Alas, the older he is, the less ambitious he will be. It is also the country’s congratulations to the peace and security of the border.

By the way, at this point, he thought of something.

People from those countries have already started to move around. They obviously already know about sweet potatoes. If they hide and tuck them, it is impossible not to know about them. Fortunately, Sinong has always been working **** sweet potatoes. The methods of planting in a year or two are still in their hands.

It's obvious, it can't be too long.

"They should arrive in the near future."

Branding thought for a moment, and that was what he said.

Those countries can sneak sweet potatoes back to their own country, but this is Da Zhou's after all. It can also be said that it belongs to Da Zhou now, and Da Zhou does not have to dominate it, but these steals When I went back, it was a bit of a bad name, and it was even possible to say that it was a steal. It was a great country and Yangyang's century-old reputation, but it couldn't be a steal.

Because of Xuecai, they now also know how to take things back from Dazhou in a fair way. This is nothing else. This is food and the foundation of people's livelihood.

So this time, they will definitely give something bigger and more than the last time.

And now it depends on what Emperor Wen Yuan wants?

And after a few days, they will know how they are going to come up with something that can be exchanged for sweet potatoes.

Sure enough, it was just as they thought.

As if the countries had negotiated, they sent their envoys to Great Zhou after ten days to learn sweet potato planting techniques. For this, they also brought things they could exchange.

Although they may not be equivalent, they are all things they can do, and they are not shameful.

After many years, Emperor Wen Yuan waited for this day again. Last time, because of Xuecai, he obtained silk making, refined salt book, and paper making. These things made them the people of Zhou. Life can be said to have taken a big step forward.

This time I don’t know what else there will be, but no matter what it is, those people from that country will follow what he likes, and what does he like?

It's not gold, silver or jewels, nor antiques. He has such a large treasury, and he wants nothing. If he likes it, just sit there with the treasury if it's okay, and he can blindly blind him.

What he wanted was a technique that they had never spread before in their hands.

It also depends on whether they are willing to take it out?

The relationship between the four countries is well known to each other, but no matter what, dignity is always impossible to lose. Therefore, no matter what they take out, it is impossible for them to take out something.

Otherwise, it will be a shame, not just the people who lost themselves, but the people of the emperors of the past, and the face of the people of the country.

So Emperor Wen Yuan never thought that they would exchange some rags for his sweet potatoes.

Regardless of the decentness of a country, those people must take care of it no matter what.

"He's here?" Shen Qingci was holding the sweet potatoes while feeding Laobai. He was stunned. Of course, his hands were also raised. Laobai blinked and suddenly couldn't eat the sweet potatoes. Anxiously, it stood up, and its two small paws grabbed Shen Qingci's wrists and crawled upwards forcefully.

Shen Qingci put down his hand and let Lao Bai eat sweet potatoes with his wrist.

The little thing now loves meat and sweet potatoes, just like its owner, it is a sweet potato.

"Where did he come from?"

Shen Qingci broke off a piece of sweet potato and fed it to Laobai, and she would rather let Laobai eat more sweet potatoes than to let it eat more meat. If you eat more meat, you will really get fatter. Not moving anymore.

No, I can't climb it anymore.

"Yesterday just arrived."

Lao Hengsi stretched out his hand and touched Laobai's belly, which was chubby and soft.

Laobai also asked the owner to touch his little Bai's belly, but also turned Xiaobai's belly for the owner to touch.

"Is the little garden here?"

Shen Qingci retracted his hand and sat there seriously.

The child has grown up. It's been a year. He is one year older. I don't know if he has gained weight or has grown taller.

It is obviously her little garden, the baby her second child picked up for her, why should it be sent back to others?

If her little garden is still there, she can take the little garden to eat spicy food, make sweet potato porridge for him, and also take him to earn money, travel to the north and south of Dazhou, and experience the local customs. .

It's a pity that she doesn't have a small garden anymore, and it is impossible for her to raise the small garden by herself, just like raising a big fruit, by her side, to make up for the regret that the three children were not raised by her side.

He is not in the future.

Lao Hengsi held Lao Bai in his arms and rubbed its belly.

A Ning, he will not appear in Da Zhou before he is an adult.

So far, the identity of Xiao Yuanzi is only known by the people in their house, even Shen Qingrong is not aware of his true identity. He just thought that the child’s biological parents found him and finally picked up the child. Up.

Instead of being taken to Baichu.

Also, the identity of that child is the grandson of Emperor Baichu.

"Does it have to be before an adult?"

Shen Qingci still wanted to see Xiaoyuanzi. When Xiaoyuanzi grew up and became an adult, it would be more than ten years later. At that time, she didn't know how old she was. Can Xiaoyuanzi recognize her?

She was all gray-haired, and she didn't have the energy to raise a child at that time, and the little garden had grown up. It was the same size as the current Luo Yuxi, which was not fun at all.

"How about we pick one up again?"

Brando Hengxu is also somewhat powerless for Shen Qing Cici's current discomfort

But some people really can't meet, and some people have to forget.

"Then you pick me a small garden."

Shen Qingci still likes Xiaoyuanzi, and just doesn't pick it up.

Branding and worrying "..."

He thought, he might not get it back.

"Tomorrow, we are going to enter the palace."

"En," Shen Qingci knew that people from those countries would come over tomorrow in exchange for the methods of planting sweet potatoes. These are the same as the original pickled vegetables. After more than ten years, this time, Da Zhou is proud of it again.

As for what to prepare?

Shen Qingci felt that he didn't need to prepare.

She didn't choose her relatives, what did she wear so well? Besides, just her face, even if it is worn out, and a piece of snow vegetable on top of her head, it is unattainable.

Although she thought she was too enchanting, but she was very satisfied with her face.

Her mother gave her a good face, and she also gave her children the best looks.

Lao Hengxi put the sleeping little fat fox in Shen Qingci's arms, "I'm going to enter the palace in a while, if something happens, you can ask me to go to the palace ward."

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