When she arrived, Shen Dingshan and Lao Hengsi were also sitting there. The Shuo Palace was the same as the Weiguo Palace. There were not many masters, so there were not too many rules, and there was no need for others to prepare dishes. Of course, there is no so-called distinction between men and women.

This is what Shen Qingci likes, otherwise it would be troublesome instead of eating meals every day.

As soon as Shen Qingci walked over, he found that Changqing and Chang Geng both had black noses and swollen faces.

"What's wrong with you...?"

Evergreen smiled awkwardly, what else?

"Duke of the country made it."

He grew up to be the most honest person, and of course Lao Guanren likes to tell the truth the most. Look, Shen Qingci hasn't asked more, he hired everything.

"Well, I made it." Shen Dingshan picked up the cup, which was full of sake. This is clear, the wine is small, and of course it also nourishes the stomach. This is brought back from the palace by Biao Hengxu, and of course it is also a special trip. I found it for him, the old Taishan, so he is in a very good mood now, of course, because it hasn't met a good opponent for a long time, and his muscles and bones have not been loosened for a long time. This fight is good.

"Their martial arts are so bad. They are like weak chickens. Taking them to the battlefield is like giving them their heads for nothing."

The disgust in Shen Dingshan's words also made Changqing lower his head in shame. Poor, he was beaten the worst. His martial arts were already weak. Everyone had their own habit, and he couldn't just because his martial arts was bad. , Denied his other usual places, and beat him into a pig. How would he meet people in the future?

"Don't worry." No matter how good Shen Dingshan puts the cup on the table, his country's guild will train you to become masters before leaving. "

Evergreen is a little bit short of howling.

Isn't it? Could this ancestor still live here forever?

"Why, I live in my son-in-law's house, do I still need your consent?"

Shen Dingshan stretched his face, but he couldn't help others to say no word. He always said that he had a unique temperament in Weiguo Palace, and it was the same here.

This is his son-in-law's house, his old father-in-law, and their masters are very respectful, not to mention a few of them, whose hairs are all stinky boys.

"My father-in-law can teach them that it is their few generations that are the blessings," he said, and filled Shen Dingshan with a glass of wine. "I have no elders here, and the affairs of the house are not in charge, father-in-law. Can I live there for a while, so I can help my son-in-law to see if there is anything wrong in this mansion?

"No defense, no defense, the family will not say two things." Shen Dingshan happily promised. Of course, this is also a word of concern in his heart. It is a good compliment, but I can't feel that there is anything wrong, or it is sent away. Xia's discomfort, who asked him to stay.

So he felt really comfortable in his heart, and he was in a good mood.

Sure enough, Shen Dingshan's irritable temperament is also traceable, just follow the hair.

The two of them chatted like no one else, and Shen Dingshan was almost like having a forgotten acquaintance. Branding thought he was not an ordinary young man in Beijing. He had gone north and south in the past few years and encountered many strange people and strange things. When people have something to say, sometimes Shen Dingshan mentions the bitter days when he led the army, and it is vividly remembered.

"Look at me, you have forgotten it." At this point, Dingdingshan remembered that he was shot in the chest with an arrow, thanks to this son-in-law.

"You saved my life in the first place. If it weren't for you, I might have buried my bones in the battlefield, and I couldn't wait for my family to get married."

"You're a good one," he patted the shoulders of Bengsi vigorously, and I was relieved to hand my most beloved daughter to you.

Shen Qingci sat aside, counting the grains of rice to eat, and she blinked her eyes, how come she was talking about her again, it was obvious that she had little sense of existence now, but she had to be involved in the end.

"Right," Shen Dingshan sipped a glass of sake, and it was really happy.

"After a while, our master will play the previous game again and again, and my family A Ning said, your chess has improved a little again."

Biao Hengsi glanced at Shen Qingci, and Shen Qingci, as if he hadn't seen it, continued to count his own rice.

Haha, this time I must have a good time. Shen Dingshan hasn't been looking for someone for a long time.

"Father is happy if he is happy."

He has become a father. It is natural that Shen Dingshan also looks at this son-in-law. He is no better than others. Shen Dingshan has only two daughters and only two sons-in-laws. Needless to say, it is rare. Even when he grew up, he was treated as his own half son, and he considered that he was not as close as that, and it was also due to his character. Therefore, it is only a matter of etiquette on weekdays, but if it is related, there is no Yu Wenxu. Close contact.

But this time when they came here, the two of them felt like they had made a new year, and they felt that the relationship was getting better and better.

Shen Dingshan ran out of food and stood up, forgetting his own little A Ning. Shen Qing sighed. She felt that her daughter was not her father's most painful daughter. Now the father's most painful daughter seems to be Become a son-in-law.

It just so happens that it's okay for Dad to be accompanied by someone. She will also go to King Jun’s Mansion to see her sister. Mo Fei sent someone back, saying that her sister will probably wake up today. She will go to see her sister in person. On the one hand, she avoided worrying blindly, and it was not good for herself and the children in her abdomen.

She lowered her head, and then picked up the chopsticks to use the rice. It was not that she couldn't eat, but it was just a feeling that she couldn't tell. It seemed that this was a home. Her favorite dad was also loved.

She smiled, until she didn't count the rice grains, and she also found that she had a good taste today. When others didn't pay attention to it, she had eaten two bowls of rice.

Bai Mei was happy to take over her bowl again, and was ready to help her add a bowl of rice.

"No," Shen Qingci stood up. She didn't want to eat another bowl. She couldn't eat it anymore. Did they want to use her as a pig?

After returning to the incense room, Shen Qingci was busy again. This time, there were nearly a dozen new incenses, pure, pure, and coquettish, all listed in it.

After this batch of new incense is prepared, you should be able to make a lot of money again, um, you should also make some money, otherwise how to comfort you after being trapped for six days and six nights, and eating again How bitter she is?

If she is dead, who else in this world will be sad for her.

Dad, big brother, big sister... well, and he...

The weather gradually became colder, Shen Qingci put his hands on his lips, and also gently drank a ball of heat, is it about to boil the earth dragon, because it is so cold.

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