Rebirth Of A Noble Daughter: The Marquis Manor’s Abandoned Wife

Chapter 2223: Invite him to eat sweet potatoes

The carriage was far away from here, and he also pulled the shadow away from himself, but the remaining pair of eyes were still too cold.

The man said she was unintentional.

The man also said that she was ruthless.

In fact, he really wanted to ask.

Is there anyone in this world who makes her care?

Shen Qingci was indeed an unintentional person. She turned around and forgot He Yang. After a few days, she could not even remember who this person was.

As for asking where is her heart?

No matter where it is, it is not here.

When you enter the school, you can hear the children's reading and the guards walking back and forth from time to time. These guards are those guards around A Yue, that is, Wei Jiang.

They are still guards, but they have changed from darkness to light. They can only work as errands in this college every day. They can wear new clothes, live in a new house, cover a new quilt, and have meat all day long. Days cannot be said to be bad.

And a few of them have become the martial arts masters of these children.

Teaching them how to ride and shoot, there is no simple boxing.

Both civil and martial arts are cultivated, and they will not be taught to nerds, who can't pick up their shoulders or lift their hands.

Shen was thought of by Shen Qingci, and of course he mentioned it with Master Qin. Master Qin agreed to him. To a certain extent, he is a scholar. Everyone says that he is a scholar.

If you really become a big official in the future, you won't be as weak as a woman.

And if you learn how to ride and shoot well, for such a small child, it can also help them to get a healthy body. Maybe it can also make them grow taller and stronger. Useless scholar this sentence.

Master Qin agreed.

Of course, this master? You don't even have to look for it deliberately.

Wei Jiang and the others are not readily available.

Guards like Weijiang, who have been guards for a lifetime, are called masters by such a small child? They are called masters by sentence by sentence? Then they stare at them with the worship of the little gods? What makes them feel like they are, instantly He also grew taller.

The more attentive I was to teach these little guys.

Wei Jiang didn't know until now, why his master left the imperial city such a good day? Piansheng likes to stay here? This is not unreasonable.

The imperial city has the worries of the imperial city, but it is also dangerous at all times, but here it is not necessary.

Their good ability? Enough for them to run rampant here? Here? They can sleep peacefully? And they have to forget? How long have they not been sleeping like this.

So the goodness of this place? Only people who have experienced too much can understand it.

Sometimes peace is too rare for people like them.

After Shen Qingci stood here for a while, he went to Aduoniang's house, and Aduoniang's stomach was already huge.

Shen Qingci stared at A Duo Niang's belly? This belly seemed too big.

"Are they two?"

Shen Qingcici stretched out his hand? Put his hand on A'doniang's swollen belly? This child doesn't know if he's asleep now? Isn't it so noisy, it may be that it is not easy for A-niang to hold him, so compare The average child is quiet? It is not easy to make trouble.

Shen's daughter is a well-known person who can have multiple births. At that time, Shen Qingrong gave birth to ten children from five children, and Shen Qingci is even more powerful, with four children.

Shen Qingci witnessed the birth of several nephews with his own eyes.

It was the same when her eldest sister was pregnant with them.

As for herself, she can't see it.

That's why the bystander is clear, is Adonian sure not twins?

"I saw it with the doctor, no."

Adoniang caressed her belly and smiled contentedly.

"How can ordinary people have twins? A-niang hasn't had such good luck to have twins?" And at her age, one child is dangerous, let alone twins.

"Aniang raises Adi very well."

Shen Qingci was still disappointed after hearing this. It would be nice if there were two younger brothers.

Anyway, she is raising her now. She now has more than 100,000 taels of silver in her hands. In an average family, hundreds of taels can last a lifetime, let alone more than 100,000 taels.

"I heard that you planted sweet potatoes"

Aduoniang asked Shen Qingci with a smile, and raised her hand to touch the top of her hair, "You are really the same as before."


Shen Qingci never felt like Lin Aduo.

If it weren’t for such a weird thing, the two of them are in the same place, living the days when you don’t know me and I don’t know you. Could it be that Lin A-duo would have any connection with her, so she would not live on others, but He became Lin A Duo.

"It's the same." A Duo Niang still smiled, even if there was something in the smile, it also flashed past. Because it was too fast, Shen Qingci never caught a point.

"In the past, our family was poor, and there was not much land. You always said that when you make money, you must fly to buy a few acres of land to grow sweet potatoes, and you have to grow it yourself."

"You still remember the past, have you planted sweet potatoes?"

Shen Qing's resignation was unexpected, and it was really quite a coincidence that A Duo unexpectedly wanted to go with her.

"It was planted before the rain, and now it is growing well."

When Shen Qingci thought of those sweet potato seedlings, he was also very happy.

"Aniang, let me tell you, those sweet potato seedlings are very strong." She was not so excited when she talked about spices to others. It seemed that the money she made was the same. It was nothing more than tens of thousands of taels of silver in her hand. That's it, but as long as the mention of sweet potatoes, she can instantly become excited.

"There are so many sweet potatoes growing in the sand, and you should be able to grow more sweet potatoes in those fields that come to you."

"At that time, I will give my brother the sweet potatoes I grow."

Shen Qingci was happily touching A Duoniang's belly again. She didn't have much to give to this child, so she just had a variety of sweet potatoes and one more, so that she could make a stable and good living in the future.


A Duo Niang couldn't help but laughed out loud, "Wait for him, you still have to wait."

"It's okay, you will always have it."

Counting the time, Shen Qingci said that this sweet potato could be planted two seasons a year, and when she was planted the next year, if she was still there, this little one should be able to eat some sweet potato.

He can still eat the sweet potatoes grown by Sister A, if she still can't eat them, she will plant them for another season before leaving.

Coincidentally, the daughter-in-law of Lizheng's family came over, and she also came to talk to Adonang. Adonang is not bad at all here, and sometimes it is more lively than the town outside, so Adonang Only children can be raised like this.

Every day someone accompanies her to joke and laugh. At night, the husband Qinzi will still read to the child. I am afraid that this child will be like Shen Qingci in the future. I heard that Shen Qingci did not like to read at all at the time, so he had no one. Good dad.

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