in the future.

If something happens, they can't afford it.

When it was their mighty past, they saw that the door of the third lady was closed. Some people couldn't help it, and quickly opened the door. As soon as they entered, they saw the people inside. At that time, Old Lady Hua rolled his eyes and he fainted.

I saw that there was a person falling from the roof of the third lady. It was not good to hit it. The unintentional one fell on the third lady, and the third lady might also be frightened. She also lied and did not choose the way. It rolled down from the collapse, and after this roll, his face was also on the ground.

When those people hurriedly helped them up, the third young lady directly swelled her face, her nose was flat, and even her front tooth was broken.

Tomorrow will be the day when the Lord of the City will meet in the mansion. With the respect of the third young lady, how can he see people.

Isn't this Huaxing?

Someone actually recognized the person.

And the person who can be crowned with the family's surname? It must be the very important person in the family. If not, it is impossible to be sent out to do such a thing.

The Hua family has been busy for most of the day? Did they cover up these scandals? At this time, no one dared to sleep, and no one could sleep.

"Didn't I tell you? The Lin family's matter? Let you be more cautious. Who did it on his own initiative and wants to tie that person?"

The boss of the Hua family shrank his shoulders? Did not say a word? It was also silent.

Because he did it.

"Second? Is it you?"

The old lady Hua stared at the second child of the Hua family.

Hua's second child shook his head quickly.

"Daddy? Not me? It's really not me."

Did he really want to? But he was a step slower and was taken the lead by the boss. Fortunately, the boss took the lead. Otherwise, he would be the one who was scolded by the dog-blower now.

"Boss? You did it?"

The old lady Hua slapped the table hard? It was also the drop of cold sweat on the forehead of the boss of the Hua family?

Because he really did this thing.

"Why are you doing this?"

The old lady Hua slapped his chest banging? And every one of them was like hitting the boss of the Hua family.

The boss of the Hua family is still confused now, first is the wife of his own family, who has been seen naked? Then the girl of the third family has been ruined, this matter must be recorded on him.

He could think of how the youngest would hate her.

That girl is the jewel in the palm of the youngest family. She has been well-behaved since she was a child, and she has a beautiful appearance. As long as she is married into the city lord’s mansion, as a merchant, this can be said to their entire family. , It has never been changed, but now everything seems to be ruined.

Just, why is it like this, why does it become like this?

With a snap, the old lady Hua greeted the past with a palm of his hand, no matter how old the boss of the Hua family is now, even if he is a hundred years old, as long as he lives as an old man, he will only be beaten.

"Boss, I didn't warn you. The Lin family don't move. The Lin family daughter is different from those in the past. There is Linjiang City as a backer."

It is not a person, but a city.

The boss of the Hua family is still unspeakable now, "I just want to know how she made those things, even if she dug a few people from the Lin family, but in the end there was nothing that could not be done. Daddy, you didn’t. Does it feel strange? Our Huajia has been here for a hundred years. Over the past hundred years, how many fragrances have been produced, and how many fragrances have been eaten, but nothing is the same, it will be like this."

"It's like coming out of thin air, even if we tried our best, we still couldn't solve Yixiang."

They are a century-old spice family, but they were slapped in the face by a little-known character. How can they be worthy of saying that they are a century-old family? This is not for jokes. What is this for?

The old lady Hua is also silent, so why don't he worry about it. How could this spice that appeared out of thin air have little impact on their Hua family? It's wrong, it can't be said to be big, and it may even be said to be fatal.

But even if he had more thoughts, he had to endure it first.

They didn't know anything about the Lin family, and they had nothing to do with the Lin family girl.

Before he knew him, the boss was really sloppy this time.

And these things that happened tonight must be related to that Lin Ai-nu.

"Daddy, what shall we do now?"

The boss of the Hua family now has the heart to pinch people to death. He has made such a big face, and now he is angry and wants to kill.

"How is it good?"

The meat on Mrs. Hua's face was a twitch, "What else can I do now, let's deal with it tomorrow."

"Tomorrow, I will say that Sanya is unwell and can't meet guests, so the city owner must not be able to find that Sanya has such a respectful face, looks like a ghost, and will not scare the city owner to cry.

He thought it well, but there is nothing wrong with this method. It can also be said that this is the simplest and most direct method to say that the sick will not meet the guests.

They just didn't expect it.

The status city lord didn't know where the news came from, and he came to the door this morning.

Before the Hua family had made any preparations, they were directly greeted by a person. The result was also a coincidence. The three girls had seen her face this morning and ran out of the room crying. I bumped into this city lord...

In the end, the three girls had a ghost-like face, plus a big mouth in the blood basin, and a missing front tooth, really like a ghost.

On the spot, the city lord started crying in fright, and when he returned, he didn't want to marry a daughter of the Hua family anymore.

The little city lord was scared to tears. Can this marriage be done? Naturally, it cannot be done.

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