She found her shoes under the table, and then put them on, the time is almost there, she is going to King Jun's Mansion again.

The carriage stopped at the gate of King Jun’s mansion. Shen Qingci walked out from the horse. Princess Jun knew that she was going to come over. She was waiting at the gate of the mansion this morning. Of course, she was uneasy. When Shen Qingci got out of the carriage When she walked out, Princess Jun couldn't help crying when she saw that Shen Qing's speech was intact.

She squeezed Shen Qingci’s arm quickly, and she was really afraid. She would lack arms and legs. Those who came out from the ground would have no shortcomings. Don’t talk about lack of arms and legs, for fear that they would die. They are all going to be sent there.

Six days, six days, these six days are all alive, and there is still nothing to do, even the injury is light, sure enough, this is what Master Jingkong said, a person with great merit, She wouldn't be so prone to accidents. Otherwise, what would the soldiers at the border do, and what about the civilians who were rescued by her?

"Look at me, what are you crying for? It should be happy." Princess Jun quickly pressed the corner of her eye with her sleeve, and then took Shen Qingci's hand, "Go, let's see your sister first. , In the past few days, we have not dared to wake her up, we are afraid she will not be able to bear it after waking up...

After all, there are children in this belly. This is what the imperial doctor said, she is still twins. If something really happened to her, it might not be the child's problem. It might be a deadly death.

And these three lives, who can afford to pay, is it the owner of Tianxianglou, so many lives, even if he was killed by thousands of dollars, it is difficult to atone for his crime.

Princess Joon quickly walked into Shen Qingrong’s house with Shen Qingci. Although she was drowsy, and although she was taking good care of him, Shen Qingrong was still losing weight quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye. Now she is also thin. Quite a few, the belly itself may not be considered big, but it becomes more obvious because of this.

In fact, even if she stays lethargic like this, the final result will not be able to protect these two children.

Shen Qingci stretched out her hand and put her hand on Shen Qingrong's belly, but her fingers were shocked, and she quickly retracted her hand in shock.

This is, the child kicked her. Is this saying hello to their aunt?

"Well, I'm not afraid," she put her hand on Shen Qingrong's belly again, "your aunt is back, you will be born safely, how could your mother be so cruel, not only did she lose her life, but also Take you two."

Her gaze fell on Shen Qingrong again, and she also held her hand.

Sister, A Ning is back.

Doctor Du on one side had already taken a silver needle and pierced Shen Qingrong's body, and Shen Qingrong also felt a little awake.

Sure enough, she is exactly the same as Shen Dingshan. They all get heart disease, and the so-called heart disease still needs heart medicine. This is not a disease that can be cured by medicine stones, and their medicine is nothing else, but a living Shen Qing Resign.

Otherwise, whether it is Shen Dingshan or Shen Qingrong, even if he does not die, he will live between self-blame and pain throughout his life. What's more, Shen Qingrong has been pregnant for nearly five months, and this child is an absolute double. The baby is coming.

Before long, Shen Qingrong began to wake up faintly.

When she opened her eyes, what did she think of instantly?

"A Ning!" She yelled and sat up, but her stomach hurts. This was a hand on her stomach and it was gently stroked. Gradually, her stomach was relieved. There was pain, and she stared at the woman in front of her stunnedly, who is this not her sister? In an instant, she also burst into tears. Of course, the heart that had not been let go of for a long time was gradually loosened, and even the shackles that had always been imprisoned on her body were one by one. Retreated.

"A Ning..."

She was shaking her almost colorless lips, is this her sister?

"Sister but forgot these two little ones, don't you want them?"

Shen Qingci asked Shen Qingrong in a gloomy voice, this twin is the confession of ordinary people as the ancestors, is it because she has already given birth to three children, thinking that these two children are irrelevant. To them, they are only five months old, how can they be so bullied.

"No, no..." Shen Qingrong covered her face and burst into tears. How could she not want them, why not love them, but she killed her sister, it was her, it was all her, it was she who killed it Sister.

However, when she put down her hand, she found that Shen Qingci was still sitting there, still smiling at her as before.

"A Ning, it's the elder sister that I am sorry for you."

She will never take her sister to such a dangerous place again, nor will she let her protect her all the time, and she will use her own life to protect her. She is an older sister.

Shen Qingci has not blamed anyone, the moon is cloudy, the moon is clear, and the person has misfortunes and blessings. This is not something that can be changed by man. Since it is destined, it is inevitable. Why does my sister put this matter on? On myself.

"People have said that if you don't die in a catastrophe, you will have a blessing. Maybe because of this, some changes will be made."

"You..." Shen Qingrong clenched his sister's hand again, "Following Master Jingkong's lecture on the scriptures, and speaking, he has some meaning."

Shen Qing resigned but smiled silently. If someone else is like her, he has lived twice, rich and rich, ups and downs, pains and pains, life and death in the world is just a round.

This is the case when you want to.

This is not open-minded, just grateful, no matter how hard she is, at least she is still alive.

Even if there is so much suffering, at least she has suffered it, but the sister is safe and sound, and the child in her womb is safe, so all this is worth it.

If fate is the suffering that is destined for her life, then she is willing to bear everything, no matter how much pain, no matter how much pain is not afraid.

When Shen Qingci touched his younger sister's shoulder, she was thin.

Fortunately, Shen Qingci didn't know whether she had lost weight or not. She didn't eat much, and because of these few days, she didn't eat or drink, and used rain to sustain her life.

It’s good enough to not die, so let’s not mention those who are thin and not thin. After all, no matter how severe the injury is, they will be healed, right.

"Are there any injuries?" Shen Qingrong asked her sister again, but when she saw her sister's expression, she knew that she hadn't been seriously injured.

"No, everything is fine, except for some minor injuries." Shen Qingci opened his sleeve, and there were some small wounds on his arm. In the past few days, it was almost better. If it weren't for these injuries, she would have After coming over, she just wanted to raise herself better. She was afraid that her sister would cry, and then gave birth to two crying bags.

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