That kind of feeling, it would never be possible for someone who didn't stuff Huanglian into his mouth.

It's bitter, she wants to scratch her entire hair.

I'm getting old and old, but it's not guaranteed this evening.


When Shen Qingrong saw Shen Qingci, he hurriedly greeted him and grabbed Shen Qingci's hand. He also looked up and down his sister, and said in his mouth.

"How have you been in these few days?"

"Fortunately, it's just a little sleepy," Shen Qingci heard Shen Qingrong's complaint, and explained, "I originally said that I would go to find my big sister these few days, but the big sister came first."

"You little conscience, I thought you lost it."

Shen Qingrong pinched her younger sister's face, but he couldn't tell that this was a woman who was five years younger than her.

And Shen Qingci felt that she had a conscience. If she had no conscience, she would not come back. The old monk said that she can come back because of her will. If she wants to, then she is back. If she doesn’t want to. Then I won't return.

In Daliang, she was a sixteen-year-old Yunying unmarried girl, but in the end she did not come back conscientiously and came back as Shen Qingci, a middle-aged woman.

Well, it is a woman who is about to be a grandmother.

Alas, where to find her with such a conscience?

"Look at her like this."

Shen Qingci took his younger sister's hand, which is really rare, "If you don't say anything, who knows, she is younger than you."

Madame Bai's face was bitter, and her heart was even more bitter.

If you don’t know Shen Qingrong’s behavior, she understands that she was unintentional. She might really feel that this was intentional by Shen Qingrong. She deliberately said she was old, but her current appearance is not old, even better. From the average person, it is still a lot younger.

As long as she is not in front of old monsters like Shen Qingci, she is young.

But as long as she stood in front of this person, she became an elder.

And she thought, I'm afraid that no one really wants to get too close to this person, and she compares herself to a scum.

It seems that Shen Qingrong also found out that he had said something wrong. Alas, it's really hard to be a human being. Sometimes you can't even tell the truth. I'm not afraid of telling the truth by myself, or others will be overhearted.

Naturally, she hadn't forgotten what she did when she came over this time, but she didn't use Shen Qingci's face to make people cry. She had something to say.

"A Ning, I heard that a girl ran into you today."


Shen Qingci was wrong about this word

"No one collided with me, but it just disturbed the Yaxing of her cruise, so that she didn't want to cruise anymore, she vomited.

So this is not a collision, the word collision is too heavy, she can't accept it.

"I knew you didn't have that small air."

Shen Qingrong had said to Mrs. Bai that Shen Qingci was very busy on weekdays, and she never paid attention to those little things. Besides, it was just a little girl’s house, and she was able to protect her body. What does Shen Qingci do?

It's nothing more than not paying attention, maybe it's just a bit rude, and Shen Qingci is definitely not because of this, but will really do to the little girl?

Shen Qingrong pulled Mrs. Bai's sleeve again, stupefied about what she was doing here, no matter what, she had to say a few words, is she like this, as if she came to apologize?


Madam Bai really felt her face become hot and tight.

"Wang Niang, I'm really sorry this time, Ruyi is still young, but also dashed against you. I have already taught her, and I believe she will definitely not commit the crime again in the future."

No, don’t say that it’s no longer a crime. Mrs. Bai will add one more sentence in her heart. Later, she may add Shen Qing's remarks, and don’t even think about seeing her again, for fear of hearing her name. Have to hide, let alone people.

Shen Qingci still stood here, but he never answered Mrs. Bai.

Shen Qingrong was afraid that Mrs. Bai was embarrassed. No matter what, this is her own family. This is to give some face, so she had to secretly wink Shen Qingci and look at her face. It's going to be too ugly, let alone San Yue and Brother Bai.

Shen Qingci tightened his red lips, then lifted it slightly.

"Is there a girl named Ruhuan in Madam's mansion?"

Shen Qing spoke suddenly, and asked Mrs. Bai a little confused.

Ruhuan, she knew it.

"She is Ruyi's relatives, and she currently lives in my house temporarily."


Shen Qingci understands it, but it can't be understood anymore.

"Madam must really like that Ruyi girl."

Mrs. Bai was stunned again. How did Shen Qingci learn that she has always liked the child, and she often stayed at home for a few days. That is, the child was still young and could not be separated from his parents. Then, she left the people in the house, and she took good care of her.

Ruyu's child is well-behaved and has a good temper. She didn't realize it, but was also distracted.

That is, this one, where did she know it?

"You have a good news."

Shen Qingrong couldn't help but covered her mouth and smiled, "How come you came back, so you can find out so clearly?"

"I never inquire about these things."

Shen Qingci touched her face, is she like a nosy person? What she disliked the most was to take care of other people's affairs, and finally let others complain.

She has so much free time, she would rather go to play with foxes than to care about these Zhang's parents, Li's short, is really boring.

As for asking how she knew?

"Ms. Bai only mentioned Ruyi since she came in, but she didn't even ask about Ruhuan. I don't even know that Ruhuan is still in my house. Although she is half dead, she has not yet woken up."

That little girl is a life-threatening one. If it weren’t for meeting her, 80% of her now have become the souls in the river. By then, her painting boat will float over other people’s bodies, think about it. , It is really unpleasant.

And Mrs. Bai's face turned pale.

"Ru Huan, what happened to her?"

Isn't she at home? When she left the house, she still complained a little bit in her heart. There was something wrong with her own sister, but she was hiding. How could she be so cold-blooded? Of course, her heart also gave birth to her. He didn't love it, and said, this kind of child, it seems that he can't stay with her, so as not to ruin the teacher.

But why does Shen Qingci say such things?

And she never thought that Shen Qingci was joking with her, some things were not used to make jokes, and Shen Qingci was definitely not the kind of person who likes to joke.

Shen Qingrong looked at this, then looked at that, whatever, it all felt that these two people were dumb.

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