Rebirth Of A Noble Daughter: The Marquis Manor’s Abandoned Wife

Chapter 2249: It's the wooden fish he knocked

Unfortunately, there are no sweet potatoes here, so I can only have porridge.

Picking up the bowl, Shen Qingci drank the porridge one bite at a time. What else can I do if I don't drink it? Are you hungry? No matter how hungry she is, she must be hungry.

After finishing the meal, she played with the fox for a while, that is, she asked Baimei who was sitting aside.

"Where are the four in my family?"

"Second Young Master was taken to Xiangjue Temple by Master Jingkong, saying that there was something wrong with his practice..." But Baimei said that she had made a mistake, so she quickly added another sentence.

"Master Jingkong said that the second son is fine, but it's not easy to see people recently. It's fine to stay in Xiangjue Temple for about half a month."

"As for the eldest son and the little son..." Bai Mei continued, "they have not returned since their last trip to the mansion. The little princess is still on Yi'an, and has not said when they will return."

Shen Qingci leaned her back slightly, and it was still good. She didn't overwhelm the crowd. She had only slept for a month, and it was painless and painless.

She was originally scared, they burned her and buried her, but it turned out that she was still alive.

"You brought me the wooden box in the cabinet, and Shen Qing ordered Bai Mei to be the one we brought back from Lou's last time?"

After hearing this, Bai Mei quickly opened the cabinet and took out the box from the inside.

Shen Qingci only retrieved one wooden box from Lou's last time. It was very strange, and Bai Mei remembered it, and of course there was only one.

Shen Qingci hugged the wooden box and opened it a few times, but when the wooden box was opened, there was nothing inside.

She turned the wooden box several times without believing it, and even thought it was a corner, so she shook it several times, but nothing happened.

In fact, when she opened the wooden box just now, she knew it was gone, because she couldn't find the scent of benzoin. There used to be a faint fragrance, which was also dyed in the box.

But now that there is less smell, there is no such thing.

She picked up the wooden box again, and what the old monk said was indeed not bad.

It should be that she forgot to put this benzoin on the table, and she let some careless girl light it as benzoin, and now it makes no sense to ask about it?

One dream this month.

She didn't suffer any losses, at least, it was a pity that she ate sweet potatoes. She ate a little.

Madam, what's wrong?

Bai Mei asked cautiously, "Did you lose something, do you want to look for it?"

"No," Shen Qingci shook his head and put the wooden box in Baimei's hand again, "I didn't lose anything, you just need to put it back."

"it is good."

Baimei responded and put the wooden box back in the cabinet, and then closed the cabinet door. When she looked back, she found that Shen Qingci was already lying down. She thought Shen Qingci was asleep, so she slowed down. , And then walked out and closed the door smoothly.

At the moment when the door closed, she didn't hear Shen Qingci's faint sigh.

"I still want to eat sweet potatoes."

Suddenly, a little fluffy thing jumped over and squatted in front of Shen Qingci. His eyes were also shining. Is this also slanderous after hearing the food?

Shen Qingci rubbed its little head and held it in his arms.

"Laobai, I came across a very delicious thing called sweet potatoes. It has a very high yield. It can be planted on sandy land. One mu can harvest a lot. In fact, most of the land in Dazhou is made from sandy land. Mostly, this is the reason why I bought the ten acres of sand, and nothing else, I just want to make sure whether this kind of thing is really like what the people in Daliang said, and it can grow anywhere, especially Sand, the guild grows better. If that’s the case, then Da Zhou will be able to cultivate a lot of harmony. After that, there will be no more food. Most importantly, this is delicious."

"You should like it too."


Laobai bit her fingers from time to time, how persistent she must be to eat characters.

"You are still the same."

Shen Qingci poked his small white forehead, "I haven't seen it for a year, so I don't have a long memory, so I just remember to eat."


Lao Bai wagged his white tail, rolled and rolled in Shen Qingci's hand, asking the owner to feed him, but Shen Qingci seemed to be asleep, he tilted his head, and then screamed There was a sound, and then he drilled inside, lying in the palm of his master’s hand and fell asleep. It was still a young fox, not much taller, but it was very smart, and continued to develop itself horizontally. It’s not long enough, but wide enough, as long as the weight grows out, it’s not that easy to be stepped on.

Shen Qingci slept until night again, which is strange. She has slept for a month, but she still said that she was sleeping, and it was indeed how she was when she was Lin Aduo.

She shook her finger and felt the strength already, that is to say, she should be well soon.

She calmly accepted the days when she was raised by pigs.

Except sometimes she wants to eat sweet potatoes.

Only gradually, she seemed to have forgotten the taste of sweet potatoes.

Only when she was dreaming at night, she would carry a bowl of sweet potato porridge, and she could still have some aftertaste, which belonged to the taste of sweet potato.

After half a month, she was finally well, and of course she was able to walk down the ground. It was not much different from her before January, except that no one knew what she had dreamed of in her one month dream, one month one dream. , And a dream is another life.


It was the sound of wooden fish beating again.

"I should have thought that these wooden fish sounds were made by you."

When Shen Qingci hears the sound of wooden fish now, his scalp is numb, and every time he wants to go to sleep day and night, he will be awakened by this sound and sleep again.

Master Jingkong put down Muyu, opened his eyes, and then smiled at Shen Qingci.

"The clothes and shoes of the monks in my temple have to be changed again. In recent days, there have been a lot of little novice monks, and some students who made a special trip to copy the scriptures."

Shen Qingci really wanted to roll his eyes at him. After all, this is a Buddhist holy land. It is really disrespectful to do such an action, so he can only endure it.

"How did you know what was wrong with that benzoin?"

Shen Qingci asked Master Jingkong. Although she had brought the scented bead back, she always thought it was just an ordinary benzoin bead. Although she always felt something was wrong, she didn't go into details.

And how did this old monk get it? Could it be that he could really know people from the past, but he didn't succeed in the future, and since he knew it long ago, why didn't he tell her?

"You wait a moment."

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