"You don't know who I am?"

Shen Qingci shook his head again, "I don't know."

And she touched her head, "They said I was sick, and they had forgotten everything before."

"Then who do they say you are?"

No matter how the man asked, he was neither aggressive nor eager to know, and for this reason, it also made Shen Qingci without any burden, and sometimes thinking too much, the headache hurts, sometimes the more thinking. , It will be painful to death.

She sat on the ground and chatted with the person in front of her, not to mention strangers, even strangers are better than facing the same face every day.

Such as Anan, such as Qi Yuan.

Qi Yuan, she didn’t want to see it at all, but Anan was Qi Yuan’s person. She said that she just lost her memory, but she didn’t become stupid. She knew everything she should know, she should understand, and so did she understand.

"they said……"

Shen Qingci held up his face, "They said my name is Qingqing, a concubine whose surname is Qi."

"Little concubine?" The man suddenly smiled, but the coldness in his eyes grew thicker.

"He really said that?"

"En," Shen Qingci nodded vigorously, "They all said that, whether it's Qi Yuan or Anan."

"Do you believe it?"

The man asked again, it was still the pulse of the voice, but it was natural, not depressing, nor disgusting.

Shen Qingci shook her head again, "I don't know", she put her head on her arm.

"I feel something must be wrong."

Shen Qingci's perplexed vision eventually became extremely clear.

"If there is a person, you regard him as a viper hunting an animal, touching him with nausea, getting bored, and even wanting to kill him, would you still be his concubine? He is not afraid of death, or are you not afraid of it?"

The man suddenly smiled, and that smile was as clean and gorgeous as a pear blossom.

"Do you see him as a beast?"

"En," Shen Qingci nodded, knowing that this man had guessed it, and that he seemed to be quite clever, and she knew everything without saying much.

"I don't like him, so I dig a hole and want to escape. Even if I'm a beggar outside, I don't want to face such a poisonous snake that always seems to be by my side," and she rubbed her hands involuntarily, and the man What you can see is the tiny goose bumps on the back of her hand. You can't even mention it. It is enough to see what kind of disgust it is.

"Why are you here?" She looked up at the man's locked lute bone again, "This..." She pointed, "It hurts, right?"

"It's fine."

The man laughed, and he seemed to really not know the pain.

"what's your name?"

Shen Qingsi couldn't help but touched her neck. She knew that this man was lying to her. She was a human being, so how could it not hurt?

"Branding and worrying."

Brandon said his name, but what he saw in Shen Qingci's eyes was only unfamiliar, and he couldn't even touch her.

"Your name is very nice."

Shen Qingci smiled, with clean eyes as before, with a flushed face and clear eyebrows. At a glance, he knew that he hadn't suffered any bitterness, and so, branding was relieved.

"By the way, I have to go first." Shen Qingci stood up, she thought that the time she had been out was a bit too long, she had to go back, otherwise, if Anan found out, she would run away The escape plan is to follow through.

She crawled out of the dog hole, but when she turned her head, she saw the man smiling at him. The corner of his lips also said two silent words, that is, take care.

She touched her face, but for some reason, she cried.

She took a photo of her clothes, and she strode forward. When Anan saw her, she didn't say anything, because she is like this these days. As for what she does, she just likes to roll on the ground. Who else can What happened to her?

"Madam, do you want to pass a meal?"

Anan asked Shen Qingci.

"Yes, more." Shen Qingci's eyes flashed, then he lowered his long eyelashes and touched his stomach. She is hungry.


It was the first time that Anan heard Shen Qingci saying that she was hungry. In the past, it was only when the food was placed in front of her that she would eat it, and the food was just like taking medicine.

And she hurriedly went to the kitchen and asked the kitchen to cook a lot of dishes.

Shen Qingci picked up the chopsticks and said to Anan, "Aren't you going out?"

Anan blinked. She hadn't gone out before.

"Then you eat together."

Shen Qingci pointed to the position beside him, "Sit here and eat together, okay?"

"no, I'm fine."

Anan hurriedly waved her hand and walked out. She didn’t dare to eat, these were all eaten by the master. She was just a subordinate, and the subordinate was not qualified to eat these. If she ate, if someone knew, I have to break her leg.

Anan walked out and closed the door, while Shen Qingci picked up one of the bowls, and then moved most of the dishes into the bowl.

She hid the bowl, and then ate other things.

It’s strange to say that she used to eat like medicine. A bowl of rice can only eat the bottom of the bowl, which is really not much. But today, it is rare for her to eat one or two more meals. , Of course, I feel that today’s meal is much better.

When Anan was clearing the table, she realized that Shen Qingci had eaten a lot of it all at once, and every dish had been touched. She finally breathed a sigh of relief. I'm really afraid that if this person doesn't taste good, he will starve to death. When the master comes back, her skin will not be stripped by the master.

Of course, when she asked her to clean up the dishes, she didn't notice that there was a big bowl missing.

The night breeze blew into the house, Brandon let go of his hand, and also sat in the corner. He looked at the bright moon outside the window, and his black eyes were always calm as snow.

Suddenly, he heard a sound in his ear.

And he looked at a certain place. After a while, a person crawled out of there, and the moonlight outside was not too bright, and he could see what was inside, so he wouldn't fall.

After Shen Qingci crawled in, he picked up the bowl that was on the ground. There was another bowl on the bowl, which was also free of soil.

She came over quickly, but she didn't see the person.

And she was stunned for a moment, it was impossible that the person had already left, and thinking of this, her nose was sour for no reason.

"Are you looking for me?"

The sudden sound also shocked her inexplicably, and the surprise in her eyes was not hidden.

Brandon sat in the corner of the wall. He couldn't move too much. An iron chain locked his body here. He couldn't go anywhere except the specific distance of this room.

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