If you ask Baimei who is the most annoying person in her life, it is Shen Yuerong. She must remember all the sufferings of her wife and her sister’s broken leg in her heart, but also for the rest of her life to make her forget. It's ok, unless Shen Yue died, or she died.

This is simply an unrequited enemy, and she is really unwilling to let her leave now.

"Then you go quarrel with them."

Shen Qingci is a very open master. She will noisy if she wants to. If she starts fighting, there will be Baizhu.


Bai Mei yelled Bai Zhu again, it's impossible for you to swallow this tone.

"Then what are you going to do?"

Bai Zhu raised his eyelids.

"What else can I do?"

Bai Mei's face turned red with anger, "It is natural to go out and tell them well," This carriage is not white, and according to its identity, Ningkang Mansion will give them Shuo Palace.

"Do you want to take another look at that woman's face?"

Bai Zhu said again.

And she will never go out, because as long as she thinks of a certain face, she feels uncomfortable and disgusting in her heart now. She will not go out. She is afraid that she will just pass over and cut off that person's head.

Yes, it is a pleasure to cut her, but it will be troublesome.

That woman can still die now. At least, she can’t die in her hands. Even if she is going to die, find a sack and kill it directly. It’s just like when some people took action against the fourth prince. , Even the emperor can’t find out, let alone others.

Bai Mei suffocated her stomach, so she could only change the direction of the carriage. At this time, Shen Yueshu, who was sitting in the other horse, raised her chin and waited for Shen Qingci’s people to come and follow. She was making trouble.

In the carriage, there was also a thin girl who was like a ghost, who was helping her beat her legs.

It's just that Shen Yueshu waited for a long time, but there was still no movement there, but when she opened the curtain of the carriage, there was no one outside.

Where did the carriage go, where did the people go?

"Useless things!" Shen Yueshu kicked that girl directly, and the thin girl got up again and quickly knelt on the ground, also hanging her head very low.

If someone takes a closer look, they will find that the appearance of this thin girl is somewhat similar to Shen Yueshu.

Shen Yueshu covered her chest, and her chest was really angry.

It's really fate, no matter how she can't die, at the beginning, Qi Yuan's brother should have cut off her hands and was buried for six days, but she could still live. This fate is really hard.

She stretched out her leg again.

"Trash, what are you doing there, don't beat my leg!"

She was so angry that she kicked the thin girl who was kneeling on the ground with her foot, and all the anger that could not be vented was scattered on the thin girl.

But the thin girl couldn’t fight back or cursed, as if she didn’t feel a little bit. Finally, she had to crawl over like a dog, kneel in front of Shen Yueshu, and then stretch out her hand for She beat her leg.

However, no one knew that at this time, the hatred in her eyes appeared, and then was forced into it, as if it had never happened or never happened.

And for such a small matter, I don't know how long Shen Yueshu will be angry, and as far as Shen Qingci is concerned, she hasn't paid attention to it, so she will forget it quickly.

Some people have something like this. If they forget, they won't think about it anymore. Instead of thinking about making them uncomfortable, they might as well never remember it at all.

At this time, she was the only one in King Shuo’s mansion, and Lao Hengsi was recruited into the palace. He didn’t know what had happened. He didn’t return to the mansion until the night fell, but he asked someone to speak back , It is said that he will not return to the house until tomorrow morning, seems to be something in the palace, right?

As soon as Shen Qingci sat down, she noticed that there was a dark fragrance floating in the air. Her delicate brows tightened, then she stood up and went out.

She walked forward. There was no jewelry on her black hair. The whole body was also fragranceless. There was only a clean water vapor, which seemed to be flowing in the veins, and it was like her current double pupils, just like her. In Wang's lake, it was calm and cold.

She stopped, and the corners of her clothes were slightly raised in the wind, and her feet were blooming like lotus flowers. They seemed to be fragranceless, but they contained all the fragrances in this world, and they all melted into her. All in one.

The shadow of the tree moved, the crescent moon on the branch was still cold, and then there was a few rustling sounds, as if many dead leaves had fallen on the ground, mixed with a faint, unknown smell. .

And this kind of smell, she has only smelled it on one person.

She raised her face, and under the moonlight, a man stood among the silver frost in that place. Although he was a long body, it made her feel unhappy.

"You still know I'm coming."

The man chuckled, "Could it be that you still have me in your heart, and you have never forgotten me?"

The man walked lightly in the moonlight, and the moon frost fell on him. In the half-bright and half-darkness, he folded a touch of incomprehensibility and depth, as well as the color of regret.

The corners of the man's lips were still smiling, but the broken light under his eyes did not know how much scheming and scheming appeared.

He also looked at the woman in front of him. When he first saw her, she did not grow up like a child, but only a few months later, she turned out to be like this, huh...

It was really funny, he Qi Yuan's women, only what he didn't want, did not dare to give him a green hat.

"What are you doing?" Shen Qingci looked at the man in front of him, and there was nothing but peace in his heart, and he couldn't even remember. Where did the throbbing come from?

Perhaps people always want this kind of experience, they have to like it, and they have to lose, to understand some things.

If asked how she still feels about him now, she can't seem to remember it, because she doesn't feel anything at all.

"What am I here to do?" Qi Yuan seemed to have heard some funny joke, "Why am I here, can you not understand?"

"Clear resignation, come back with me."

He stretched out his hand to Shen Qingci. In the past, "We are not responsible for the past, and I don't care if you have been married before. As long as you are willing to look back, I will let you come back to me again?"

Hmm, okay?

Shen Qingci can't think of it, what can I do to go back?

How much silver do you give her?

"If..." She suddenly raised her delicate lips, "If I go back, what are you going to give me?"

"What are you talking about?" Qi Yuan's heart jumped, his whole body was a little numb, and Shen Qingci's sentence, if she had returned, would really make him involuntarily pleased in his heart.

Well, it would be best to go back.

And as long as she goes back, he will give her whatever she wants.

"What do I want?"

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