"You even said your father, you may have cast the wrong baby, it should be a sheep."

"I feel like I am a rabbit and love to eat grass."

Shen Qingci poked his little brother's chubby face, "How can sheep have cute rabbits?"

Little A-Peng might also know that Sister A was playing with her, and she grinned and smiled stupidly.

He stretched out his chubby hand and pinched a finger of Shen Qingci.

Shen Qingci is also careful, holding his little hand, which is different from a mother and child, this is a biological sibling, coming from blood.

"From now on, you have to be obedient," Shen Qingci gently squeezed his little finger, "eat well and grow up well. Sister A left you something that will last you a lifetime."

"Papermaking is the most important thing. From your father, he will teach you in the future. When you grow up, you must take good care of A-niang, A-Qing, and A-da, and yours. Sister Red..."

A Peng waved his chubby hand, as if the hand holding Sister A was even tighter, as if A Sister would leave. If anyone moved his little hand, he would cry, crying to death. .

Finally, he was hungry, and was taken away by the nanny, Shen Qingci rubbed his wrist in secret. "The fat boy is really strong."

"It's quite big, and Niang Atour also feels that she will definitely grow a large potato field for Auntie in the future."

Shen Qingci "..."

We really have nothing to pursue, do we have to grow a lot of sweet potatoes?

"Aniang, you have a brother, don't forget Aqing."

Shen Qingci was afraid that after Adonang had Apeng, she would forget Aqing. Aqing came from that place. She regarded Adonang as a mother-in-law, if Adonang lost the first piece The original intention, as far as Aqing is concerned, will be the biggest harm in her life, and it may also change the child's temperament throughout her life.

"do not worry."

Aduoniang understood the meaning of Shen Qingci. Since she raised the child at the beginning, she naturally treated her as before and regarded her as a daughter.

"My family is young. Just your children. Aqing is naturally my daughter. Your uncle likes Aqing. He also said that you want to raise Aqing into a little lady. You can't be like you. It's all badly written."

Shen Qingci didn't agree with this at all. Her handwriting was very good. She had already said that this is her style, but not everyone can imitate it.

However, she was relieved a lot when she heard Aduoniang say this. As long as Aduoniang is still the same as before, she treats Aqing well. She likes Aqing very much. If she can, she actually wants to bring Aqing with him. It's just a pity to go home, the journey is far away, and she just wants to go on the road she has worked hard for.

When she came out, she could see Master Qin holding A Qing’s little hand from a distance. A Qing raised her head and said something to Master Qin. Master Qin responded as she walked. If it weren’t for someone who knew it, she really didn’t believe it. They are not fathers and daughters, but they were just strangers not long ago.

Shen Qingci kept looking at them like this until they were far away.

Then she stood up straight and walked towards the door.

By the time of Lin's family, he happened to have the sweet potato porridge made by Yu Niang.

For the current Shen Qingci, because there is no sweet potato leaves, it always feels a little worse. In fact, it is really not bad. She doesn't have to have sweet potato leaves, just because sweet potato leaves are very similar. Now, the taste of Da Zhou Xuecai, and she is not eating sweet potato leaves, but eating a memory, a memory.

It's just that there are no sweet potato leaves now, so she can't feel at home a bit, and even miss home, so even if it is delicious food, she doesn't seem to have much appetite when she comes to her.

But in the end, she ate some more, and pretended to be delicious, just to not worry Yu Niang.

At that time, I will talk to Adonang.

She finished a large bowl of sweet potato porridge, then put the bowl down, and then sat at the table, watching the small pears eating sweet potato.

Huali looked up at her, then meowed at her.

"Eat it."

Shen Qingci touched its little head, and also sat there waiting.

"Aduo, Aduo..."

Suddenly, someone called her name.

"En?" Shen Qingci opened his eyes, and now he is used to the name A'duo, even if someone calls A'duo when she is dreaming, she knows that she is looking for her.

"Ado, why are you falling asleep here?"

Yu Niang put her hand on Shen Qingci's forehead, is she sick, how can she fall asleep while sitting?

"I didn't sleep well at night."

Shen Qingci sat up straight, "So take a nap."

"If you haven't slept well, go back to the house and sleep."

Yu Niang was relieved now, she was telling her that even though the sky was warm now, it was still a bit cold this night.

"Auntie, I know."

Shen Qingci stood up, and then sorted out the clothes on her body. After a while, she had to go back and change clothes. The clothes were all wrinkled.

And just when she was about to leave, she felt that the corners of her pants were being pulled by something.

She lowered her head and saw Huali hanging above the corner of her skirt, still trying to climb upward.

"This little thing has become more clingy recently."

Yu Niang smiled, and she also liked this white and fat little one. "It's just that this one is too squeamish to catch mice."

It's okay, Shen Qingci bent down and hugged Huali.

"My Huali does not need to catch mice, just eat and play."


Huali licked her little paw and seemed to agree with what Shen Qingci had said. How could it be possible to catch something disgusting like a mouse because it is such a beautiful cat.

Shen Qingci rubbed the floral head again. By the way, she almost forgot one thing.

"Auntie, if you meet Qiu Fan soon, ask him to come and find me, I have something to tell him."


Yu Niang agreed, and when she saw Qiu Fan, she would let him pass.

Shen Qingci brought Huali to her room and continued to organize the fragrance recipes. Recently, she didn't do anything. On the contrary, she had a passion for writing fragrance recipes. Say there are more than a dozen flavors.

And so many fragrances, it can be said that a spice family that can hold up, even a century-old family like the flower family, may not have so many fragrances.


There was a sudden knock on the door outside.

Shen Qingci put aside his written fragrance, Hua Li walked to Xiang Li curiously, then raised his little paw and stepped out a small plum blossom.

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