"Take it away," Jin Junsheng condensed Bai Mei's glance, as if Bai Zhu was a dying person, his eyes began to be proud and fearless.

"My aunt is the princess Jun of the dynasty."

"Princess Jun?" Baimei blinked. "Why haven't we heard that you are the nephew of Princess Jun?" If it is true, the nephew of Princess Jun should be here to pay respect. Why, he didn't worship, but he came here?

"Who do you think you are?"

Jin Junsheng sneered again, "What about the one from Beijing, my aunt is Princess Jun, what are you guys? If you are acquainted, let go of your master soon, and your master can forgive you from death, and wait until you get married. With your girl, you can also reluctantly accept your house together, so that you will also have a glorious and wealthy life."

And his present is a bit interesting for these two girls. One is good and the other is hot. Compared with those in his mansion, he has a lot of personality.

What he wants is this kind of woman, and every day he knows what is good about the woman who rushes on him, and that kind of woman is more interesting.

Of course, what he thinks most is the official lady who has always curled her eyelashes slightly.

What he wants is this.

Shen Qingci raised his face and glanced at Jin Junsheng lightly.

But Jin Junsheng's heart is itchy at the moment.

Beauty, sure enough, is beauty.

There is no place that is not beautiful, no place is bad, even the finger is beautiful and exciting, such a woman can be worthy of him, and only such a woman, and the right wife of his Jin family, At that time, he has a beauty and a family business, so why not envy others.

"Are you the nephew of Princess Jun?" Shen Qingci asked quietly, his voice was as clear as spring water, almost cold, but it sounded nice and tight.

A beauty is a beauty, even the voice is so beautiful, his soul that really hooks is gone.

And he thought that this little beauty had taken a fancy to his identity, so he raised his chest a little higher, "I am the nephew of Princess Jiangjun."

"Then why have you never heard her mention that there is a nephew like you?"

Princess Jun knows what she is here. If she is really a nephew, she cannot be ignorant. Moreover, the people in King Jun’s Mansion have always paid attention to fame and love face. It is impossible to have such a shameless person, and Jun The princess is a clan relative, and her nephew must also be a royal person. Does this look like a royal person?

Don't worry, Jin Junsheng's eyes rolled again. After I kissed your father, I will naturally take you to see your aunt.

As a result, a sword was put on his neck again.

"Say, what is your relationship with Princess Jun?"

The sword in Bai Zhu's hand was pressed again, and it was also biased, some blood was seen, and Jin Junsheng was scared to pee.

But Jin Junsheng was so frightened, the courage he mentioned just now disappeared again, his mouth opened wide, as if his neck was bleeding.


He could only scream constantly, and his body became a pile of mud.

"do not……"

The young man on one side hurriedly begged his master for mercy, "The slave woman is merciful, our son is indeed Princess Jun...'s nephew of the sisters, our aunt's family name is Song, our cousin. But in Cangsong Academy, I confessed to King Xiaojun, and Princess Jun loves our young master very much."

After he finished speaking, he just wanted to tell Shen Qingci and others that the Jin family had a backstage, and the backstage was very big. Who is that? That is Prince Jun’s Mansion, a clan relative, a relative of the emperor. Offended?

And their son, the only single seedling in the Jin family, their aunt's grandmother loves him the most. If his son's son hurts a hair, their aunt's grandmother won't let anyone go. This injury If they hurt their young master, it would be tantamount to hurting Aunt's grandmother, and hurting Aunt's grandmother would be tantamount to offending Prince Jun's Mansion. If they were smart, they would put their son out as soon as possible, and prepare good wine and food, and then kneel down. Give their son a compensation, and then give them a lot of gold and silver, and say that their son can not blame the past, thinking that they are just unintentional, they can let them live, otherwise...


And Jin Junsheng obviously thought the same way, he couldn't sit up, his nostrils were still facing the sky.

It's just that the fear they expected did not show up to a few people, so they should do whatever they want?

"You are so courageous." The young man was about to stand up and curse, "If our aunt and grandma know that you are bullying our young master, see how you end up then, what, you really dare to offend your clan relatives, dare to offend King Jun's Mansion. ."


This time even that Jin Junsheng groaned.

"Bai Zhu..." Shen Qingci called out Bai Zhu's name.

When Jin Junsheng heard this, the more proud he was, of course his chin lifted higher.

Shen Qingci's fingers mixed with the vegetarian fragrance, and the fragrance gradually diffused.

"You send him to King Jun's mansion so that Princess Jun will recognize her nephew."


Bai Zhu knows that she is only a few days' journey back and forth by herself. As for adding someone, it is enough not to treat him as an adult, just as a sack, throw it right away, and just take it away.

I have done things that are inferior to pigs and dogs. What is it? I want to be a human being. I have to ask the people of King Jun’s Mansion if they want to let him be. Even if the people of King Jun’s Mansion agree, she will not be possible in the first place. agree.

But when Jin Junsheng heard that these people were going to take him to Princess Jun, he once again turned into a mess, and he had a feeling that he seemed to really provoke a person who couldn't be offended.

Bai Zhu threw the man directly on the horse, and walked on the horse, while Jin Junsheng was like a sack, the horse would press against his chest when he ran, and he was vomiting while walking, and he vomited all the way. Along the way, even the yellow gall bladder was about to be vomited.

The little servants were also locked up in the wood shed, and fed some pig food every day, as long as they didn't die from starvation.

The door of the firewood room opened, the light from outside also penetrated in, and the little servants were all energetic.

"The son is here to save us."

"It must be the son."

"I know the son will never forget us."

Several people said that tears filled their eyes, and they really thought that Jin Junsheng would come to save them. Now he is unable to protect himself, how could he come back? Maybe, he would have given them a long time ago. Forget everything.

They were excited about going out, but two big dogs that looked like wolves came over, and behind them was a very playful, if not hateful girl.

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