He walked in without a smile, and saw that Bing Hengsi was sitting there, and there was a huge golden eagle standing on the table. Bing Hengsi was holding his chopsticks and feeding the golden eagle. With the flesh, this flesh and blood is red, and it seems to be beating.

A piece of bronzing was added, and the big mouth of the golden eagle swallowed a piece of meat.

The wind becomes longer and more energetic.

The four princes walked over and patted the head of the golden eagle. This eagle is actually very coaxing. It is a glutton. As long as you give it something delicious, it can’t be fierce to you. Just give him more. It’s delicious, it’s OK if it recognizes you as the second master. Of course, its big master can only be a brand. Now there is one more mistress. If it can talk, then it will say it and hold it tight. The hostess’s thighs, because following the hostess, people have good meat, and following the host, there is also meat, but obviously the hostess is better, and will give it to drink, otherwise, how could it have changed like this in the first place? The fat one was fed by the hostess.

The golden eagle screamed at the four princes, as if saying hello.

"Brother Sanhuang, come and take a look."

The four princes were curiously teasing this eagle. The eagle raised by cousin Shuo is really fun, and I want to raise one too.

The third prince just smiled, and then raised his eyes to look up. As a result, he saw that the golden eagle's eyes were staring at him so directly, which was also a bit unfriendly.

What is there to see a flat-haired beast?

However, he did not say this, and he knew how to maintain the superficial things.

"Cousin, what kind of meat did you give him?" The fourth prince played with the wings of the golden eagle for a long time, but the golden eagle only ate and didn't care about him.

"Human flesh." The icy cold voice of Bro Hengsi also made the smile on the face of the Fourth Prince so froze there.

"Cousin, this joke is not funny."

The fourth prince touched his arm. He also touched the eagle just now, but now he feels uncomfortable.

"This king can't laugh, can you tell me?"

Luo Hengli clamped another piece of meat. The golden eagle opened his mouth wide, bit it and swallowed it. There was blood on the piece of meat. And the blood is really like the smell of blood on people.

The four princes came over quickly and sat on the table too, with a pale face.

"Cousin, how does it eat this?"

He swallowed, but he couldn't say that human flesh sentence. Is it a bit of a violation of human relations?

"It must be so in order to remain fierce," said Brando Hengsi, groping his head, "and let it get used to the taste of people, so that it can be killed. A few small thieves broke into my Lord Shuo last night. , It happened to be food for him for a few days."

"It's all smelly."

The fourth prince grumbled.

And he raised his head again, and happened to meet the third prince's irritable and uneasy face, and he pulled at the corner of his sleeve awkwardly.


He coughed.

"Cousin, cousin, the snacks she made are pretty good."

"I'm sick, no strangers," Biao Hengsi fed another piece of meat to the golden eagle, then stretched out his hand and patted its head gently. After the golden eagle had finished eating the meat, he flapped his wings and went from the window. It flew directly outside.

"Does that matter?"

The fourth prince asked anxiously, "How can I get ill when I am so good? By the way, do you need a doctor?"

"It's nothing, it's just a little wind and cold." Lao Hengsi stood up and gently smoothed the wrinkles on his body, and his face was as usual, and he could see the slightest difference.

The three princes curled their lips, but they wanted to cover up and quibble.

The four princes also felt that today’s branding and apprehension couldn’t be a good chat, so he stood up and prepared to leave. He couldn’t help touching his arm, and he had to wash his hands well when he returned. Even if he was killed in the future, he I would never touch the golden eagle again, it was really disgusting.

The four princes are going to leave, and the third princes are naturally accompanying him. He already knows what he wants to know. This Shuo Palace is secretly, but it is really strange everywhere.

The two returned to the palace together, of course they parted ways, and the fourth prince went and asked him to prepare a bath for him. As for the three princes, they also returned to their palace.

He found another secret guard, "You should pay attention to King Shuo's Mansion and check whether the woman Shen Qingci is sick or dead."

The dark guard nodded and already left here.

And the third prince also stood up. He didn't believe Qi Yuan's words, but today's Shuo Palace was so strange that he had to beware. What kind of trick did this brand worry play for him?

Either you will die with one blow, or you will give yourself a bottomless disaster.

He has now lost Wei Pinghou and Huang's family. He can no longer make any mistakes, otherwise the throne will eventually become the fourth oldest.

The more he thought about it, the more irritable he got. He also stood up, walked out of the palace gate, and when he reached the imperial garden, he felt his open-mindedness was aroused, heh, he really let Branding worry about It's misleading, but it's just trying to hide the news of the woman's death. It's just that if she is dead, he is dead. He wants to see how he can make a big living person.

He put his hand on his back, and walked forward, until he walked outside a palace, as if he heard the chuckle of a woman. He himself had to turn around and leave. The woman in this palace Most of them are women of the emperor's father. If he threw the throne in the future, he would be able to hold all the stunning beauty in the world, and he would also have absolute power in this world. Life and death are all in his own body.

And his footsteps did not stop. The beautiful woman in the wall was still laughing. Although he didn't know who it was, the voice had a unique charm. It also made him a little fascinated. It was inexplicable. The fire comes.

He couldn't help moving forward, in fact, he just wanted to know what the woman with such a nice voice looked like?

The gate of the courtyard was not closed. He squeezed away and saw that there was a swing in the courtyard. Sitting on the swing was a young woman who was only fifteen or six years old. There was an inexplicable fragrance on the body.

The third prince's heart trembled a little, and the evil fire burned faster. He firmly grasped the door frame on one side, and sensibly told him that he should leave now. The beauty outside was waiting. With him, he can't ruin his future for one person.

He knew it, and he knew it, but at this time, he couldn't control his feet. This face, such a smile, plunged into his lungs like a needle, which made him inexplicable. , Some unspeakable dry mouth.

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