She respectfully bowed to Emperor Wen Yuan.

"The imperial sister-in-law does not need to be courteous. If you are not in the palace, you will not be affected by the court ceremony.

Shen Qingci rolled his eyes in his heart, I believe you a ghost.

Emperor Wen Yuan coughed lightly, knowing that he was a bit too abrupt this time, so it was really embarrassing.

The sweet potato that the imperial sister-in-law just mentioned, but the new kind of food?

Well, Shen Qingci knew the importance of sweet potatoes to Da Zhou, but he didn't expect that Emperor Wen Yuan could not hold it back, so he would come by himself.

"What is the yield per mu?"

Emperor Wen Yuan couldn't help but rubbed his hands. Compared with the last time, this excites him more. There is nothing in this world that excites him more than the common people. Whether it can be famous forever , To become an emperor through the ages, it depends on what he left for the people?

And he is also an emperor who wants to do this, and he wants the people to always remember his merits and achievements.

"Yield per mu?" Shen Qingci frowned slightly. If this is the case, a yield of 5,000 catties per mu should be feasible. The sweet potatoes grown in Daliang are about this number, with a yield of four to five thousand per mu. About catty.

So it should be this number.

"Four thousand catties?"

Emperor Wen Yuan cried out in exclamation, and then he also found his gaffe, and quickly coughed again to cover up his embarrassment.

Can that really earn four thousand catties?

"It may be ten thousand catties."

Shen Qingci was not joking with her, because based on the sweet potatoes she planted with Lao Hengxu this time, the yield is 10,000 catties per mu. They carefully planted them, so whether it is land or water, Or fertility is superior, and it is not surprising that you can harvest ten thousand catties, but if you rely on the sky to eat, it should be more than four thousand catties. If you encounter a good year again, it may really be ten thousand catties.

Even if it's just the kind of ordinary sandy land, but the sweet potatoes that are planted, there will be no less.

Emperor Wen Yuan pulled up his sleeves, and wiped the cold sweat on his head without any promise.

He grew up so big, and he has seen strong winds and waves. This throne can also be said to have walked on other people's blood and corpses, but it is not like today, it can make him so rude.

The cold sweat on this head is like no money, falling down.

With a high yield of four to five thousand catties, it may be ten thousand gold. What kind of fairy thing is this?

If this is the case, then he really will not be a starving commoner after Sunday.

"Where is it?"

He rubbed his hands, and now he couldn't wait to see those sweet potatoes.

"Have you seen it?"

Shen Qingci didn't believe it, he hadn't seen it?

Lao Heng was worried that he had gone to the upper dynasty this morning. Of course, he had to inform Emperor Yu Wenyuan about the sweet potato.

And if Emperor Wen Yuan had not known about this, how could he have come in person?

I have seen it.

Emperor Wen Yuan couldn’t help but coughed again, “I’m just a bit unintuitive, so I want to see more, let’s see.” He didn’t talk about me anymore, but instead used me, he knew that he did. Most of them care about this. Only by betting on the past with his own eyes can he truly believe that this kind of thing that yields a thousand gold per mu or even ten thousand gold.

Don't blame him for so many things, just because it is too surprising.

Great Zhou has been for hundreds of years. No, since these dynasties, there has never been such a thing, so he was accidental and shocked, and he couldn't believe it.

Can I take a look?

He is afraid that what he hears is false and what he sees is believable, so he came here on a special trip. He wanted to see sweet potatoes with his own eyes. Is it true? As Bing Hengli said, it is so productive. Hungry.

"The saint came here, isn't it just for this matter?"

Shen Qingci now has revenge for those who rob her of sweet potatoes. If she is replaced by someone else, she will definitely kick them out with one kick. The farther the kick is, the better.

But who made this the emperor, no matter what she did, she would give the emperor face and care for the emperor's identity.

Emperor Wenyuan touched his nose again. He knew that Shen Qingci regarded sweet potatoes as fate, but now these sweet potatoes are not only the lives of her, but also the lives of many people, so he didn't mention other things and ignored them. , But today, he must see those sweet potatoes.

"Holy Lord please."

Shen Qingci stretched out his hand and asked Emperor Wenyuan to invite it first, which also gave Emperor Wenyuan a lot of face.

Emperor Wen Yuan nodded lightly before walking out.

Soon after, they were already standing in the ice cellar of Shuo Palace. The ice cellar of Shuo Palace was uniquely blessed. It is the only place in the entire capital city. The temperature is extremely low all year round. In summer, It is convenient to get ice, just dig some casually. It can also be said that it is a clever robbing of heaven. No matter what the reason is, it is here in short.

Branding considered that when the Shuo Palace was established, the big reason was probably just because there was a natural ice cellar. Because of this ice cellar, it was much more convenient. At least, they could do more. Store something.

Many spices made by Shen Qingci are also stored here.

At this time, there were two piles of sweet potatoes in a huge ice cellar, the big ones were five or six catties, and there were many small ones.

Even though Emperor Wen Yuan said that he had already seen sweet potatoes, they were brought by Bing Hengsi on a special trip today. At that time, he thought that this was the biggest one brought out by Bing Hengxi, but he only knew it now.

I was afraid that he just took some from it and brought him into the palace. There are bigger ones here.

He couldn't help but walked over, stretched out his hand, and picked up a sweet potato. It felt heavy. He felt a little heavy when he held it in his hands, and he now believes that what Shen Qing said just now, definitely It's true.

These sweet potatoes can really yield thousands of catties per mu, and just this one, they all reach five or six catties, and how many are there in such a pile?

He carefully put down the sweet potato, and his eyes were bright.

Shen Qingci stood aside and rubbed his hands coldly. How long would he stay here? She is about to freeze to death, and what's to be seen, in the future, until another season, he can pull it to his palace and sleep in a hug.

As soon as Emperor Wen Yuan turned his head, he found the grievances in Shen Qingci's eyes and her cold and pale face, and he couldn't help but touch his nose.

"Let's go up first."

Don't say Shen Qingci, even he himself is shivering coldly now.

Shen Qingci stayed there, waiting for Emperor Wenyuan to go out first.

Emperor Wenyuan nodded to Shen Qingci, and he already walked out of the ice cellar with his own guard.

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