"My poor sister, you can't scare Madam," Madam He gently stroked Shen Qingci's face. How could her sister's life be so bitter, since she was a child, she has not had a mother. Now even the generals are gone, and I don't know how long this battle will take. It's been a bit longer. Her sisters are all trying to forget her father.

"Old sister, don't cry first," Mother Qin sat down quickly, comforting Mother He, "Let’s cheer up and help the general guard this house well, free of the second room. What moths are there again."

"They dare!" Madam He was angry when she mentioned the people in the second room, her heart hurts. "Even if they killed my lady, if they dare to move my sister, I will never let them go as a ghost."

"Come on," she shouted to the outside, "Go outside and close the door for me. If the people from the Shen family dare to come, call me out. No one can come."

They are all members of the General's Mansion. What does the side branch have to do with them, do you want to harm her sister? no way.

She has the general's tokens. Before the general went out, she thought of these things. Those in the Shen family killed her eldest lady. Now if she wants to kill her sister, she will definitely fight her life. Will not let them succeed.

And Shen Qingci has not cried since the last time she cried all night, and when she woke up, Mother He was worried. What if she wants her father again? A child, she is so young, how could she leave her father and mother now, but her mother is gone, she only has father.

But when Shen Qingci said that he was going to have a meal, Madam He would know that this might be good.

Madam He waited for her to finish her meal. This was the way she took her little hand and led her to digest.

"Mother, what is that?"

Shen Qingci knowingly asked, in fact, she was going to give this matter to the house. If her father hadn't left, she would think of her mother, and she almost forgot that her mother had said something.

Her mother said that she had something to give her, and it was hidden in the clothes of the Buddha.

In the clothes of the Bodhisattva, she thought about it for a long time before she remembered the Buddhist hall that my mother loved to stay most. Here, because only here is the Bodhisattva, and there are at the Shen family, but her mother has never been there. Mrs. Shen said that she is dedicated to the Buddha, but what she has done is enough to go to hell, even if it is. The amount of incense burned is also the sins that are inferior to her.

"This is a Buddhist hall," Madam He's eyes also showed some soft light, "When your mother was still there, as long as your father led soldiers on the expedition, he would come here."

"Then Aning also go."

Shen Qingci pulled Mother He's sleeve, and A Ning also went to help Daddy worship the Bodhisattva.

"Okay," Mother He picked up Shen Qingci and brought her to the Buddhist hall. There is still that kind of sandalwood in the Buddhist hall. It seems that you can smell the breath of the person before, but now it is human. No, and interest is also scattered.

The Bodhisattva sat there with solemn dharma, loving-kindness on his face, and reverence that was uncontrollable.

Shen Qingci walked over and knelt on the futon on the ground in an upright manner. She clasped her hands and bowed in a decent way.

May Daddy return home as soon as possible, and A Ning is willing to bear all the karma as a single person.

She squatted her head heavily, and then looked up at the Buddha statue. It seemed that there was nothing, but she really couldn't find it. Where would her mother hide things?

"Mother, my shoes are off." Shen Qingci pointed to her little feet. When she came in, she deliberately threw a shoe outside because she was wearing a coat, so she put both feet It was built up, and Madam He didn't care for a while.

Mother He touched Shen Qingci's little feet, there was only a little dirt, and the shoes shouldn't be far away.

"It's okay," Madam He patted Shen Qingci's little feet. "Mother will hug our sister and walk, so she won’t get her feet dirty."

"No," Shen Qingci stubbornly shook his head, "A Ning wants to go by herself."

Grandma He said a lot of good things, but Shen Qingci didn’t agree. Grandma He had no choice but to stand up and went to find shoes for Shen Qingci in person, but she could only get another pair if she couldn’t find it. , This child's temperament is really like her lady, stubborn and stubborn.

She let the grandmother wait here, and went out to find shoes by herself.

"Mother, I want to talk to the Bodhisattva myself,"

Shen Qingci obediently knelt on the futon, and he was kneeling in a decent manner.

The grandmother walked out and stood outside.

"Grandma can't take a peek."

Shen Qingci whispered milkily, just like a child.

"Sister, don't worry, mother won't peek."

Shen Qingci was naturally relieved, otherwise, why did she only take away Madam He, Madam He would watch her at any time, but her nanny was the most obedient mother, what she said was what she said, a little It is not because she is young that she will not listen to her.

After the grandma was gone, Shen Qingci stood up, and then carefully climbed up the altar. Fortunately, the altar was not high. She would be fine if she was careful.

She touched the bodhisattva's clothes for a long time, but she didn't find anything. She didn't give up on touching other places, or she didn't. It wouldn't really be because she was wrong, or her mother was wrong, or she I remembered it wrong, or the place she was looking for was wrong, it might be there, and when she was about to climb down, the sharp eye was the hair. There seemed to be something on the lotus stand of the Buddha, and there was a gap. Only the child's small hand can reach in.

She stretched her little hand in, in this way, she couldn't help but feel happy, she really touched something, what her mother said was true, and she really left something for her.

She took out the contents. It turned out to be hidden in the clothes of the Bodhisattva, but ordinary people can't notice it. Even if they notice, it is impossible to take it out.

"Where is my sister?"

Mother He’s voice suddenly sounded outside. Shen Qingci hurriedly took out the things and placed them on her chest. She touched them, um, she couldn’t figure out anything, she would find a chance and hide it again. Just fine.

However, just as she was hiding, Mother He came in, and when she saw Shen Qingci who was standing on the altar at this time, she was almost frightened and almost gone.

"My ancestor, don't move."

All the shoes in Mother He’s hand were thrown on the ground, and she hurried over. When she held Shen Qing in her arms, she was relieved, "My little ancestor, what are you doing? , What should I do if I fall, isn't it a maternal death?"

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