His evergreen life was wise, so he was gone.

After returning to the house, Shen Qingci was not waiting for anything else, but another bowl of bitter medicine.

The medicine the doctor prescribes this time is too bitter, she doesn't know why it is so bitter? Every time I drink, there is always that unspeakable feeling of depression in my heart.

She put the medicine on her mouth, her fingers clenched tightly, and then she drank the medicine bit by bit.

And until the night fell, her letter time came as expected.

I have to say that when the letter period came, she also felt a sense of indescribable loss. She touched her lower abdomen, and it was as if the doctor said it was all two bowls of medicine. But after the cold rain , She still felt the long-lost pain.

And every month when the letter period arrives as scheduled, she always feels a trace of loss in her heart. She has not been pregnant with a child, and sometimes she is thinking, if one day she really has a child, how much would it be? Ok.

But she Xu is like her grandmother and mother-in-law, it is difficult to leave any offspring.

When Bo Hengsi came back, he saw Shen Qingci sitting in a daze.

He came over and sat beside her.

"Is it uncomfortable?" He put his hands on Shen Qingci's lower abdomen, and also used his inner strength to help her warm up. Shen Qingci also felt his lower abdomen warmed, as if the pain was also a lot lighter. .

She raised her face, stared at his eyes so seriously, guarded her alone, okay?

She wanted to ask, but she couldn't ask. It is common for a man to have three wives and four concubines. Although Huang Dongan in the previous life married her, there are still many women around him. Apart from Lou Ziyin, how much does he have? 'S woman, maybe even he himself is countless.

She squeezed the hand of Bold Weighing, and her heart couldn't help but a burst of sadness, and tears fell so involuntarily.

"Brother Yun Yi, do you have a girl you like?"

Brandon's fingers paused for a while, and then squeezed her chin with one hand, but her tears rolled down like this, and it hurt his heart.

"A Ning, what do you want to say?"

Bro Heng squinted his eyes and asked her.

Shen Qingci sniffed, trying to squeeze out a smile, but how did she find that the smile was so difficult? What she squeezed out was not a smile, but she was hurt. Heart that has been hurt.

"My monthly letter is here."

Yes, her monthly letter is here. It’s not just that the monthly letter came. Every month’s letter ends as scheduled and never missed. However, the monthly letter came, accompanied by nothing else, but her Did not have children.

"I know," Lao Hengsi pulled up her sleeves and wiped her tears.

"Don't you want to give me a concubine?" There are always young girls around Lao Hengsi, but there are few, but it does not mean that he does not understand Shen Qingci's temperament, does not understand her thoughts, and her heart What is worrying about.

Shen Qingci tightened his red lips, not wanting to speak.

It's one thing to move your mind, it's one thing to say it, if you do it, it's another thing.

She can't do it, she really can't do it.

"How many women you give me are the same," Biao Hengsi sat down, still warming her lower abdomen with his hands to make her menstrual smoother, he put his forehead against her forehead , You know, she has gotten the horns.


Shen Qingci didn't understand what he meant by this?

"I hit a childless," Boring looked at the darkness outside the window, all he could hear was the sound of rain outside, the helplessness between his voices before, "Because of childlessness, what is the use of marrying many women? ?"

"It's good for me to have you. If you like children, I can bring one for you to raise. If you don't like it, then only the two of us are good?"

Shen Qingci suddenly felt sore and uncomfortable in his heart. The medicines that he had just taken were all without the pain and cruelty.

"A Ning..."

Brando Heng suddenly called her name, no more serious, no more clear.

Shen Qingci didn't respond, but Pao Heng was aware that she was listening.

"I only want you."

He clenched Shen Qingci's hand, yes, as long as you are alone.

He didn't feel how big his heart was and how many people he had pretended to be. To put it bluntly, he didn't have many relatives. If it weren't for the marriage of the emperor's uncle, he might have been alone in his life.

With her, he already felt that this was God's grace to him.

People can't be too greedy, if they are greedy, they will lose it.

Therefore, as long as he is alone, he is fine. He is not a patriarch. He even owns the birds around him, not to mention people.

Shen Qingci held his hand and leaned his head on his shoulder. There was some moisture faintly between the long quivering eyelashes, and at this time, they were so close, and they His heart has never been as close as it is today.

It seems that she has approached his heart, but he has melted into her soul.

He said, A Ning, I can have you alone.

Even if you don't want children, even if you don't want others.

Are they so good?

No other people, yes, no others.

With someone else, it is not two people. With someone else, he is far away and she is dead.

The rain outside is still falling, sparsely, and this kind of day is only sunny for one day, and then it is all endless rainy days.

Shen Qingci suddenly opened his eyes, and people sat up with him.

"What's the matter?" Bing Hengsi hurriedly sat up, and also took out the Ye Mingzhu from under the pillow. In an instant, the whole room was bright as day, and the sound of rain could be heard outside, almost all of them were strands. It didn't stop for a moment.

Shen Qingci sat there, the hair on his forehead also drooping, there was some indescribable moisture.

"It's okay," she wanted to laugh, but she couldn't.

She had a nightmare, a terrible nightmare, and what she dreamed of, in fact, even she herself had forgotten.

"Is it sick again?"

Brando Hengsi quickly put his hands on her lower abdomen, and he could feel the coldness in her lower abdomen, but it was just a rain, and I was afraid that it would take a lot of time to raise it.

"No," Shen Qingci shook his head, "just had a nightmare."

Lao Hengsi hugged her comfortably and gently stroked her shoulder.

"It's okay, I'm not afraid, dreams are all opposite, maybe something good will happen?"

"Really?" Shen Qingci made his mouth flat, "Is that true?"

"But believe me."

Brando Hengsi met her eyes, and saw that the little girl’s eyes were still a little red, looking pitiful, as if she had been bullied, but she was not just a little girl, she was only eighteen, but she was already It is through so many things.

There are too many women in Beijing who have been born, married, and have children, and they have lived like this in their entire lives, but she has gone through such twists and turns.

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