And the clothes she drew by herself have a higher waistline. When they are worn, they will appear shorter and longer. Of course, they will not always find her short stay, but will be replaced by something else. The place.

Of course, the clothes are made and the effect is very good.

The clothes she drew by herself are not available in Beijing, and they will not be as embarrassing as others are wearing.

"Can the younger sister also make her sister?"

As soon as Lou Ziyin heard this, she had to order one for herself. She could imagine how beautiful these clothes would be if they were worn on her body. Of course, she was afraid of those young boys and talents. I couldn't move my eyes away from her body, so she would be half successful, and she would truly become a capitalist.

Before Shen Qingci finished speaking, Baimei's face was stretched.

"Joke, why does my girl make clothes for you? You want clothes, they can be sold everywhere, and my girl is not embroidered?"

Is there such a shameless person in this world? Even Princess Xiaojun has never thought of asking a girl to make clothes for her, and the clothes of her girl’s cabinet are all made by Princess Xiaojun as a gift. Girl's.

An outsider who doesn't even have blood, really thinks he is a relative of Weiguo Gongfu, really thinks he is a sister, and Shen Qingci must offer everything he has with both hands?

Lou Ziyin was choked with Baimei's words, and Lou Ziyin originally wanted to refute it, but when she saw Shen Qingci's overly deserted pupils, she just shut up and did not dare to say more.

Her face froze for a while, as if she had thought of something again, and then she squeezed out a smirk, "It's my sister who is a little overwhelmed. Don't take it seriously. My sister will definitely pay attention in the future."

This Qingci straightened the wisteria flowers in his hair.

Well, being able to bend and stretch, this is Lou Ziyin.

If only those few sentences really angered her, then she wouldn't be able to die there in the last life, not like Lou Ziyin in the previous life.

No matter what she said and how she looked down on Lou Ziyin, Lou Ziyin always laughed like this and put all the faults on her own body.

Of course, it is because of this that Shen Qingci’s head becomes more and more stupid, and she is also alive, thinking that she is a unique woman in this world, her identity, her appearance, this girl in Beijing, no One can compare to her.

The best destruction for a person is not that.

Obviously, everything can be compared, but she humbled her head and bowed her waist, willing to be a foil forever, so Shen Qingci died in the hands of Lou Ziyin in her last life, she really asked for it herself.

When getting into the carriage, Lou Ziyin got into the carriage uninvitedly, and of course she ignored Bai Mei who rolled her eyes from time to time.

"Sister looks good today."

When Lou Ziyin was finally able to find a topic, Shen Qing would not speak, she would say that she was also stunned by this sentence of sister, it seems that a sentence of sister also contains all the feelings.

But I don't know how much scheming is hidden, how much malice is hidden behind this sister.

Even when she chops other people's fingers, she can still use her own smiling face, still have a sweet voice, and shout that sentence...

younger sister……

"Really?" Shen Qingci finally moved her gaze to Lou Ziyin's face. She smelled the scent of incense powder. It was not too good. It was so, so without her support in the previous life, where did Lou's silver come from? Now, Lou Ziyin can be regarded as the result of the Lou family's hard work, but now she can't even use good powder, but where did the silver in her hands come from in the previous life.

"Sister's Yipinxiang thing, right?"

Lou Ziyin's eyes flickered, "Maybe only Yipinxiang sells powders in this world, which can make such a good complexion. The powder for Yipinxiang is very expensive, and it is only a small box. Hundreds of taels of silver, no matter how it is saved, are used up within half a month. In this case, the amount of silver earned by Yipinxiang is really a lot. I am afraid that there will be more than 100,000 taels in the account in one month."

"Sister, don't you think?"

She pressed the corner of her mouth with the kerchief, and the light in her eyes was a little more different, as if something was blocked. There was nothing else in her mind. Only she knows.

Shen Qingci leaned on the cotton pillow behind her. She tilted her body slightly and leaned against Baimei. "No matter how Yipinxiang makes money, does it seem to have nothing to do with you?"

Lou Ziyin touched a nail that was neither soft nor hard, but she didn’t give up. After a while, she brought the topic to Yipinxiang. I heard that the incense club organized by the Weiguo government back then used Yipinxiang. Things, even those who return the gifts are worth a thousand taels.

"Who is the real owner of this pinxiang? I think my sister should know it?"

"Why should I know?" Shen Qingci asked Lou Ziyin back.

Lou Ziyin was choked fiercely again, and her two hands were also tightly squeezing the embroidered kerchief in her hands. "My aunt was a good perfumer back then. I wonder how my sister is?"

Sure enough, he was in doubt.

Shen Qingci had never thought about it at all. Lou Ziyin had never suspected that Yipinxiang had a relationship with her. Others said that they didn’t know that it was a good thing, but the Lou family could not hide it. After all, the Lou family has dealt with Xiang for generations. Even Mrs. Qin and Mrs. Yao can guess things. She doesn't believe the people of Lou's family. Would she not know or think of it?

Right now, it’s just left to watch it. It’s just trying to make her admit that Yipinxiang belongs to her. No, it’s not just that. They don’t care about who made Yipinxiang, they care, yes. Was the Lou family's incense code in her hands? In the previous life, all of this, he was embarrassed to achieve it, wasn't it the Lou family's incense code?

But how she feels, the fact is not exactly the case, maybe she still thinks a little too simple.

Regardless of how she was also a daughter of the Weiguo Palace, who gave Huang Dongan and Lou Ziyin the courage to imprison her, and finally beat her to death with a stick.

She had never thought about this problem, but now she thought about it again, only to find that there were many things she had never thought about before.

Even if they don’t have a single person from Weiguo Gongfu, don’t forget, there are also Madam Qin and Madam Yao, even if they don’t like her anymore, but the friendship they had with their mothers in the past, no matter what. Help her, besides, there is also her father’s old subordinates, so one of them is still a powerful person. As for how powerful she is, she still doesn’t know, but she thinks, sooner or later One day she will know, besides Huang Dongan and Lou Ziyin, who else has calculated her and her whole family in her previous life?

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