"You got it?"

Shen Dingshan was blinded by the box. He narrowed his eyes and looked at Shen Wenhao for a long time.

Shen Wenhao touched his nose. Father and son didn't do anything, and of course they didn't get these boxes to block his way.

"This is a dowry from my in-laws."

Shen Dingshan said lightly, "This is what the Lin family meant, saying that it was for your father's military expenses."

The corner of Shen Wenhao's eyes twitched, and how did she learn from his younger sister? This woman has no dowry and will not be able to gain a foothold in her husband's house in the future. Think about Lin Yunniang's goodness. Shen Yanyuhao has always had a big heart. It was soft again.

"You are blessed to marry such a good daughter-in-law." Although Shen Dingshan teased his son, who didn't know that he was proud now. Marrying a good daughter-in-law is blessed by the ancestors.

"Mrs. Yun is like a mother, she knows righteousness and reason."

Shen Wenhao's words made Shen Dingshan both proud and sad.

"That is," his Xue Fei is the best woman. Even if she is not alive, she still wants to protect him. She protects him, even his daughter, and the future daughter-in-law also protects him. he.

He believes that this is all God’s will, and all this is the daughter-in-law Xuefei found for him. Otherwise, his little A Ning would not like Lin Yunniang so much. For this reason, he can know that his daughter-in-law married a little. not bad.

What kind of reputation is good, but it’s not easy to use. When you want so much reputation, people do things, not what people say. Good people and bad people, everyone’s eyes are bright with blood.

After Lin Yunniang sent her dowry to Shen Dingshan for military expenses, there was an uproar in the middle of Beijing. Although Lin Yunniang killed Weipinghou’s daughter a few days ago, she was imprisoned, and she was also imprisoned. They were all meant to pay for their lives, but in the end, they didn't expect that, in the end, it was a life-saving man who was protected by the Weiguo government, and the Lin family also married the Weiguo government.

Of course, many people are also saying that this Lin Shangshu's life is really good. The daughter who was almost lost was actually married to a talented person in Jingzhong, and a woman like Lin Yunniang, a murderer, came out of a prison. The woman was not good enough for Shen Wenhao, but it didn't take long before the Lin family slapped everyone in the face.

There are not many people who can donate their dowry. Shen Qingci is alone, and Lin Yunniang is also the same now.

And everyone changed their attitude towards Lin Yunniang in an instant, saying that such a woman would become a woman.

As for the Weiping Hou Mansion, there is no such good luck. Wei Pinghou was carried down. Those who have not yet come and the people in the Tong Mansion have hidden all the valuable things in the mansion and ransacked the house. People followed.

"Master Hou, don't worry, the emperor has already ordered it. You don't need to do it yourself, we will do it for Master Hou, and we will guarantee that nothing will be lost."

But Wei Pinghou could only watch, watching these people like robbers, collecting all the valuable things in his house, and even the pen, ink, paper and inkstone that he kept in the study. Not to mention that the gold and silver jewelry of the female family members in the family were all taken away.

Suddenly, almost the entire Weipinghou was wailing and howling. The officials who came were all good at hacking their homes, and they wanted to peel off the walls of Weipinghou's mansion.

Of course they have not found the treasure house of Wei Pinghou now.

However, don't underestimate these people. These people are specialized in doing this. They can smell the treasures wherever they are, and there is a person who is good at breaking institutions.

Of course, this was something that Shen Dingshan secretly proposed to the emperor, saying that the Weiping Marquis Mansion had a lot of valuable things, and it was impossible for these dozens of generations of noble families to have no good things.

The emperor was naturally a human being, so he didn't understand the meaning of Shen Dingshan's words.

Since they are all taken, then take more. It’s not easy to reach out to everyone over the centuries. Of course, there is only one chance. If you want to pick it up, you have to pick it up. It’s impossible to give even a piece of cloth. They stayed.

Shen Dingshan wanted to let the Weiping Marquis mansion pluck their feathers this time, and even a bit of scum would not be left to them.

The emperor was also ruthless, so he directly added two mechanics to it, asking them to find out where the Weipinghou treasure house is.

At this moment, a few people touched each place, but after they touched Wei Pinghou's house, they really found the mechanism.

As soon as Wei Ping Hou heard that they found his treasure trove, he rolled his eyes, and this time he really passed out.

When the Weiping Houfu Treasury was opened, it scared everyone directly. Inside, it was shining golden and filled with a whole room. Many of them were close to the treasury. No, the current treasury is empty. Yes, there may not be as many Weiping Houfu.

Shen Dingshan sneered, how could he not have personal wealth, as many as above, even the emperor could not pass the test.

"Aiqing, you can tell the truth, don't you?"

The emperor was originally distressed to pick up things from the Weiping Hou's Mansion. He didn't know how much he had to bring to Shen Dingshan, so Shen Dingshan came.

Just give him one more sentence.

"Holy, the military ministers have gathered all these things and go to the treasury."

This is the result of the discussion between Lord Shen Dingshan Tongjun and his new relative, Lin Shangshu, the three of them. Shen Dingshan has been prepared for military expenditures. Although I don’t know how much it is, don’t worry, it’s definitely enough for the military. , You know, the silver earned by Shen Qingci can be a pint of incense, except for his eldest brother to use as a parent. Basically, they are kept. They have been deposited for several years. There are several million taels of silver. It’s enough to escape the battle of deciding the mountain, and after a large amount of silver has been used for military supplies in the past few years, those soldiers are also well raised. The enemy is only 50,000 mobs. What's more, Shen Dingshan sneered in his heart.

He gave him something before the march, the legendary Eight Bull Crossbow, as long as the Eight Bull Crossbow came out, he had to see, who would dare to violate his Great Zhou boundary in the future.

Now that the military is not afraid, Shen Dingshan didn’t think about those things in the Weiping Hou’s Mansion. There were too many things, and they couldn’t move them. They returned to the treasury if they didn’t go. It also buried a thorn in the saint’s heart, making him constantly It hurts when he thinks about it. He doesn't know what Wei Pinghou has done in the past few years.

A piece of gold and silver equivalent to the treasury, but Wei Pinghou is like a porcelain rooster. A hair is not long. He has never given the court a bit of strength. He is such a poor emperor, even the army. They all have to raise the army by themselves.

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