Shen Qingci didn’t respond to others at all, and went straight into the palace to find Emperor Wenyuan. In fact, Emperor Wenyuan really didn’t want her to enter the palace. Every time Shen Qingci came over, he would remove Miaomiao’s soul. Had followed her to leave the palace, so now Emperor Wen Yuanchan is really afraid of her.

As long as Shen Qingci enters the palace, there must be something. If there is something, Emperor Wen Yuan agrees, just thinking that she will leave as soon as possible and return to her palace, not to seduce Miao.

And when he heard it again, there are those who do not know how to live or die, who dare to deceive Yuyi and humiliate his royal family members, and they just cast a shadow on his face. A person who does not know how to live or die, his royal person can also calculate. ?

There is no need for Shen Qingci to add oil and jealousy. Emperor Wenyuan has already decided to rob his family for punishment. Then, if he is sent to a borderless place, he will not be able to enter the capital in his life.

It is said that Emperor Wen Yuan is very kind, and he has not done anything to kill him, nor has he touched the life of the Shuang'er family, that is, Shuang'er himself, given the word, and he has been a slave and a maid all his life. Slave, with such a word of gift, in this life, even if he is dead, he cannot be regarded as a beloved.

As for the Frost family, it seemed that nothing could be found, but after a real investigation, something was really found.

This family actually had several lives in their hands. At the beginning, they were relied on by the government of Weiguo and through Lin Qiniang to expose these lives. They went wild in the countryside, deceiving the villagers, even robbing famous women. Those who have been found out are these, but they have not found out how many people died in their hands, and only they know it. No, maybe they have forgotten.

So Shuang'er's copy is not at a loss, of course it is also the right copy.

It was this matter that implicated the Weiguo Palace, and it was impossible for Emperor Wen Yuan to really lose the face of the Weiguo Palace, but the Lin family couldn't avoid it without looking for the Weiguo Palace.

Maybe Lin Yunniang didn’t even think about it. She just wanted to put someone in Shuo’s palace. It was also disgusting and disgusting Shen Qingci along the way. She also relied on the Weiguo Gong’s mansion in her heart. I didn't dare to give her multiple hands. It was not always the case before, and the trouble was bigger than this time, but in the end, it was not so.

So she didn't take it to heart. As a result, this time, Shen Qingci was not polite at all. He copied Shuang'er's home and the whole family was exiled as slaves.

Because Lin's family helped Shuang'er's family to do those things that hurt the world, what should be caught, and what should be punished, even the old lady Lin was beaten a few times, and only Lin Yunniang was spared because of the guardian government. Got the board.

This time, the Lin family’s vitality was severely injured, and even more so, I am afraid that no one would dare to deal with the Lin family anymore. Mrs. Lin is still screaming in the mansion, and there are only a few people around. Good friends, now they can hide, hide, and leave, who would dare to have any dealings with them?

Even if there is Lin Quniang and Weiguo Gongfu, what is the use? This is despised by the royal family.

In front of the imperial power, Lin Yunniang is something. Some women, if they encounter this, are afraid that they will have to break the relationship with their natal family. If they are born, Lin Yunniang regards her family more seriously than her husband's family.

But after marrying such a daughter-in-law, Weiguo's government really had a bad luck, and that Lin Shangshu's daughter was wrong, and she actually taught such a daughter.

These words were all talking, both openly and secretly, and Jing Ge'er's face was very embarrassed when he listened. He wanted to find someone else to reason, but he was biased and couldn't utter a word.

How can I find reason if I don't care?

After he went back, he also complained to Brother Hui about the incident. Those people were really ugly. Brother Hui asked him what those people said, but Brother Jing couldn't say anything because he was all I feel a little hot on my face.

At this time, inside the house, Lin Yunniang's screams came again.

Jing Ge'er was scared and pale, and he was looking for people everywhere.

This is just to remember that his eldest brother is still in the Lin Mansion, and Lin Mansion is also a mess. The eldest brother has not returned for a few days.

And Jing Ge'er really couldn't hear Lin Yunniang's screams like this, and his ears always hurt. Even at night, his ears still seemed to be buzzing.

What will he do?

Jing Ge'er asked herself, as if he could only ask for someone, but he asked for someone.

He didn't go, whether it was Shuo Palace or Jun Palace, he didn't go either, he didn't dare to go, and he couldn't pull this face down, but listening to Lin Yunniang's screams like killing a pig, he couldn't help feeling himself His scalp is numb, and his forehead is also tight.

"How does it hurt?"

Lin Yunniang suddenly screamed, as if she was about to die. The frightened brother Jing was taken aback, resisting the urge to flee.

"I'm going to find my aunt."

Brother Jing really couldn't bear it, so he had to go to Shen Qingrong when he ran out of the house.

In fact, don’t talk about him. Even Lin Yunniang didn’t even think about it. It would be so serious. A few days ago, it was only a slight pain. She also found a doctor. The doctor said it was just a trauma and there was no major incident. As for whether it would leave scars, It's hard to say now, but even if the scar is really left, it's fine, isn't there Yurong ointment?

As long as you are not afraid of spending money, you will use some more. Of course, these scars will slowly fade away. Besides, when will Lin Quiniang spend silver with Yurong ointment, the incense room of Yipinxiang was in the palace of Weiguo. When she wants, she can get it by herself, or take it and give it away.

Shen Qingci is not a stingy person, even if she uses it to eat, she still follows her.

Later, after Emperor Wenyuan became the emperor, Shen Qingci was no longer afraid of anything. He no longer secretly made incense in the mansion, but moved the incense room to the old house of the Lou family, which also responded to Lou Jiaxiang.

But even so, Lin Yunniang wanted something, as long as he sent someone over, he would take what he wanted.

So she is really not afraid of scars on her face, even if Yurong’s ointment fails, there is still Luo Yuyi, there are a lot of medicines at Luo Yuyi, and if she really wants it, Shen Qingci will not be Not give.

Even if something like this happened this time, Lao Yuyi would inevitably deliver the medicine with both hands for the sake of the relationship between the two families. Besides, her injury was caused by the little fox raised by the Shuo Palace. .

They took everything as they thought, but they had forgotten what happened, and why Lin Yunniang did it.

At first, Lin Yunniang was so angry that she was slapped by the Shuo Palace and made her the laughingstock of the capital, but she still didn't worry about her face until it started to hurt little by little. The pain is heavier every day, and the pain is unbearable every day.

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