And Shen Dingshan continued to frown, already filling his stomach with three pots of tea, still can’t taste the first cup of tea, and in the end he can only give up, and drink it again, no matter how good it is Tea will distend the stomach.

He will come to drink again tomorrow.

"By the way, are you going to see if your sister is there?"

This is what Shen Dingshan remembered. Looking at him, he had forgotten all the big things in order to drink a pot of good tea.

"Your sister is pregnant again." He touched his mustache.

This is your sister's tenth child. This child must be a granddaughter.

Shen Qingci blinked.

It’s finally the tenth birth. Her eldest sister gave birth to children like a mother hunting. She is really well-known in the world if she wants to come. It just so happens that she brought back these medicines this time, although she can’t make her eldest sister live as long as a hundred, but It’s not impossible to keep fit.

However, these medicines are really too few, otherwise, it would be better to have a few more pills.

Shen Dingshan talked to his daughter for a while, and he still had to wait for his son-in-law to come back, but after waiting for a long time, he himself was annoyed, and he was a little bit unable to sit while sitting, so he also said that tomorrow He came here for tea, anyway, his son-in-law did not come here once or twice. During the period, he lived here for a few months, and he was treated like his own.

After Shen Qingci personally sent Shen Dingshan, this was the return with Miaomiao, and when she returned to the house, she thought that she seemed to have forgotten a person.

Qiuniang walked in with her daughter, and when she saw Shen Qingci inside, she felt a little scared, because she didn't know what the **** did she do?

"Come here both."

Shen Qingci reached out to Shuangshuang.

It’s true that this is a new-born calf that doesn’t have a pot. Compared to Qiuniang, both are more courageous, and she also likes it very much. The houses here are big, and the people here are beautiful, and there are so many delicious foods every day. The things, compared to their village, are really much more fun.

Shuangshuang walked over obediently, and also stood in front of Shen Qingci.

Shen Qingci touched the top of her hair, and then took a snack for her to eat, "Shuangshuang, you go outside and play for a while, my sister has something to say to your mother."

"En," Shuangshuang took a snack, then cleverly clicked his little head, and then went outside to play.

But Qiuniang was still standing there, her back stiff and her hands sweating.

She came back in another carriage, a few days later than Shen Qingci, and here, she didn’t know what to do every day, although she didn’t worry about eating and drinking, she was still concerned about her future. I don't know the fate, but feel uneasy and panic.

"sit down."

Shen Qingci pointed to the chair on one side and was playing with Miao Miao. Of course, Miao Miao was also used as a heater, and Miao Miao obediently used it as a heater for the owner. It closed its eyes and heard it snore for a while. sound.

Qiuniang sat on the chair uneasy now.

It's just that her anxiety is now on her face.

However, Shen Qingci remained calm, and she didn't know what her heart thought. Her temperament in this life is too weird and unpredictable, because of the memory of her two lives being together.

So when Qiuniang faced someone like this who couldn't see through, she was obviously at a disadvantage. When people let her come, she came, let her go, she left, maybe let her die, she would die too.

Following our last unfinished words, Shen Qing resigned, but it also caused Qiuniang to fight a cold war without realizing it.

"Last time, what did you say?"

Shen Qingci lifted his eyelids and glanced at it too, but this glance caused Qiuniang to swallow all the words back, and could only listen, but could not answer.

"I saved both you and Shuangshuang, so you owe me two lives."

Qiuniang nodded, "It is true."

"Saving grace, Yongquan will return," Shen Qingci stroked the white rabbit fur on Miao Miao's body with his fingers. The tentacles are really soft and warm.

Qiuniang couldn't speak, because she couldn't refute, that was the case.

"Now is the time for you to repay."

Shen Qing suddenly smiled. It was obvious that she was a fairy concubine, but it made Qiuniang feel a little cold. She couldn't help looking out. When the spring light came in, everything grew, but why did it have such a thing? Cold wind?

When Qiuniang came out, when the outside wind was blowing on her, she had a cold war, and almost all of her clothes were soaked.

"Mother..." Shuangshuang ran over, also grabbing Qiuniang's hand.

Qiuniang pushed back the tears in her eyes, and finally squeezed her daughter's little hand, but she was unconsciously sad.

Shen Qingci said, I saved your mother and daughter, so your life is mine.

So, she said, then you are married.

Qiuniang couldn't help but touched her arm. It turned out that it was so cold.

Soon after, Chang Geng walked into the house and saw Shen Qingci sitting on the side holding Miao Miao, and didn't know what he was thinking?

"Madam looking for a longer watch?"

Chang Geng arched his hand, "I wonder if Madam has any instructions?"


Shen Qingci raised his head and glanced at him, then asked.

"Longer, how old are you?"

"Twenty to six longer."

Chang Geng said about his age. Among the four, he was the longest with the son, and of course the oldest.

"That's so..." Shen Qingci's sudden silence made Chang even feel a little weird. Could it be that this lady wants to mess with the mandarin duck score again?

But I have to say that he may really be the truth.

"Long watch, you should also have a family."

Naturally, Shen Qingci was not joking, she was very serious about it.

At such an age, he should indeed be married.

Branding can't manage these, she is a little boring, so let's take care of it.

Changgen stood there, like a stone, with no expression on his face, just such a stinky look, pulling a face every day, to be honest, with such a temperament, it is strange to marry a wife.

No woman wants to marry a stone as his wife.

"How about I help you find a house wife?"

Shen Qingci half propped up her face, and the light from outside fell on her body, which made her breath more elegant. She was nineteen years old, but how could this face look like ten Like four or five years old.

Never changed.

"Madam, the longest doesn't want to get married."

Chang Geng replied stiffly, but also refused. He didn't want to be married. Once he was guarding the son, he was guarding for the rest of his life.

"But, I always choose for you."

Shen Qingci narrowed his eyes, "Long watch, this kiss, you must be successful."

She is not discussing with him, this is an order, it is that people always have to become biological children, she can't really let them be a bachelor for a lifetime.

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