A Duoniang took her son from Shen Qingci's arms again, and this little boy was rubbing his eyes, and she was going to sleep.

As for asking when he will be able to eat sweet potatoes, it will be half a year later. Sweet potatoes are good things, but children are too young to eat too much.

Adults, however, are casual.

Shen Qingci touched the fat boy's small face, the child had very beautiful eyes, and these eyes looked like her, not right, they looked like Lin A-duo, almost exactly the same as Lin A-duo.

Because the child was asleep, Niang Atour had no choice but to take him back again, so as not to fall asleep really fast, and the sleeping crookedly, when the child was lying on the collapsed, she woke up and noisy.

A Duo Niang is no better than a young girl. Although she didn't say what she suffered when she gave birth to this child, she was a little older after all. Recently, she has felt a little powerless. .

Therefore, she didn't have much energy to take the child every day.

So much attention was paid to Shen Qingci.

It’s better if it’s less.

Shen Qingci sat in front of the pile of sweet potatoes again, and spent a few days in a daze at her sweet potato mountain. This was more than earning tens of millions of taels of silver, and it made her feel fulfilled.

Her sweet potato mountain.

I don’t know how long she sat here before she stood up, then walked into her room, took out a pen and paper, and started writing on the table. She didn’t stop until nightfall. pen.

And what she put on the table were a few pieces of incense.

"I don't know why, I always feel I want you to stay."

She was talking to herself, putting these incense recipes in the cabinet, and at this time, there were dozens of incense recipes in that cabinet. She knew that these things, even if they were People took it, it was impossible to make the same thing, but she still stayed.

At this time, it was already late at night outside.

After blowing out the candle, Shen Qingci lay on his bed, a white cat lying next to his pillow, he could hear its slight purring.

"Go to sleep."

Shen Qingci stretched out his hand and gently touched the kitten's ear.

This night, she seemed to listen to the sound of dong dong, but she didn't know where it came from.

Until she opened her eyes again, it was already bright outside, and she was no longer sleepy.

Who is arguing in her ear, who is knocking Muyu.

Suddenly, her hands clenched.

This is Muyu's sound. This kind of sound that she can hear every night is nothing else. It turned out to be Muyu's sound. But how could it be Muyu, and where did it come from?

She hugged her head, the more she thought about it, the more confused she became, and the more she thought about it, the more annoying it became.

"Aduo, are you awake?" Outside the door, Yu Niang heard the movement inside the house, so she came over to take a look.

"I woke up."

Shen Qingci opened the quilt, took one side of the clothes and put on them, but when she stood up, she suddenly felt a sense of dizziness in front of her. She quickly held on to one side of the wall, and then she stood up straight. It wasn't until the dizziness passed that she opened her eyes.

She touched her forehead. What happened just now?

Did you get up too fast?

And she didn’t care about it. After washing her face with water, she used some rice first. At this time, there were no fresh sweet potato leaves. Of course, she couldn’t eat sweet potato leaves anymore. They had eaten sweet potatoes for months. Ye, Shen Qingci is nothing, but Ami feels that her face is about to turn green.

Fortunately, now I finally don't have to eat melon leaves, but Shen Qingci has replaced it with other dishes, and Amei feels that if she eats like this, sooner or later, she will really become seedlings.

"May, you really can't eat meat anymore."

Yu Niang is all anxious for Amei. These girls are all the same age. They used to be doing farm work and couldn’t eat any good things at home. They were all hungry and full. When they came here, it’s impossible. But if you can make money, you don’t need to work in the ground. You can lie down, stand, and sit. All of them are whitened a lot. Of course, they are also fatter. But as a girl, it’s right to be fat, but it’s really interesting. Can't be too fat.

It’s better for Shen Qingci, she will grow sweet potatoes and dig sweet potatoes.

As for the Ami, it's not that they haven't given them time to go out, but they are all focused on making money, and they can't go out unless they can go out. They eat and sleep and never walk.

A few others can still see it. After all, those who have suffered losses are not so easy to make up. Only Amei, who has been with Shen Qingci for the longest time, Dangzai loves meat the most, and Yu Niang takes special care of her. Some, how long is this, this is really going to be a little fat man.

Ami secretly squeezed the meat on her waist. She felt that the meat was tight, and she was fat. If there was no food for one year, she would count on the meat to survive.

Shen Qingci puts some vegetables in her bowl. She seldom moves meat. The better her life, the less she will not move her meat. She has a passion for food, and her favorite is sweet potatoes. , So her figure has always been the same.

She is still a little thinner. In addition to the light food she eats, there is also that she has always been sad, even if she is eating meat like Ami, it is impossible to become a big fat man. .

After finishing the meal, Shen Qingci didn't ask the door today, because some of the miscellaneous spices were sent from Ami's house, and she had to check it.

Even when Ah Sheng came over, he seemed to have something on his mind, and he was always a little bit hesitant to talk, maybe he didn't know how to speak.

"What's wrong?" Shen Qingci asked Ah Sheng.

"Do you have a problem?"

This also allows you to see.

Ah Sheng is indeed something, but it is still something that cannot be known to outsiders.

"Someone told me dad kissed him."


Shen Qingci hadn't heard of Amei for a long time. Since Aduoniang married Master Qin, and after Amei chased Zuo Ana with a kitchen knife last time, he had appeared in front of others.

On weekdays, I just guarded those acres of land, leaving early and returning late, and I didn't see the villagers very much. Even the meals were sent to the land by Ah Sheng.

What's the matter, you are about to say kiss all of a sudden?

In fact, at an age like Ado's father, it is understandable to say that even Ado Niang was married, and she still gave birth to a child. Ami's marriage at this time seems to be nothing difficult to explain. thing.

"It's also right for your dad to be married. He is only in his 30s. He is not allowed to be so alone, and there is no woman around him to take care of him."

Shen Qingci also asked why things bothered Ah Sheng so much. That's why.

"No matter where your father is, it is commonplace. You are not alone. Even in this village, there are not one or two people who marry. You really don't need to be too careless."

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