There are things that belong to Daliang.

She has always believed that there is a place where there is a big cold in this world, that is a small country in the sea, and she also stayed in this small country for a year, where she had another adventure, too With my mother, my brother, and a good friend like Hongsu.

So she never believed that it was just her dream, and it was just what existed in the dream.

However, she believed, but others might not believe it, and she really couldn't produce any real evidence. Of course, she always gave up looking for something that belonged to the great cold in Great Zhou.

She convinced herself, but she couldn't convince others.

Although she didn't have to convince others, but she wanted to truly know that the place in Daliang was a real existence, not just a dream, it was so simple.

And now, she actually smelled the breath of great coolness at this moment.

She was also looking for this breath quickly.


As if it was so white that it had discovered something first, it jumped directly onto one side of the table, and then ran toward the thing on the table.

However, Shen Qingci raised his eyes suddenly, and then his eyes widened.

"Baobai, don't move!"

And she could only say such a word, and then she heard the sound of her heart beating wildly.

Plop, plop...

She had never been once, as she is now, the tension and excitement of this need, even when she encountered the treasures of the upper dynasty, she just passed it flat.

Excited, but not nervous, of course there is no greed, and even must refuse to be there.

But now, she felt a sense of urgency that she refused to accept.

This is hers.

This is hers.

It can only be hers.

It's useless if anyone comes, it's her, that's hers.

And Lao Bai was also shocked by her sound. She almost didn't shake off a few white hairs. The paws that were originally going to go up suddenly came back, ran over quickly, and jumped into the owner's arms. It rubbed again and ran to the shoulder of the owner.

Shen Qingci let out a sigh of relief. She stretched out her hand, rubbed the brand white, then stepped forward and walked to the table.

And above the table, there is a red clay pot. This color is very rare in Da Zhou. It’s not that she has never seen a red clay pot, but with such a red color, she is only in big Ryo had seen it and studied it for a long time, but she was only curious about the bright colors, but she did not learn how to make these pots. So she just saw it, but she wouldn’t be able to make it like this. s things.

But although she has not done it with her own hands, she can guarantee that she can use her eyesight and sense of smell for two lifetimes to ensure that this is something that came from Daliang and passed through her hands.

She hurriedly stepped forward and also stretched out her hand. Even after waiting for a long time, she didn't dare to touch it.


Laobai didn't understand and scratched her hair with his paw.

Shen Qingci was a little more awake now. She put her hand on her chest, and she could hear her heartbeat, and she was so nervous that she hadn't passed so fast in a long time.

What's more, she also sweated on the palm of her hand.

She pulled Laobai off her shoulders, and wiped off the sweat on her palms on Laobai's body. There is nothing in this world that absorbs sweat more than fox fur and is still white.

After she wiped off the sweat from her hand, this was the only way to push Laobai to one side, and Laobai was also a fool, thinking it was the owner playing with it.

It jumped over, squatted in front of the jar, then tilted its head, wondering why the owner liked this jar.

Shen Qingci took a few more deep breaths, and put her hand on the jar.

The sealing mud on the mouth of the jar did not fall off, she touched them one by one, and she was sure.

She picked up the jar again, the weight didn't look like water had entered it, even she shook it, and there was no particularly loud sound, so there was no water in it.

She opened a drawer and took out a small dagger from the inside. This was a weapon made from the mysterious stone of Lou's family. Bing Wei knew that she liked this, so she made a special offer give her.

She has a very small handle, about the size of a palm of her hand, very light and thin, but very sharp, almost all of it can be said to be iron-like mud.

She used a dagger to carefully remove the sealing mud from the top. This is the big cool sealing method, and she sealed it by herself, so she is absolutely certain that this jar was the one she threw into the river. , Also flowed through here along the water, and she lost a hundred cans, that is, thinking, if one day, if she can’t come back, something like this will follow the water and return to the Great Zhou. The last thing she did for Da Zhou.

When she came back again, she didn't expect to find this pot, and the other stuff in this pot was sweet potatoes, her sweet potatoes, her favorite sweet potatoes.

Be careful, she removed the sealing mud from the mouth of the jar. When the mouth of the jar was opened, she also smelled a very familiar smell, and it was still fragrant, making her eye sockets hot.

Sweet potatoes are really sweet potatoes, and they are still very fresh.

No matter when or where it came from, and no matter how it got here, she didn't want to worry about anything, for whatever reason, she just knew that she had found sweet potatoes.

She stretched her hand into it and took out a red-skinned sweet potato from the inside. The sweet potato fruit was really fresh and there was soil on it. Of course, it did not sprout or was dry, just like just dug from the ground. It comes out the same.

Regardless of whether it was dirty or not, she put the sweet potatoes under her nose.

"Good smell!"

She couldn't help but sighed.

Lao Bai jumped in front of her, and stared at the sweet potatoes eagerly. How did it look, it looked delicious.

"Don't worry!"

Shen Qingci patted Laobai's little head, "We can eat it in a while."

And in her heart, she was thinking about how to eat it, whether it was congee, steamed, or roasted, or it could be eaten raw, no matter how it was eaten, she was looking forward to it.

How about some of everything?

She took out the other sweet potatoes from the jar. Although these were different in size, each one was extremely fresh.

"This is for cooking."

She picked a big one out of them.

"This one is for steaming, and this one is for roasting."

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