Women’s pillow blowing is the most direct and effective. They are also afraid that things might change, so they quickly asked Auntie to pick up their maiden sister. This person just came over and didn’t even drink a sip of water, Zuo. The milk took people to Amei's.

As a result, they just went in, only to find that Amei Daddy had guests here, Hong Su, Shen Qingci, and a woman with a round face and big eyes.

At this time, the people on Zuo Dai's side were all shocked, as if they hadn't reacted yet, but it was the turn of Aunt Zuo's eyeballs, she also thought about it, thinking that these two people are here, which happens to be Yes, this matter is also given, so that it can be regarded as a witness.

She hurriedly pulled her sister forward and said in her mouth.

"Achun, look, this is my sister. By coincidence, the two little nieces are also there, so they can help you to see each other."

Hong Su curled his mouth, the ghost is your little niece, it's really close.

Shen Qingci was sitting on a chair, too vain, but when her eyes suddenly looked towards Zuo A-nai, Zuo A-nai couldn't help but shrank up, always feeling a cold wind on her face. Here, I wanted to say something, but the result was such an inexplicable coldness that caused her to shut her mouth directly, and it was not like standing there and walking, or not going.

Amei's father was also at a loss. He did not expect that Aunt Zuo had such a big face and dared to call Hong Su a little niece. Even if it was Shen Qingci, he still dare not regard her as a junior, even more so. In front of her, there was the face of an elder.

And the girl of Zuo Auntie, who hasn’t been changed and washed for a few days, her hair is twisted into one strand. She is also skinny like a monkey, uglier than Zuo Auntie, and Zuo Auntie’s This kind of appearance is considered ugly in the village, and I never thought that her sister was even uglier than her.

The raised cheekbones, eyes the size of mung beans, and thick lips puckered outwards, they formed a mean face.

With such a desperate look, whoever dares to marry is not afraid of being killed?

Especially with the pearl jade in front of him, Amei took a peek again. Standing next to Hong Su, Liu Niang who was smiling and full of laughter was sweating all over his forehead. Fortunately, he thought about it before, whether people are ugly or not. It doesn't matter if it is, as long as it is someone who can manage the house, but this is really a shame than people.

He is afraid to look at Aunt Zuo's sister now, because he is afraid that he will feel nauseous.

Only Aunt Zuo thought Amei was shy.

He's still ashamed, he's all his age. When he is a grandpa, his face is already thick to a certain extent, so there is no chance of being shy.

"Achun, what do you think of my girl, can you match you?"

Ami, before you finished speaking, you heard a pop and Su Hong dropped the cup to the ground.

All the people present were taken aback, except for Shen Qingci, who seemed to be focusing too weakly.

Hong Su stood up and shook his hands, as if he had touched something disgusting.

"Chun Zuo, are you playing tricks on me? If it wasn't for Amei's face, why should I personally come to you to kiss you, you are a good thing, why do you want to marry two at once?"

"No, I don't..."

Amei wanted to explain, but Hongsu didn't want to listen to his explanation at all, so he pulled Liuniang and left.

Shen Qingci also followed, but she stopped when she walked to Amei's father.

"Uncle, you have to think about it clearly," she was not angry, still speaking slowly, but in such a tone, it seemed to tear people in half.

"You have offended her. What annoys her most is the men who always give up in chaos. In the future, the embroidery in this village will not be sold to Qianhongzhuang, and Amei will not be able to continue working with me for fear. "

"Aduo, I..."

Uncle, want to go to Lizheng for a cup of tea?

Shen Qingci interrupted Ami.

Some people don't remember to fight.

What happened at the time can be easily forgotten. If you don't remember to hit, then she hits until he knows the pain.

Aunt Zuo and Aunt Zuo were all frightened there, and there was no response for a long time.

After Shen Qingci left, Amei stared at Aunt Zuo and her very ugly sister.

"Didn’t I say that I don’t agree with this matter. I’m looking at others. Why do you want to bring people? The villagers you want to harm have no place to sell embroidery? Does Amei have nothing to do?"

"Auntie, I call you Auntie, that's because you are my brother's daughter-in-law, but you are too unrefined to do things. You will wait for how to confront Lizheng, and the whole village will explain ."

And when Aunt Zuo and Ana Zuo heard what Amei said, there was no blood on her face?

Sure enough, Lizheng had asked them to come and look for them. He also scolded Zuo’s people with a dog-blood spray. Even Amei was not spared. Lizheng’s words were not too pleasant to hear, and left Zuo. The family and Ami's heads are all low to the ground, 80% of them, and they dare not see anyone for a few months.

Amei felt that he was wronged. He had said that he didn’t look at each other, but Zuo Anai and the others are getting used to making the decision. Isn’t it true that they have to bring people in front of him? Being presumptuous in front of Hong Su, who did she think he was and what was he, what kind of face would he give her?

This time also caused him to be scolded by Lizheng, and Lizheng spit on him with a face, almost not spitting him to death.

As for Aunt Zuo, the one who was scolded was even more fierce, and the same is true for that sister. I don’t care if I killed the man who killed me. I want to come and kill my uncle. Is it because my uncle's death will become their family stuff? Up.

It was also the cause of Aunt Zuo's sister to die in Zuo's house, and it was also a trouble to rectify Zuo's house was full of chickens and dogs.

In the Lin family, Shen Qingci was holding a red string and tied it to Huali’s head. Huali was also a long-haired cat, and it could still be tied up. After it was tied up, it was unexpected and very beautiful. lovely.

Hong Su stretched out his hand and poked Huali's small head.

"This is only good, but a little bit fierce."


Huali licked her little white paw.

No matter how fierce it is, it is obviously a very well-behaved cat. Just listen to its voice and you will know how well-behaved it is.

"By the way, how did I behave just now?"

Hong Su pointed to himself, "Awesome, right?"

"Fortunately," Shen Qingci continued to braid Huali.

"It's not going to drop the chain."

"I'm still quite talented."

Hong Su wanted to admire herself, because when she was angry, she was so imposing.

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