"Did you see it?" He threw the bowl on the table with a bang, "Just give him that."

It's so simple and rude.

Do disobedient people deserve gentle treatment?

Niu Xin secretly gave little ten o’clock a row of wax, thinking in his heart, this little ten son, is his brain really broken, obviously not the second son, how can he do something stupid that the second son can do? .

And the future of this little ten son seems to be a bit worrying.

Xiao Shi himself didn't know how long he slept, until his whole body was aching all over, and he was breathing air-conditioning when he was asleep, and he was pouring medicine into his mouth from time to time. The medicine was bitter and sour. It is also spicy. He has never taken such a horrible medicine in his life. He doesn't want to drink it, but those medicines have to be poured into his mouth. If he doesn't drink it, he will be choked and he will be choked. In the end, the instinct was to drink those medicines, but the taste of the medicine was really not very good, even if she was in a dream, it was painful.

Until the familiar bitterness came, he opened his eyes sharply and pushed with his hands.

He didn't drink medicine, and he didn't want to drink medicine again when he was killed, especially this kind of bitter and spicy medicine, he had enough.

"Little ten son, are you awake?"

Niu Xin breathed a sigh of relief when Xiao Shi woke up. Fortunately, he woke up. The doctor said that he should wake up in two or three days, but he was fine. After sleeping for four days, he did not wake up. Signs of coming.

And just now, he was still thinking that if he doesn't wake up anymore, he might call in a doctor again.

Fortunately, this is awake, and it saves the time of hiring a doctor.

Xiao Shi stared at Niu Xin dumbly for a long time, and scared Niu Xin out of a cold sweat. He thought Xiao Shi was stupid, and as his son said, this was Did your brain break?


It’s just a long time for Xiao Shi to recover. He tried to call Niu Xin’s name. Also, he was also looking around. Isn’t this his house? The house where he is here, and there are He is his favorite incense.

However, he was not in the snow-capped mountains, but was buried by the snow. Why, he was here?

Such a warm earth dragon, such a soft quilt, this is his house.

Niu Xinyi was relieved when he heard Xiao Shi call out his name. Fortunately, it seemed that he was not stupid.

"Little ten son, you should drink the medicine first."

Niu Xin put the medicine bowl in front of Xiao Shi, not to mention the others, the medicine still needs to be taken.

Xiao Shi sat up, but his body fell apart, and he couldn't sit up.

"What's wrong with me?"

He is still a little blind. I seem to have a dream. I went to the snow mountain and was buried by the snow...

"That's not a dream."

Niu Xin put the medicine bowl in Xiao Shi's hands, and must not drink it while watching him.

"Little ten son indeed went to the snow-capped mountains, and it was also buried by the snow. It was my son who dug you out. At that time, I heard that Xiaoshi son was going to be frozen hard."

Little ten "..."

This is really what he did.

At this time, his memories are slowly recovering.

By the way, that is not a dream.

He went to the snow-capped mountains with Luo Yuxi on his back, and then encountered a heavy snowstorm, lost his way in the snow-capped mountains, and then encountered an avalanche. He really thought that his life would be left there. He also couldn't see his parents, grandmother and grandfather.

In the end, he was still alive, or was utterly collapsed.

He sighed. It was really hard to compliment the medicine Niu Xin was holding. Just by smelling the taste, he knew how bitter it was. Obviously, this was the medicine he drank in his dream. It was not in a dream, but it should have been instilled in him.

And now he is awake, is this medicine still needed?

Niu Xin didn't move at all, so it was clear that he didn't pick up and didn't leave.

Xiao Shi picked up the medicine bowl and put it beside her mouth, enduring the bitter taste, and drank the medicine one by one.

"Where is your son?"

Xiao Shi thought about how he would face Lao Yuxi later, whether he should scold or beat him, regardless of whether it was beating or scolding or otherwise, he would admit it.

Who made this life for him was dug out from the mountain by Luo Yuxi. If it hadn't been for Luo Yuxi, he would have been dead now, so how could there be such an all-bearded self?

"My son and Mo shopkeeper went to the snow mountain."

Niu Xin took the bowl away, put it on the table again, and replied in his mouth.


Xiao Shi sat up suddenly, and they went to the snow mountain, "When did they go to the snow mountain, why didn't they call me?"

"They went early in the morning."

Niu Xin turned around with a look of unknown, "My son said, "I want to send some food to the foxes in the mountains with treasurer Mo. This time it is a white fox leading the way, so you can be saved."

"Then why don't you take me?"

Xiao Shi clenched his fist, he also wanted to go, also wanted to see the fox, and brought a little back for him to raise.

Why did they go, but didn't call it him, when he didn't exist?

"Little ten son was asleep at first."

Niu Xin just need to say, why do you want to take you there, and how to take it, so that the talents are carried back and carried back, how much others have nothing to do, and they just play with their backs over the snow-capped mountains every day?

Has the snow in this head melted, or is it mixed with mud.

And Xiao Shi was choked by Niu Xin and there was nothing to say.

Suddenly, he was also unable to fall on the bed, then pulled up the quilt and covered his face.

He just missed such a good opportunity. He just didn't know. They stayed here for some time, could it be the last time in the snow-capped mountains, and the fox again.

Of course, he really missed a good opportunity, and it is possible that the only opportunity in his life was completely lost because of his stupidity.

But at this moment, the wind and snow on the snow-capped mountains was much smaller than the previous few days, and the wind stopped following the approach.

Luo Yuxi followed behind Mo Li and Maoxue walked forward. Although it was a snowfall, it was completely tolerable.

That's why people should be obedient at the right time. If you don't listen to the old people, you will suffer.

Look, how easy it is to go up the snow mountain at this time. They walked all the way from the mountain, and everything came smoothly. Even if it was snow, it became smaller behind them. The more you go, the easier it is. The more smoothly.

And they spent less than two days before they reached a snow-capped mountain.

A little fox got his head out of the small hole, and then when he saw them, he retracted his head, and shortly thereafter, a white fox got out of the hole and ran in front of them, followed by a few little foxes. .

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