Those two treasures were not given away for free. Some things were not comparable to money, but a kind of background and confidence.

That is, why not Shen Qingci?


Shen Qingci said no more.

Then she lifted her face, and stared in a small eye with Lao Hengsu.

"Take it back, what if I get tired of it?"

She had done this before, and when she encountered something delicious, she had to stuff her belly into her stomach, so that when she thought of those things, she would lose the taste.

Good things are good for a long time.

"Then if you want to eat it, I will bring it back for you."

Branding is funny, pulling up her sleeves and wiping her face, yes, anyway, he will go to court every day. If she wants to eat, she can find the cook to make some, otherwise she will really dig back the cook. Now, if she gets tired of eating in a few days, and what to do with people, a good jade chef may fly to the sky, but in the end, she will become an idler in their mansion. It would be a pity.

It's better to let people refute a future.

"Okay." Shen Qingci took another piece of dim sum and sat there and ate it generously. If you change to someone else, if you have anything to do here, if you eat and eat, you must be called a pig. .

But this is Shen Qingci, who dares to say more.

Don't mention other people's nostalgia, even with a wrong look, she dare not use it. Shen Qingci's temper is quite bad, and her temper, in the entire capital, no one knows it.

So smarter, just look at it, just listen, and just ignore it.

People can do whatever they want, eat and drink as they want, and if they want to smash the table, they all laugh and say, smashing is good, who wants the table to grow too long will hinder Princess Shuo s face.

Shen Qingci didn't know that these people had been thinking about it a few times. She was just a little boring to sit here, but that was the case for state banquets. She had to come over to warm up the room before dawn, and then sit motionlessly here as a log.

My back hurts a bit, and I don’t know when I can go home.

And when it's so difficult, others just sit in a daze, and she eats snacks to kill time.

Emperor Wen Yuan has always been late, just for Zhang Xian's own emperor status.

At any rate, he is also the king of a country. How can he not pay attention to the time so that he can come late and not come early, even if he is waiting outside, he still has to linger. Doesn't his face hurt during the day?

I have to waste time like this.

Thinking of this, Shen Qingci really didn't like it tightly. She took out a snack from the plate, but when she was about to eat it, she put it down, and then took care of her clothes.

"what happened?"

Seeing that she stopped eating, Pao Heng thought there was something wrong with this snack?

"he came."

Shen Qingci sat up tightly, even if he moved, he stopped moving.

And from afar, she had already smelled the scent of ambergris on Emperor Wen Yuan. The most expensive scent in the world was used by him. The kind of pure ambergris, if it were in her hands, she could Make more incense.

So when it comes to burning silver, no one is more cruel than Emperor Wen Yuan.

Sure enough, after not waiting long, the **** outside the door shouted.

Emperor Wen Yuan is outside the hall and will come over soon.

The people in the hall were all hurriedly tidying up their clothes. All of them sat upright, and even the atmosphere did not dare to breathe. They were afraid of violating the national body and losing Da Zhou's face.

Emperor Wen Yuan walked in in strides, and he was satisfied with the spirit of the ministers. Of course, there was no one ugly here, all pleasing to the eye, even if he was older, he was very handsome.

This is the face of the Great Zhou, and it is also the state of the Great Zhou. There must be no people who are too ugly to appear here, otherwise, people will definitely make a joke.

He walked to his dragon chair and sat down. Although his face was flat, the smile in his eyes could not be hidden anyway.

Soon afterwards, all the envoys of the three countries arrived, and of course Shen Qingci also met acquaintances.

The one from Baichu was actually the king of Lu.

It’s no wonder that now this Lu Wangsheng’s handsome eyes and handsome looks, everyone knows that Emperor Wen Yuan is always picky about looks, regardless of men and women, neither can be too ugly, so he sent this When King Weilu came over, Baichu was also interested.

Of course, Emperor Wen Yuan treated King Jiao Lu with reason. After all, Bai Chu had never sent troops to Da Zhou. Although they might have thoughts like this before, Cang Tao and Da Zhou would go to war. At that time, they would definitely raise their troops and break up the world of the Great Zhou. This is human nature. If it is replaced by the Great Zhou, the Great Army will certainly participate in the previous one.

It is impossible for others to eat meat, but not even a bowl of soup.

So these Emperor Wen Yuan understood, and the last time the Great Zhou food shortage, Da Chu had lent a lot of food to Da Zhou, and it also saved countless people in Da Zhou. These, Emperor Wen Yuan remembered.

Yuen, he remembers, but hates.

His eyes briefly glanced at Cang Tao's envoy.

As for the envoy of Cang Tao, he naturally felt that Emperor Wen Yuan put on him, not too friendly sight. Of course, the mockery and irony inside made him ashamed of himself.

But who made them fail to give charcoal in the snow, and there is no icing on the cake.

It can be said that the ups and downs come out of the stone, but it is the first in the surroundings.

They all believed that after a food shortage in Great Zhou Dynasty, no matter what the national strength is, it is impossible not to be affected.

As a result, who knows, the big guns are very evil.

The Xuecai from more than ten years ago had already let them bleed once, but they had to let them bleed again.

And it came again more than ten years later. This time it is sweet potatoes, a new kind of grain, which can be grown for the entire Da Zhou. If everyone in Da Zhou is well-fed and not bad, then it is national strength. Isn't the powerful Dazhou the first of the four countries?

Food, who does not love, who does not want.

Several of them came to Da Zhou by appointment, that is, they wanted to bring sweet potato technology, as well as ** back to their country, so that their people could also eat this kind of food.

It's impossible to steal seeds, and I can't afford to lose that person.

Still lost for generations, the entire people's face.

So in the end, he still stood here, and he was humiliated enough by Emperor Wen Yuan and the hundreds of civil and military officials of Da Zhou. Even Bai Chu and Bei Qi had a lot of disdain for him.

Therefore, the envoy was more than aggrieved. He basically wanted to dig a hole and bury his own, and never wanted to see anyone in his entire life.

Emperor Wen Yuan snorted coldly in his heart.

Is it really his big week or the previous big week? Now Da Zhou is afraid of anyone, but it's just a small green wave, waiting for him well, if in the future it is really like what Brand Hengsi said, there will be a battle.

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