Xiao Shi really admires him. He can stay in such a small carriage without being anxious, but he is obviously the most unbearable for his temper. When did this irritable child become so quiet? of?

Luo Yuxi sighed.

"You'll find out in the first half of your stay at Jingkong Temple."

He has such a good concentration, all came from Jingkong Temple, he copied the Buddhist scriptures for half a year, and he never took his mind. Later, he could sit at the table for a few hours, and he had some concentration, which was not born born. It's made, but it's out of practice.

Just like him, it doesn't matter if he stays for a few months, and it is good if the carriage is parked until it is too bumpy and difficult to sleep.

Okay, Xiao Shi took care of his clothes. He didn't dare to compare with Lao's children, and his three cousins ​​couldn't speak with ordinary people.

When he came back again, he saw Luo Yuxi standing in front of the carriage, also closing his eyes and resting.

"Give you."

Xiao Shi threw him one of the roast chicken he was holding.

"I heard that the local area is quite famous. I tasted it and it tasted good."

Lao Yuxi opened his eyes, reached out his hand and took the roast chicken over, tore off a chicken leg, leaned there and ate it.

The second son of Shuo Palace is the second son, and is also different from other people. He has been influenced by etiquette since he was a child, and everything he has learned in the past ten years, even if his actions are rude, but in the eyes of others, they are all There is a pleasing presence.

As long as you don't look directly at his pair, there are always smiling eyes with no emotion.

After Luo Yuxi had eaten a chicken leg, he didn't mean to be too hungry. He wrapped up the rest of the chicken and kept it on the road to eat. It is still a bit early now, so the inn tonight is obviously , They can't live by themselves.

Soon after, their carriage came out of this place again, and only that piece of the setting sun was about to set, and it also reflected their bodies with a little withered warmth.

Until their shadows were submerged again...

"Have you brought it?"

Luo Yuxi asked Niu Xin, and he was holding a firewood in his hand. He split the firewood in two easily and threw it into the fire.

"Here it is."

The cow ran over, then squatted down, holding two big sweet potatoes in his hands.

Xiao Shi quickly covered his mouth.

"You eat this?"

He was surprised at himself, how could he eat this again, he could eat this again, how could he eat it.

"Why can't you eat?"

Luo Yuxi picked up the branch and pulled a little away from the fire, then put two sweet potatoes in it, and covered it with some firewood.

This is delicious in the world. I was tired of eating big fish and meat, only to realize that this is the most delicious, even compared to those big fish and meat.

"You dare not eat anymore."

Xiao Shi stroked his forehead, "You said how much you have eaten along the way. When you arrive at your grandfather's place, you will have a few more to come out. What if you can't plant it?"

"Don't worry, I know it in my heart."

Luo Yuxi is not really stupid. You can't eat all the seeds. His mother said that these things are both seeds and food. If they have nothing to eat, they can eat them, even if they leave them three or four. All of them are enough to grow, not to mention, there are still a pile in the carriage now, and he naturally, it is impossible to really eat, only three or four are left.

He wanted to eat sweet potatoes because he missed his mother.

Mother must be eating sweet potatoes now. These sweet potatoes are the result of her mother’s dream, and it is also her mother’s time for a month when she gave up her. It is also possible that her life will be exchanged. Naturally, for him , Not just sweet potatoes.

No matter how he kept breaking the firewood, everyone else had a knife to cut it, and he could do it with his hands.

After a while, I could smell the sweet potato scent, Xiao Shi couldn't help but swallowed, thinking about how much he could get in a while? There are three buried in it, and if it doesn't work, he can get one.

"Give you."

Lao Yuxi took out a roasted sweet potato from the fire, and threw it to Xiao Shi. Xiao Shi quickly took it over, but it was hot, he hissed from time to time, but he was reluctant to throw it away.

In this way, the left hand was changed to the right hand, and the right hand was changed to the left hand. Finally, the sweet potatoes were broken and they were also eaten.

He was the fastest to stop, but he was also the fastest to eat sweet potatoes. After eating his own, he would be jealous of others.

Lao Yuxi uncovered the blackened sweet potato skins. This is the way to eat the sweet potato flesh inside. The roasted sweet potato is very hot, but it is delicious. It is a pity that they can only do it alone. Eat one, these are all left behind as seeds after all, and you can’t let them eat without the belly. When the sweet potatoes are planted for the whole big week, then you can eat whatever you want. No one dared to say that eating one and losing one, but these are too precious now.


Xiao Shi rubbed his hands.

Luo Yuxi turned his head, and saw Xiao Shi with a flattering smile. He stretched out a pair of black hands, even his face was dark, thinking about it, he did not let it go.

This kind of fresh food is indeed very delicious. If you eat it once, you will want to eat it again, and if you eat one, you will want to eat the second one, just like he is now.

Luo Yuxi was very generous, and gave him the remaining half of the sweet potatoes, and it was enough for him to eat the half.

After eating the sweet potatoes, a few people slept against the tree again. After nightfall, there will naturally be other guards. This time they traveled, they used the top ten masters in Shuowang’s mansion, and these top masters plus the two of them, Although it can't be said to be rampant here, but it will not let others bully it.

And this sleep was one night. It was also because of the hard work of the journey, so they also stayed up all night. From the beginning they couldn’t fall asleep every night. Now, they are accustomed to sleeping outside, and naturally they are also used to staying out. Having fun in this hardship, of course, is a good night's sleep, until the next day, full of energy, continue to set off.

And so, it took them less than two months to reach the border crossing, where Shen Dingshan was stationed.

After getting off the carriage, Luo Yuxi also looked around. Really, there is wasteland everywhere. Stepping on the ground, I also know that the underground is also a land of sand, so it is not easy to grow crops here. Of course, it is said to be a barren place, and it is not wrong.

Ordinary crops are naturally unable to grow. The land is barren, the weather is cold, and there is no good land for planting. Therefore, most of the food needs to be ordered from various places. Not only the generals stationed here, but even the surrounding people, also The year-round lack of clothing, food and stomach, is also the poorest place in Da Zhou.

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