It's no wonder that many people in this world are happy fragrances, and a good fragrance must be pleasing to the eyes and heart-pleasing.

It wasn't until the night was busy that Bai Mei reminded her that she was going to eat dinner, and Shen Qingci felt that her stomach groaned involuntarily, as if she was a bit hungry.

"Are you done?" Biao Hengli took a pair of ivory chopsticks and placed it in her hand.

"It's okay," Shen Qingci was really hungry, so he put vegetables in his bowl and ate.

Piao Hengsi also put a lot of dishes in her bowl. These are all the dishes he asked the cook to make, and they are all dishes she likes to eat. Shen Qingci said that he is not picky, but in fact, he really doesn’t choose. If you eat it, natural greens and tofu can also be swallowed.

However, if you pick it up, it is really picky, so these dishes are also made according to her taste, and there is really no one that she doesn't like, otherwise, she might not eat it. A bowl of white rice is enough.

And her strange eating habits, to put it bluntly, were also raised in the Palace of Weiguo. Of course, after arriving at the Palace of Shuo, Branding continued to be used to her, so that she is so petty. , And also become more willful.

Although she is very sensible, she still has the willfulness that belongs to the little girl.

For example, when eating toppings, as long as she doesn’t change her taste, she only eats white rice. So in order to prevent her from nibbling white rice every day, most of the dishes on this table are what she likes to eat. Worry, he is sincere not to pick.

After Shen Qingci ate two bowls of rice in a row, she felt her stomach feel a lot more comfortable, but when she saw Bai Mei's stunned look, she was a little suspicious. Is the woman who swallowed like a pig just now her wife? ?

"Are you still eating?" Biao Hengxu asked her to give her a bowl of rice. How could it be enough to eat so little?

Bai Mei couldn't help covering her face.

Son, are you feeding your wife or pigs?

Shen Qingci had already fed the two dogs and eagles he had raised into pigs, but he was worried that he wanted to raise Shen Qingci into pigs.

Shen Qingci held up the bowl, and the cold sweat on Baimei's face also rolled down.

Madam, don't eat it, otherwise, she would feel very faceless as a girl.

Fortunately, Shen Qingci just picked up the bowl, but she frowned, and then put the bowl down.

I'm stuffed.

Bai Mei patted her chest carefully, scaring her to death, almost scared her little heart to stop thumping.

I went to make incense, and Shen Qingci stood up. She ate a lot today, and she just took advantage of the time to make some spices, earn some silver, and eat away.

When she came out of the incense-making room, she saw Changqing was saying something to Lao Hengsi, who lightly stroked the feathers on the golden eagle's body, and some light gradually faded in her always dense eyes.

Shen Qingci walked over and sat down.

"Can I listen?" she asked Luo Hengsi. If it is really not what she can listen to, but the country is in trouble, then she will leave immediately, and she is not curious. If she can listen, then she will I want to listen.


Brando Hengsi nodded his head lightly, and then signaled Changqing to continue.

Evergreen, this is the words from above.

"My son, that one has already woken up. He said that the doctor had saved his life for a long time before he saved his life. I think that the one who came here is also a blessing in disguise, and there is no need to copy books for a lifetime."

As for who that one is, Luo Hengsi knows, and Shen Qingci also knows.

Shen Qingci gently stroked his forehead, there seemed to be pain at the time.

"Just came out?"

Branding stretched out his hand and pressed her forehead.

"A Ning, don't worry, I will avenge your grievances on your behalf. Don't think of a better life for those who hurt you."

Shen Qingci smiled, and then pulled the wings of the golden eagle. She was short and worried about not wanting to avenge her. In fact, all he could do was do it, but that was the emperor’s son. Two sons, no matter how much the son did, no matter how big the wrong thing was, it is impossible for that one to really kill his own son.

Just like in the previous life, her eldest brother was just wrongly injured a pair of legs of the four princes, and the final result was that he was divided by five horses. In the heart of the emperor, how much these two sons treated him. important.

At the beginning, it was said that he was allowed to copy the books of the ancestral precepts of the sages. In fact, he said too much. It was just because he wanted to protect and also blocked those faint mouths.

The imperial power is on top, no matter when it is, it is like the sky above the head.

"Yipinxiang's business has gone bad recently," she furiously pulled the golden eagle's wings, only to pull off a feather. She hurriedly hid the feather behind her, and everyone else saw it, except for the stupid eagle.

As for the golden eagle, who cherishes his feathers like his life, he obviously doesn't know that his most precious hair has been grabbed by someone.

However, Changqing was about to say something, but Changqing stepped on her foot harder.

Brando Hengsi touched the golden eagle's head and let it fly out on its own. For a while, Shen Qingci was in a bad mood and plucked out the bird feathers on it.

"Since it's not good, let's cut military expenditure by half."

I was thinking about this too. Shen Qingci had nothing to play with. Taking advantage of no one's attention, she grabbed a piece of clothing that was branded and played with her.

She thought that others hadn't paid attention, but in fact, everyone saw it, but she didn't say anything. It's better to let her grab Luo Hengsi's clothes than to grab the feathers on Zhefeng's body.

She just leaned on the table with one hand, and played with the corner of her clothes with one hand. As for what they said later, she actually didn't listen.

Early the next morning, Shen Dingshan, a daughter slave, had already entered the palace.

In the palace, from yesterday’s smoky smoky air, to now, everyone in the palace was finally relieved. The emperor hadn’t closed his eyes for a night, and he almost wanted to give away a black-haired person. , How can there be no unspeakable depression in my heart, and even some feeling of wanting not to vomit?

"Dingshan, you came just right."

"I this..."

The emperor just wanted to speak, but Shen Dingshan pulled that old face, and the emperor's heart shook involuntarily.

"Holy, the minister also has something to say."

Shen Dingshan glanced at the **** ladies around.

Whoever can sit on this dragon chair is not a human spirit, and which emperor is not a human spirit. He waved his hand and made people retreat.

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