Lao Hengsi combs the hair for Laobai, Laobai is obediently lying on his master's lap, with round eyes, staring at the table from time to time.

He lifted his head, licked the back of his master's hand, and then took a paw.


"what happened?"

Branding weighed down and pulled its long tail.


Lao Bai hung his little pointed mouth on his master's arm, instead of staring at the tea.

"There will be a drink for you."

Branding Hengsi caressed Brandy's chubby little body, and waited for the pot of tea to be cooked, only the sound of wheels coming from outside the door, from the beginning of silence to the time behind, it was already Some can't hear well, because they are overwhelmed by the noise outside.


Lao Bai, who was drinking water, suddenly jumped up, and the whole one also ran to the car window, but with a bang, it also hit the car window.

Then it slid down from the car window, shook its little head, and ran over to Bing Hengsi, and went directly under Biao Hengsi's hand, also allowing the owner to comfort the fox.

It seems that there is no fool.

BAO Hengsi rubbed its little head, knowing that it was looking for someone to sue, it proved that this unwise head is not stupid yet.

And the bang just now shocked Changqing.

"My son, what was that sound just now?"


Luoheng comforted the injured little fox.

"The cup fell to the ground."

Evergreen nodded his head, this is also understood, but he thinks again, it is wrong, those cups are specially made, it is impossible to fall on the ground, but the master said that it was dropped, then it was dropped. Even if the master said that the cup flew up to the sky, they would also say to see how beautiful the cup flew.


Branding Hengxu opened his mouth again, and also called Changqing's name.

"My son, what's the matter?"

Evergreen is listening.

"You go buy two roast chickens, the one that is roasted now."

"How did the son know that we were under the first building."

Chang Qing raised his face and looked at the sign of Yipin Building in front of him.

"Baobai smelled of roast chicken."

Biao Hengsi pinched Biaobai’s small pointed mouth. If it wasn't for the first floor, if it wasn't for the smell of roast chicken, Biaobai couldn't hit the carriage window, and only encountered food. Will be so persistent.

"Stupid fox."

Changqing stopped the carriage and was about to buy roast chicken for the fox.

People say that foxes are the most fond of stealing chickens. It seems that they are really good.

Soon after, he brought out a few roasted chickens. There are many masters in the family, and two foxes are also raised. These few may not be enough for the two foxes.

A few moments later, the carriage drove into the Palace of Shuo, and Lao Bai jumped out of the carriage, and the fox's shadow disappeared. When it came out again, the big one was already behind him.

Shen Qingci put the chopped roast chicken on a large plate and placed it in front of them.

"Laobai is so good." She touched Laobai's little head, "I know it was for brother."

Laobai screamed.

He is a good fox, so he naturally remembers that his brother also likes roast chicken.

Shen Qingci took a chicken leg and gnawed it.

After a few bites, she felt a little dull. She gave the chicken legs to Nian Nian, who was sitting there watching the two foxes.

"Think about sweet potatoes again?"

Lao Hengsi came over and sat beside her. She has been like this in recent days. She thinks about sweet potatoes every day. In fact, he knows that she may not only think about sweet potatoes, but wants an affirmation. That is a truth. The place where it exists is not a dream of her.

There are people she cares about, and they are also her thoughts.

If it is a dream, then everything is in vain. If it is not a dream, at least she can know that they are still born in this world, even if it is not a place, but at least, they are all people who exist and will live well.

Shen Qingci was lying on the table. She couldn't do anything she could do now. It was like a huge golden mountain and silver mountain, which collapsed in front of her. People who know her know that she is the most She is greedy for money, and now she has fallen a golden mountain and a silver mountain. Can she be willing?

She just left unclearly, without explaining anything.

In fact, what she feared the most was really as what Brand Hengsi said. She just had a dream, and she was afraid that the dream would disappear.

The two foxes were very delicious. Although Shen Qingci had no taste, she was very happy to see them eating.

You went to Xiangjue Temple?

After Luo Hengsi came in, Shen Qingci knew that she had gone to Xiangjue Temple.

And he not only went to Xiangjue Temple, but also met the old monk, so he sent the banknotes.

"You smell it."

You know, Shen Qingci has always used his own sense of smell instead of guessing. When he left, his body was also stained with the scent of sandalwood from Xiangjue Temple, and in Master Jingkong On the side, there is a faint fragrance of cold tea.

Even if only one strand is needed, she still knows, where did he go?

"En," Shen Qingci was still lying on the table listlessly.

It seemed that the old monk didn't say anything. The old monk should know something about her dream, but she never said much about it.

Therefore, she couldn't ask what was right.

"That stingy monk."

Shen Qingci also couldn't help but mumble.

Every year hundreds of thousands of taels of silver are given for nothing, and the sesame oil money is also given for nothing.

"He can't help but make sense."

Branding considers this, in line with the usual heart, if he speaks, he listens, if he does not speak, he does not ask.

"Uncle is a man of great wisdom, he doesn't know much about some things."

"I know." Shen Qingci lay on his arm, thinking about what else in this world, some sweet potato flavor? It seems that there is nothing like sweet potatoes. She has eaten food for two lifetimes. She has eaten the delicacies of mountains and seas, and has also eaten the bark of grass roots.

There is really nothing that can make her taste sweet potatoes.

Sweet potato is sweet potato, it cannot become anything else.

Neither sweet potato, natural, there is no sweet potato flavor.

"We mostly stayed for a few days."

Brando Hengsi touched the top of her hair. After some time, we will go out and help you open a few shops, okay?

"it is good."

Shen Qingci responded listlessly. What she loved most before was opening a shop and earning money. Even if she wanted to share with the court, she still loved it, but now she is not interested in anything.

And after some time, what time will it take? First, the spring sowing will pass, and after the spring sowing, you have to wait for the harvest. I don't know which month, March or April?

So she can really stay for a few more days.

Many days.

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