No matter how cold it is outside, no matter how dangerous it is outside, she still got into the man again, and she was also taking his body temperature. At this time, he gave her a side without wind and rain, and no disaster and harmlessness. Thousands of miles away.

And this night, she still slept very well, and she was always surrounded by these strands of Fragrance, and even the dreams she had made were peaceful dreams, which were not nightmares of the previous life.

She sometimes wondered if she had forgotten all those nightmares, and if she would never remember them again.

Until she opened her eyes again, she fell asleep all night until dawn, and even she did not wake up once at night. There was only one person on the floor, and the brand had gone up. He actually didn't like it very much. Regarding the court affairs, however, it is only because you must be encouraged from time to time when you are in Beijing. Therefore, you must go to this court. This is the rituals of the royal family in the Great Zhou Dynasty. It is to be respected. .

Shen Qingci touched the position beside him.

It was still warm, and there was this kind of fragrance that made her feel safe. She couldn't help but rubbed the quilt with her face, and even the quilt smelled of him.

But she didn't think much of it.

"Madam, are you awake?"

Shen Qingci opened his eyes. The dreamy Baimei is not easy to manage now. If it is not easy to manage, let her marry her. Anyway, Bai Zhu is now entangled by acid Xiuxiu. As a wife, she didn't let them have a good life in her previous life, and she didn't let them become biological children. No matter what, she won't delay the two sisters in this life.

So Bai Zhu was taken to Yi'an by her to help Yusu manage the Yipinxiang there. Of course, she had to let that Song Yan have the opportunity to get the moon by approaching the water tower.

As for Baimei...

When Baimei came in, she touched her arm differently, feeling a little goosebumps.

This feels really bad.

When she suddenly caught up with the thinking in Shen Qingci's eyes, she couldn't help but feel numb with her scalp. How did she feel like she was worried by someone? This felt weird and weird.

"Madam, why are you looking at me like this?" Bai Mei couldn't help but touched her face, and she also adjusted her clothes, thinking that what was wrong with her today?

But no, she also looked in the mirror when she went out. She followed the rules of the house. Of course, it was no different from before. It's just what happened to the madam's eyes and how could this happen. Looking at her?

She swallowed involuntarily, and then touched her arm involuntarily, but in the end she felt a layer of goose bumps.

"Nothing," Shen Qingci finally retracted his gaze, then stood up, and walked to the basin. After washing, he asked Baimei to comb her hair.

"Madam, what jewelry do you want to bring today?" Baimei has combed Shen Qingci's hair for more than ten years. Shen Qingci's hair has always been combed by her, so what kind of hair style Shen Qingci likes , She is most predictable.

For example, she would not like too high or too heavy. Even the jewelry on her head should be light. She is not like an ordinary woman. She has to wear expensive jewelry, as long as she likes it. As long as you are comfortable.

Shen Qingci looked at herself in the bronze mirror until she could see that the young woman in the mirror had a pure pear-like face, and she gently stroked her face.

She is beautiful, she knows, she looks like a mother, she knows too.

It's just why in her previous life, at this time, she was already too old. It was not because of anything else, but because there was no one who protected her and her face like her father and eldest brother.

She stretched out her hand, opened the upper cabinet, and then took out the cage made of mahogany from the inside.

Then I opened it, and it was full of new jewelry, no exception. They were all the wisteria flowers she liked. Even the gems on it were purple. The transparency of purple is also natural.

What a beauty.

Even Bai Mei was dumbfounded.

"Madam, these are so beautiful!" As soon as it was opened, the light flowing out of these jewelry was almost blinding her eyes.

Not to mention the exquisite jewelry in it. She had never seen such jewelry before, and of course she had never seen it in the shop in Beijing.

She quickly took out one and compared it with Shen Qingci’s head, only to find that this hair accessory is very beautiful no matter where it is brought, and of course it makes her more skillful. Useful place.

She rubbed her hands quickly, and she wanted to make her lady look better.

Because today was the full moon gift of the three young masters of King Jun's Mansion. This time, many people passed by. Although the wife has always been indisputable, she only needs to wave her hands with Bai Mei.

In keeping the entire King Jun's mansion, there is no one that can compare to her wife. Her wife has such a good face and such a natural beauty, which is not comparable to other women.

Bai Mei chose a few more beautiful hair accessories, and after the comparison, only one was selected. Yes, it was one.

Too many, more complicated, but also lost in the original heart.

In fact, only one piece is needed.

Luo Hengli walked in, and saw that Shen Qingci was resting one hand on his cheek at this time, his chin was little by little, and it seemed that he was about to fall asleep.


As soon as Bai Mei turned around, she found that she didn't know when, standing behind them, she couldn't help but patted her own chest carefully, really trying to scare her off guard.

Does this prince walk silently?

Brando Hengsi shook her hand lightly.

Bai Mei is naturally such a ignorant person. She bowed her knees to Lao Hengxi and hurried out.

And Shen Qingci was still sitting there, sleepy

Suddenly, Fanxiang fell into a dream, and she opened her eyes. It was an instant that she knew he was back.

She touched the hair accessories on her hair, which he gave to her, and she couldn't help but feel like it.

"Does it look good?" She turned around and shook the hair accessories on her head. She didn't know what was on it. She heard a strange sound. Ding Ding Dangdang, no more than ordinary bells, but It sounds like a spring water.

"It looks good," Luo Hengsi straightened her hair, and between her tentacles was her hair, very soft, just like the best silk, with a slight blue color in the delicate. luster.

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