Mrs. Wei Pinghou was also very aggrieved. They all calculated so well. They also sacrificed a daughter in vain. Although the daughter is not really her own, it is always useful to stay. , And now they really lost their wife and lost their soldiers.

The person from Shen Dingshan was very difficult to provoke, and Wei Pinghou didn't expect it to be so, and the trouble was that on the one hand, they offended Shen Dingshan, on the other hand, they also pulled Lin Shangshu in.

"This thing has already been done, it will be difficult to retreat," Wei Pinghou stroked his beard, "the play is half of the show, and the show is about to be finished while gritting his teeth."

"The old man Lin has always been at odds with me. It is not too bad to be able to bring him down this time. As for Shen Dingshan, we will think of another way."

Mrs. Wei Pinghou felt very unhappy. Of course, her unhappiness was also due to the fact that she had admitted the wrong person at the time, and she didn't know if Shen Qingrong or the others had doubts about it.

"Master Hou, I didn't see clearly at the time and called out Shen Qingci's name."

Mrs. Wei Pinghou did not dare to conceal what had happened today. “I didn’t pay attention at the time either. I just saw a lot of lotus-colored clothes. Later I knew that, that day, Miss Lin and That Shen Qingci always wears the same color clothes."

"This is easy to handle."

Wei Pinghou didn't take this matter too seriously. "You can take the gift to Prince Jun's Mansion once tomorrow. It is said to be an apologetic. If you want to come, they will not embarrass you too much."

Madam Weipinghou didn't feel anything wrong when she heard it, but it was not a big deal to admit the wrong person.

It’s just that they didn’t expect that the person who confessed the mistake this time would go to the court early the next morning. The Shen Wenhao who was supervising the creation of the weapon of the gods, knelt upright on the hall, also talking about himself He’s grievances, saying what kind of grievances my sister has suffered in Weipinghouli, this is one of their great powers. He left home at a young age and stayed at the Arms Department day and night. For several years, he did not dare to neglect. Even the younger sister at home doesn't have time to take care of her. His pity, his younger sister, has not had a mother since she was a child, and now she doesn't have her mother's dowry, and she has to be so insulted.

Lord Jun was also rushing very hard, his nose was spraying ruthless anger, and he kept saying that Wei Pinghou deceived people too much. It was obvious that he was not pleasing to his Prince Jun's mansion, right?

Otherwise, why didn't you admit that they were wrong, but that Shen Qingci was mistaken? This meant that they couldn't live with them at Prince Jun's Mansion. Who didn't know that they were related to Shen Dingshan by marriage.

But Wei Pinghou was said to be blushing, and his heart was full of dog-blood sprinklers that cursed Lord Jun to Shen Wenhao, but he had misidentified people, so how could he make trouble in the court.

All the civil and military officials here are all watching his jokes.

And Wei Pinghou gritted his teeth, which was indeed a cruel one. He pinched his thigh forcefully and prostrated directly on the ground. He also cried with a nose and tears.

"The emperor, you have to be the master for the old officials!"

His nose and tears flowed down, blinding all the ministers.

Unexpectedly, Wei Pinghou had such an ability, how painful this cry was, how earth-shaking, how earth-shaking weeping ghosts and spirits.

Wei Pinghou said, he drooped his chest, saying that his chest hurts, saying that he had spent all his life for Da Zhou, and there were only these two daughters under his knees, especially this one, who used to be like eyeballs since childhood. It hurts, but now he died tragically, how can he live after this?

The emperor sitting on the floor twitched his mouth and wanted to curse in his heart.

This old Piff is really too shameless. It is his Lao Tzu who has done his best to fight the world for the Great Zhou, but it is also the world of the ancestors, and his world is defeated by Shen Dingshan.

The title of the Marquis of Weiping that they were attacking, but what they did, they knew that they would take these old things and add obstacles to him.

While Wei Pinghou was still crying there, Xiaojun Wang and Shen Wenhao looked at each other.

"Shameless," Lord Jun.

"Despicable." Shen Wenhao

"Indecent," Yu Wenxu.

"Shameless," I don't know which minister.

They can only stand here now. Otherwise, what else can they say? Now that all their daughters are dead, the deceased is the biggest one. Let’s not say whether that daughter was born by him or whether he was loved by him. There is no evidence, he has the final say.

They are victims, but Wei Pinghou, he can also be regarded as the sufferer.

Lord Jun was worried about looking at Lin Shangshu, who was pale on one side. This time he was afraid that Lin Shangshu would have a hard time. He had a good personal relationship with Lin Shangshu. Lin Shangshu is a good official and a righteous official. He has only one son and one daughter. That daughter has been in his palm since she was a child, but killing someone will pay for her life.

The current Wei Pinghou told the matter in front of the emperor and in front of the ministers. This is to make it clear that the emperor will be convicted on the spot, and the crime of murder is not minor, let alone the daughter of the prince general.

If Wei Pinghou is not forgiving, I would like to come, this Lin Gu slave is young, maybe.

The emperor closed his eyes and opened them after a long time. Okay, he swept away the crying snot of Wei Pinghou.

"Come here," he said to the **** beside him, "to pass on my will..."

And below Lin Shangshu suddenly stepped forward and knelt down, and then deeply tapped, "Please read the emperor to read the young girl, it is a careless mistake, please spare her life, she is only sixteen years old. "

"Lin Shangshu!" Wei Pinghou suddenly raised his face and said cruelly, "If you let your daughter go, what will happen to Benhou's daughter? She is still in the cold, you say, how can you compensate me for a living daughter? ?"

Lord Jun really couldn't see it anymore, he snorted, also interrupting Wei Pinghou's aggressiveness at this time.

"Wei Pinghou, you haven't said yet, how do you compensate for the reputation of Shen Dingshan's daughter? You have to know how important a girl's reputation is. If you can't figure it out, Shen Dingshan's daughter will wipe her neck by then. How do you compensate Shen Dingshan for a living daughter?"

Wei Pinghou was originally justified and vigorous, but he was beaten back to his original shape with a single sentence by Lord Jun. He gritted his teeth in his heart, really wishing that Lord Jun would be unloaded.

Can you shut up first, and can you let him finish speaking? But if he admits the wrong person, do he have to force him like this, and he seems to have forgotten, what is called, called the name, that is basically he deceived himself, and only he knows it. He originally wanted to calculate it is Shen Qingci, that is Shen Dingshan is everything to the Shen family, but Xin knew it, but in the end Shen Qingci escaped and the Lin family ran into it.

Okay, this is not a loss, as long as the difficulty is enough to make the old man of the Lin family lose his skin, then his business will not be in vain.

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