Xiao Shi tightened his blue lips, resisting the urge to lift his feet and trample him to death.

Incompetent bungler.

How can one be able to hold several people when they are swearing, but at the moment of life and death, they will only be dizzy.

The Zuo brothers could only put down Master He, and the two of them also stood aside.

Xiao Shi put his hand on his hair and took off his hairpin. He clenched the hairpin in his hand and walked towards the slime on the ground.

When he stood in front of He Gongzi, he also raised the hairpin in his hand. He didn't even think about it, and he was going to He Gongzi.

"Young Master Yuwen..." Zuo Nan didn't have time to stop it.

Then I heard a scream.

He Gongzi jumped up from the ground, covering his mouth, jumping on the ground continuously.

Xiao Shi wiped his hairpin in the snow and wiped it again, so that it was not on his hair again.

"If you don't want to die, keep up, if you want to die, follow you."

Xiao Shilian didn't want to move the corners of his mouth, he tightened his clothes again and walked forward.

Young Master He jumped on the ground several times. He wanted to get justice back for himself, but when he saw that several people ignored him, of course he wanted to leave him behind, and he quickly followed.

"Master Yuwen, how did you do it?"

Zuo Bei is very curious, but the talented people are all dizzy and can't be dizzy anymore, how come this young man woke him up with just one stroke?

"Strike in others."

Xiao Shi faintly passed the He Young Master who followed them obediently.

And Young Master He heard the words stuck in the person, and quickly covered his mouth with his hand, and now his upper lip is still swollen, of course the pain, he will never forget it in his lifetime.

The Zuo family brothers who were born in the past, as if they were being taught, took notes. They knew that this person was dizzy and wanted to pinch him, but they were among the people who pinched He Gongzi just now, but He Gongzi just didn't wake up.

And now they finally know that in addition to pinching people, they can also pin people.

A few people and a group, braved the wind and snow, and walked forward, leaving a long series of footprints behind them, but they did not know when they were obliterated by those wind and snow.

Just as they never came, so, they never existed before and now.

And they have no choice but to move forward.

Their lives can only be handed over to heaven.

Suddenly, Luo Yuxi stopped.

"What happened to Master Yuwen?"

The Zuo brothers also stopped. How come they stopped? Are they going to rest? But they feel that it’s better to keep walking. There will be heat on their bodies when they walk. They can resist some cold when they walk. There is no fire here. Those who have no food, they stopped for a long time, it is equivalent to looking for death.

Xiao Shi was still standing there, seeming to be thinking about something, but he didn't move.

It also made the Zuo family's brothers add to Mo Ming. I really don't know what happened to him. Could it be that the frozen arms and legs are frozen?

"What did you hear?"

Xiao Shi asked the Zuo brothers uncertainly.


The Zuo brothers glanced at each other, then they shook their heads.

"No sound?"

There was indeed no sound, and they listened carefully, except for the sound of the wind, there was really no sound, not even the calls of the beasts.

Xiao Shi frowned. Could it be that he heard it wrong?

But it is impossible. He is sure that he has not heard it wrong. The Zuo family’s brothers can’t hear it, just because they are just ordinary people, and he is a martial artist and he is also very clever, so he can hear those small sounds. This is an ordinary person. He doesn't have hearing, and his hearing is different from ordinary people, and it's more sensitive than ordinary people.

He was pretty sure that he had no auditory hallucinations.

But what sound is this? He was partial, but couldn't tell, so he could only move forward and follow the Zuo brothers, moving forward.

No, after walking a few steps, he stopped again.

Not long afterwards, he saw his face changed drastically, and his voice suddenly came out.

"Run, it's an avalanche!" After he said, he ran backwards. The two brothers from the Zuo family were almost at the same time. Instinctively, they ran in the direction of Xiaoshi. Only the son of He was still stupid. I just stayed there, I don’t know if he was wandering around, or did not hear Xiao Shi’s words, or that his head is now frozen and stupid, so he is still standing there and continuing. When a fool, Xiao Shi always ran away for a while, but seeing that he was still standing there, he gritted his teeth and hurried over, grabbing the collar of He and dragging him back. , And half of He Gongzi's body was pulled above the snow.

He was so frightened that he couldn't speak for a long time, and his squeezing eyes suddenly stared, and then he screamed loudly. The sound was sharp and piercing, almost always piercing people. Eardrum.

"Avalanche, avalanche..."

Mr. He stretched out his fingers and pointed to the rear. He could only do this gesture of raising his hand, and his feet were soft and turned into noodles. If someone else dragged him away, he would even crawl now. Can't get up.

The rumbling sound behind him was getting closer.

Xiao Shi is a martial artist, and his feet are fast. Although in the snow, he still suffers some obstacles, he can still walk like flying.

The Zuo brothers are hunters in the mountains and have a lot of experience in walking in the snow.

Therefore, the speed of the few people is not low, but they can still be heard clearly. The sound of the avalanche is just behind them, and they are getting closer, and they are about to be swallowed by the snow.

Zuo Nan ran out of sweat. In fact, he was a little unable to walk just now, but now, in order to survive, he almost used his strength to feed himself.

The sweat on a few people broke out again and again.

Not only because they are running, but also because they are afraid and fearful.

"It's Fox Fairy, look at it, it's Fox Fairy!"

Zuo Beirong yelled, and several people looked in the direction he was pointing, and they saw a white fox in front of him. He was very beautiful. The wind blew the white hair on his body from time to time. No, while it stood still, it almost melted into the wind and snow at this time.

Finally, it moved, then turned and ran forward.

"Quickly follow the fox fairy!"

Zuo Nan gasped, and almost broke his throat.

The few people can’t think of much now. They ran with the white fox, and they were tireless. They didn’t know how old they were. They just knew that they had to run, they had to run all the time, they couldn’t stop, even if they tried their best. They can't stop, otherwise, there is only a dead end waiting for them.

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