Bro Hengsi took Shen Qingci on his back, and walked forward step by step. Zhefeng had already found someone. As for Qi Yuan, he was not in a hurry. Qi Yuan is half dead now. They are too late to save Qi Yuan. Maybe they will come after them.

Shen Qingci lay on the shoulders of Brand Hengsi and put his face against his shoulders. The clothes on his body may not have been changed for a few days, and there was some dirty smell on his body, but she did not A little bit of dislike, even this kind of smell, it smells so nice and so kind.

It's really kind and kind.

Really touched, very touched.

She couldn't help but sucked her nose lightly, and the tears from the corners of her eyes rolled down unknowingly, and then penetrated into his clothes. The step of branding stopped, and then continued to walk forward. , Step by step, walking the road of his life.

Perhaps this road has always been full of twists and turns, and it is also full of all kinds of thorns and dangers, but they are still like this, walking step by step. Go away step by step.

And they will continue to walk until they can't move anymore.

As he walked along, he was also talking to Bian Shen Qingci about what happened in his year. In fact, what he said was very simple. In just a few words, it was his year. Shen Qingci lost one month's worth. Memory, but he has lost his own year.

It turns out that he actually survived that way. It turns out that he lost a year of time.

It turned out that they also missed so much.

Shen Qingci buried his face on his neck and was also absorbing the wetness from his body. There was a slight sour smell on his body, but she still felt that the breath smelled very good and very peaceful.

I don’t know how long they have been walking. They heard the call of a golden eagle suddenly above their heads. Branding knew that this was Evergreen and they had arrived.

Branding stopped, and heard the sound of a horse-drawn carriage in the depths of the forest. The golden eagle was still roaring in the air, and they were already flying over.

Time is faint and close. In a person's dream, Xu Ye is a moment, when he wakes up again, he finds that all this is already Canghai Sangtian.


A soft meow came, and Shen Qingci seemed to be quarreled, she reached out and pushed instinctively.


There was another sound.

Some people who are also noisy can't sleep well, especially the hairy itchy on their faces.

"Miao Miao."

"Don't make noise!"

She grumbled. She is very sleepy now, just wanting to sleep well, and she has forgotten how long she has not slept well. It seems that it has been several years, even in Taoyuan. It should be so.

Her people have always been flustered, and her heart has always been restless, even in her sleep, everything is red, gray and boundless, and gray is boundless and shadowless.

At this time, she was sleeping so peacefully that even he himself had forgotten.


There is another sound,

Miaomiao, Shen Qingci opened his eyes abruptly, and that's what came to mind.

When she sat up, she saw Miaomiao lying on one side, still looking like a small white ball, her round eyes were very beautiful, and her body was washed and sprayed, just except.

She stretched out her hand and also hugged Miaomiao, only to find that the little guy seemed to have gained some weight.

"What's the matter with you?"

Shen Qingci touched the hair on Miaomiao's body. She often heard that people grow into skinny heads, but why do cats also?

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