"These things are all placed in the cave. When some people go up the mountain, if there is food that they can't eat, they are all placed here, and some people will make a special trip to the mountain and put some. As for who put it, left Bei doesn't know, but it should be the hunter here."

Xiao Shi listened, but did not interrupt, he felt in his heart that it was not released by the hunter, it may have been released by Lifang.

Li Li often brought people some food to the foxes, so she put some food here, the best thing to say about the past, and even if it was not Li Fang, it should be related to her.

"Second brother from the left," Xiao Shi yelled again. This sentence made by the second brother from the left makes people want to get close. Therefore, a good birth is to take advantage. People's favorite mouth, even rice is more than others can eat a bowl.

"Young Master Yuwen, what do you want to ask?"

Because of this sentence, Zuo Bei's second brother Zuo got close to Xiao Shi a lot. In addition, although Xiao Shi is small, he is also a little thinner, and he is a weak young man, but his feet are Not slow, even better than them, so they like this teammate who doesn’t hold back

Without holding back, on this snow-capped mountain, sometimes it is equivalent to a life-like existence.

"Master Yuwen, please speak." Zuo Bei asked again.

Xiao Shi's eyes lit up slightly.

"Left brother, can we see the fox this time?"


Zuo Bei asked again, uncertainly.

"Are you talking about a fox?"

"Yes," Xiao Shi nodded vigorously, "it's a fox, a white fox."

Nian Nian and Lao Bai were both born here, and there should be other foxes here.

There are foxes in this mountain. Zuo Bei tightened his clothes. He was sitting in front of the fire and burning. If it was a normal fox, it could be caught and killed, but the white fox could not move.


Why has Xiaoshi never heard of this? Why can't the white fox move?

"The white fox is a fox fairy."

Zuo Bei had an honest face, but he spoke very seriously.

"Our hunters in the mountains all know that if they meet a white fox, they can't move. The white fox is a mature fox, very spiritual."

"Not before?"

Xiao Shi had heard that when Xiao Hu was pregnant every year, he was arrested too, or his little aunt let him go.

Xiao Hu was also white. Someone caught him at that time and even ate meat.

"In the beginning, it didn't," Zuo Bei said again. "At that time, some people caught the white fox, but I don't know who came out. It was said that the white fox could not catch it. It was something that already had spirituality. If you lose your life, it will also cause trouble."

And those who rely on the mountain to eat, naturally believe, and believe in destiny, so no matter whether it is true or false, no one has ever hunted a white fox, but he has lived in the mountains for so many years and he has never seen pure The white fox came.

Xiao Hui Mao has seen some of them, and of course he has beaten some.

Xiao Shi rubbed his hands. Several people surrounded the fire. It was not as cold as it was. The sound of wind and snow could still be heard outside. It can be seen that after nightfall, the wind and snow were a bit heavier.

Fortunately, they found this place, fortunately there is a place to shelter from wind and snow.

I'm afraid this was released on purpose by the little aunt and Mo.

Xiao Shi thought, just for Xiao Hu to live safely in this mountain, sometimes people are more terrifying than those wild beasts.

Several people listened to the wind and snow outside and the crackling of the firewood inside the cave. They didn't know when they fell asleep.

Xiao Shi opened his eyes, and then added some firewood to the fire, and his ears were full of Zuo Bei and their screams, one after another, one after another, it also made him, who has always been happy and quiet, a little unable to sleep.

Of course it was also because of something in my heart, so it was really hard to sleep well.

He closed his eyes and sighed softly.

After all, he was still too young, and of course he was too sloppy. At the beginning, he was just enthusiastic, thinking that this snow-capped mountain might not be so difficult to climb, and he has two brothers from the Zuo family. They said that they grew up in snow-capped mountains since they were young. , This year, I will say that they are all mountains that have to be hundreds of times. They also know the snow mountains very well. With them, he feels more reliable than following Luo Yuxi who only went to the snow mountain once.

But now, he regrets a little bit. He regretted that he was so hasty that he went up the mountain. Even things were not prepared enough, of course he didn't mention it with Luo Yu.

It's already night, and I don't know if Lao Yuxi knows that he has gone up the snow mountain?

He grabbed a firewood from one side and threw it into the fire. With a crackle, the firewood also burned. Of course, it brought him that kind of warmth, dispelling the cold air from his body.

He couldn't sleep here, even if he was sleepy and couldn't open his legs, but there was always a kind of anxiety in his heart, and that kind of anxiety, like a mountain, weighed on his heart.

He sighed slightly, and waited to be scolded.

And he can imagine that when he returns to the capital, he may be beaten by his grandfather because of his impulse and how many scolds he will endure. It is also thanks to his grandfather's heavy borders. In recent years, he may not Returning to Beijing too often, otherwise he might get two beatings, and two beatings, he obviously can't afford it.

There was another cry of a wild beast, Xiao Shi wrapped her clothes tightly, and gradually a drowsiness came...

At this time, under the mountain.

It was the time when the lights of Wanjia went out. Except for the whistling north wind outside, there seemed to be no extra noise. Today, the snow stopped for half a day, and the temperature had warmed up a bit, but it was still extremely cold. .

Lao Yuxi sat at the table with a lamp in front of him. The night pearl in the lamp had a soft but bright light. Even at night, it could shine as bright as daylight.

It can be said that Shen Qingci has scoured the Ye Mingzhu in the palace one by one. The lanterns in her mansion are all made of Ye Mingzhu, not to mention the beads that his children carry.

In order to protect the eyes, but also for trouble.

Lao Yuxi was holding a pen, copying the Buddhist scriptures stroke by stroke. At this time, besides the pen he was holding and touching the paper from time to time, there were several breathing sounds, and he was also carefully detained.

Until he put down the pen, these were the few people who raised their eyes and stared at him, kneeling in front of him, these were the guards following Xiao Shi.

"People ran away, are you telling me now?"

His voice was very soft, but it was more piercing than the wind and snow outside, and it was still colder.

Several guards pressed their heads very low, and of course they were also faceless.

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